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Friday, June 30, 2006


I know, I know, it's corny...

One of the sad facts of paltalk life is that liberals and progressives will never really have any true competition. When the best the conservatives have to offer is people like Vic Ferrari, Virginia_1776, and MosesKnows, you're guaranteed to see nothing but blowouts. When Notre Dame scores 174 points by halftime against East Bumfuck U., that is the scale of these match-ups.

Nothing compares, however, to the intellectual wreckage that is S_LINK90. Imagine you're cloning human beings, and you're forced to reuse the same DNA for hundreds of generations. The crippled, slope-browed humanoid that shambles out of the Gene-O-Tron would obliterate S_LINK90 on Celebrity Jeopardy, and that's playing against Sean Connery. How is it possible for a sentient being to write a post about 2 political topics, and get EVERY FACT wrong? You'd almost have to be trying to be so stupid, and I'd almost believe LINK's idiocy is a giant practical joke, except I've heard him speak. You all know that he is, if anything, dumber than rock salt.

First, LINK tries to opine on the media's discussion of our monitoring of suspicious banking transactions. He has apparently only heard about this New York Times story from the terminally flaccid Rush Limbaugh or other right wing blogs. Had he seen any real news, he'd know, as we all do, that the SWIFT banking program discussed in the NYT was NOT classified, and the NYT did not reveal and operational details. Bush himself has talked publicly about tracking terrorist financing. As Richard Clarke said today in an op-ed titled "A Secret The Terrorists Already Knew":

The current debate about United States monitoring of transfers over the Swift international financial system strikes us as a case of over-reaction by both the Bush administration and its critics.
So, too, however, are the Bush administration's protests that the press revelations about the financial monitoring program may tip off the terrorists. Administration officials made the same kinds of complaints about news media accounts of electronic surveillance. They want the public to believe that it had not already occurred to every terrorist on the planet that his telephone was probably monitored and his international bank transfers subject to scrutiny. How gullible does the administration take the American citizenry to be?
While this was not news to terrorists, it may, it appears, have been news to some Americans, including some in Congress. But should the press really be called unpatriotic by the administration, and even threatened with prosecution by politicians, for disclosing things the terrorists already assumed?

In the end, all the administration denunciations do is give the press accounts an even higher profile. If administration officials were truly concerned that terrorists might learn something from these reports, they would be wise not to give them further attention by repeatedly fulminating about them.

There is, of course, another possible explanation for all the outraged bloviating. It is an election year. Karl Rove has already said that if it were up to the Democrats, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi would still be alive. The attacks on the press are part of a political effort by administration officials to use terrorism to divide America, and to scare their supporters to the polls again this year. The administration and its Congressional backers want to give the impression that they are fighting a courageous battle against those who would wittingly or unknowingly help the terrorists. And with four months left before Election Day, we can expect to hear many more outrageous claims about terrorism — from partisans on both sides. By now, sadly, Americans have come to expect it.

Clarke asks an interesting question. How stupid does Bush think Americans are? Well, if LINK represents the mean intelligence of a Bush supporter, then they are very stupid indeed. The WSJ published the same story the NYT did, but since the WSJ is conservative, LINK doesn't attack them. Many reporters are now coming forward with statements made by Bush and other administration officials that revealed far more than the NYT ever did. That is the pattern of Bush's team. Leak info when it helps them (Valerie Plame, prewar intel to Judy Miller), and howl when disclosures hurt them politically. They don't care about our safety. they only care about attacking political opponents. Just like LINK.

LINK also makes an ass of himself talking about John Murtha. This despicable swiftboating of Murtha is the lowest Republican slime yet. LINK repeats the claim that Murtha said that the US was the greatest threat to world peace. Oh really? Here is the Sun-Sentinel's retraction:

Correction: An article in Sunday's editions misinterpreted a comment from U.S. Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., at a town hall meeting in North Miami on Saturday. In his speech, Murtha said U.S. credibility was suffering because of continued U.S. military presence in Iraq ,and the perception that the U.S. is an occupying force. Murtha was citing a recent poll, by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, that indicates a greater percentage of people in 10 of 14 foreign countries consider the U.S. in Iraq a greater danger to world peace than any threats posed by Iran or North Korea.

