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Friday, March 09, 2012

HR 347 Signed on March, 8th 2012

My e-mail to the President, and all of my Representatives:

Dear Mr. President, I, as a life-long democrat, didn't think that our president could do anything worse to destroy the U.S. Constitution and american civil liberties than it did with the passage of the NDAA, until now. I cannot fathom why you have signed HR 347 into law when the right to protest is sewn within the very fabric of America's greatness. You are allowing our country to be destroyed in the name of terrorism; with these laws, I say that the terrorist have won by default. I am ashamed that I gave birth to children who will witness the lawful destruction of America the free, and the birth of America the Communist. Shame on you, Sir.


HR347 The Bill That Ends The Right To Assemble

This bill works to further outlaw the American citizen's right to assemble, and protest the way that our government is conducting business in OUR names. Please go HERE to sign a petition to have President Obama veto this bill. The anti-American laws that are being passed are forever changing the foundation upon which our nation was built upon, and it is OUR DUTY as American citizens to do everything within our power to stop it.

It is these very laws that make the terrorist the winners by default. They are stripping away our rights by using fear tactics as their sword. By taking away our rights to protest, they are leaving the American people only one choice left to keep our government a government that still belongs to the people, and in the end, when all else has failed, the final option left to us will be civil war. That may sound extreme, but ask the people in Iraq, and many other nations who have had their countries hijacked, and had no laws to protect them so that they may peaceably assemble and fight for their rights in a non-violent manner. Some people laugh and even verbally insult protesters, but it is those people who are ignorant of the value of the right to protest, and the ability it has to prevent a nation from otherwise having to wage war against it's government to achieve representation within their government. Think about it people.

*Just my Thoughts*

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

War Against Women

Make no mistake people, the Republican party is waging a war on women, and all of their medical rights. Trying to ban abortion hasn't been good enough, now they are trying to make it difficult, if not impossible for some of the nation's poorer women, to be able obtain birth control. I wonder if they take into account how high the number of abortions would rise if they are successful in making birth control more difficult for women to get, not to mention the rise in sexually transmitted diseases. Republicans just do not think. Case in point, the cost that America would incur just in caring for those additional people who would be infected with HIV would be astronomical; then add the number of unwanted children, abandoned to foster care, or added to the welfare system by mothers who weren't prepared to become a parent, those alone could pay for birth control for decades, perhaps even a century.

These people are why the fight to keep church and state separate must never waiver. They say that they want smaller government, except for when it comes to personal rights, and if they had their way, they would make premarital sex a felony, for women, and homosexuals would be imprisoned for life. It is every Americans DUTY to keep a close eye on our government, state and federal, and do what we must to keep this nation the free and sovereign nation it was meant to be, a nation not only for freedom OF religion, but of freedom FROM religion.

*Just my Thoughts*