How about that. Murtha wasn't saying what HE thought, he was talking about a poll of world opinion. And well he should, since the image we have overseas affects how much cooperation and support we get in the War on Terrorism. I don't expect LINK to understand that. Holy shit, LINK, are you brain damaged or something? How could you write such a stupid post when the retraction was already out there? This is just further proof of how the right wing operates, and its effect on intellectual lightweights like LINK. The right wingers trumpet a story like this to the heavens, but do you ever hear them trumpet the retraction just as loudly? Hardly. And idiots like LINK suffer, because they are too stupid to seek out the truth, and so they are left with the lie alone. No wonder LINK still supports Bush. As far as he knows, Bush is doing a great job! Where would LINK ever find out that Bush is really a terrible president, possibly the worst in American history? Fox News sure as hell isn't going to tell him.

LINK, in all seriousness, politics is not for you. You don't have the ability to seek out reality under all the spin. Republicans lie to you and you swallow the mounds of shit like it was ambrosia. You are best suited for a life of manual labor, or possibly as a food source for your overlords. Just a modest proposal...



Not a funny video, but a must see!!!!


I couldn't make this stuff up :o)


Today in PeeWee's Playhouse, I mean, 2 way Politics the secret word is "bitch slap"

Today Bush was Bitch slapped by the Supreme Court.


Bayarea1979 bitch slapped Jay_156


Jesus Claus Butch Slapped S_link90


Oh man, after all that yelling, my throat hurts!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Our newest correspondent, Livid, has sent over his latest story from the Maginot line that is 2 Way Street Politics:

I’ve been troubled of late because of chat room conversation in the political rooms surrounding issues of virtually no import, and certainly no relevance to the topics being discussed in the rooms, ie. politics. While all sorts of individuals including liberals, moderates, conservatives, neocons, etc. are guilty of this, the lapse seems to have overtaken some more than others. Virginia1776 is a prime example.

Recently I saw a debate between her and one of the roomies in both text and the mic that extended itself to what seemed like a couple of hours. The topic? Some sort of disagreement about “measurement” terms, exponential vs. logarithmic, as I recall. Afterward she even put some inane response in her blog that she then posted in the room, apparently hoping it would be read. Her blog made no sense at all, nor did it even seem to deliver any real point except her claim she was right and her combatant was wrong, but it appears she is more interested in endless debate about topics of “suspect” relevance, caring not a whit about if it adds value to the room, or interest to others. It seems she is more interested in the “appearance” she is right, no matter the topic, much as a small child will argue indefinitely and selfishly about some self centered matter that is of niggling importance.

I’ve often seen her completely misinterpret what speakers or text writers say, simply to provide herself with a reason to initiate an argument that has little or nothing to do with any topic at hand, and that certainly does nothing at all to make any sort of progress toward a productive environment. While it’s true she’s emotionally a child, she’s not stupid. It is very difficult to believe she can be so diametrically in opposition to the true meaning and content of words spoken and written in simple language without doing it intentionally and disingenuously. Yesterday it was my turn in the box with the child, and while it’s not my first time, I am very much aware I am not alone in that respect. I’ve learned over time simply just to tune her out, even while she throws little tantrums about not being paid enough attention, when she resorts to insults and expletives and degrading comments in an attempt to gain your response to whatever miniscule issue she wishes to discuss. The scene was as follows:

The conversation in 2 Way Street Politics, both in text and at the mic, generally centered around Iraq, Iran, Israel, and the Middle East as it relates to war and terrorism. Tossed into the mix were comments about the difficulties in Africa regarding refugees, and the civil strife that permeates the area, as well as associated commentary about the US policies as they relate to these regions and their problems. It was a serious conversation, addressing lost lives and resources of shattering nature that deserve the attention of all of us.

The next thing I know, Virginia makes the claim in text that the Roman Empire was tolerant of “other” religions during its reign. I’m guessing it was in response to someone who disagreed with her on some small matter. How she concluded this issue could supersede the topic at hand’s vital importance is beyond my comprehension for anyone with even the most minimal awareness. Since we know Caesar and various incarnations of Roman rulers were thought to be Gods of a sort and to be worshiped “above” any religion or God, I responded in text something to the affect, “Yeah, that whole crucifixion of Christ ‘thingie” was very tolerant!” Having seen her attempts to distract from the very real issues of the day, I’d tired of her flights of fantasy enough to have responded in that manner. Well, that set Virginia askew and the churlishly crude and patronizing reaction from her was quick and not unexpected. That’s what she does when she’s confronted with the truth. She attacks. By the way, that reaction happens to fall within one of the principle reactions of fascism, to attack, knowing full well she was wrong, but to attack nevertheless, basically ignoring all evidence in order to “appear” to be right. It’s also the method of a self-centered mind.

We know the Romans allowed Christ to be killed, and could easily have disallowed it. After all, they were the masters of the Jews and the High Priest(s) held sway at the largesse of Rome. We know the Romans had a “problem” with Christianity because of its belief in only one God. The Romans had a religion of their own, not based on any central belief, but on a mixture of fragmented rituals, taboos, superstitions, and traditions which they collected over the years from a number of sources. They simply did not trust another religion so different from their own, and like modern cultures, persecuted that which they did not understand.

Not long after the death of Christ, edicts were written and enforced which severely persecuted Christians by ordering churches destroyed, books burned, priests jailed, and even household servants deprived of their liberty if they persisted in professing Christian belief. Christians were forbidden to assemble and were placed outside the law. Those who refused to sacrifice to the gods were imprisoned, tortured, and killed. There’s that whole Christian and lion thing we’ve all been taught about as well. About 300 years (or a bit more) after Christ’s death, Rome determined a more liberal policy toward Christians, mostly because of a couple of incidents.

First, the Roman ruler Galerius issued an edict shortly before his death in which he explained the persecution and then granted tolerance to the Christian religion. He believed his fatal illness was the vengeance of the Christian God. Second, while on his way to Rome with his army to battle Maxentius for control of the western empire, Constantine saw a cross in the sky over the sun, with the message, "In This Conquer." He ordered his soldiers to mark on their shields the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ (chi, rho) and put a cross-bar on their flag staffs to make them resemble Christian crosses. He was victorious in battle at the Milvian Bridge over the Tiber River and considered his victory confirmation of his decision to endorse Christianity. However, a couple of years later, the tolerance begun by these events fell into disfavor with changing politics and rulers within Rome, and it was back to square one again, and off and on this went for a period of time, along with other events too complex and numerous for this writing.

In any case, rather than embark on a never ending argument with Virginia, I simply ignored her, absorbing the taunts she threw without response. Yes, it annoyed her no end, but like the child who throws the tantrum, or holds its breath, she eventually tired of it. However, I came away from her assault, one among many perpetrated upon me and others with some distressing observations. That distress is based not on anything so much as my concern for helpful, productive dialog in chat rooms ostensibly formed to discuss and seek solutions to the problems in the world today. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I always felt these rooms were there to assist us in the consideration of important and critical issues of the world, to allow the free flow of ideas and opinions in order that we can better educate ourselves and one another so that we can be better citizens of our country and of the world, and so we can contribute what we can to that end, both within the chat rooms, and in our daily lives.

I see Virginia’s obsession with arguing simply to be noticed, only to satisfy her own need, to gratify some childish set of emotions, as being an obstacle to that. I realize she’s very young, has almost no experience beyond the protected shell of her existence heretofore, and I recall possessing a somewhat similar lack of character and maturity when I was much younger than her. However, she’s now in her early twenties, and perhaps it’s time for her to learn things that books cannot teach. Consider this. While the chat room was involved in a discussion of issues that threaten hundreds of thousands of lives, either because of violence or famine or disease or displacement of entire cultures, Virginia wanted to debate whether the Roman Empire was tolerant or not. I made it very clear I didn’t wish to pursue her agenda, but she was like the puppy with a bone she would not and could not relinquish.

Where is the maturity of priority? Certainly by now she should have begun to understand adults cannot cling to childish ways, and in order to truly gain wisdom, must relinquish that which is self-serving and prideful, to another level of thought, more complex and textured, with more depth and volume, which can and does allow for one to grow to be a much stronger, much wiser, more productive human being. She does not yet know the joys of this expansion of mind and spirit, and so therefore knows not what she misses by eluding it, and perhaps she’ll end up like a lot of others we’ve seen who have passed through these rooms, and may never feel the elation of truth and moral knowledge that is within us all if we seek it. Unless and until she opens herself to this, she cannot realize but a fraction of her potential, nor anything but a fraction of the happiness it can and does bring.

If her behavior were infrequent, it could be dismissed as lapses in judgment or temporary backsliding into immaturity. However, it happens much too often for that to be true. It’s intentional and she endeavors to force her agenda on others any time she finds the opportunity. The key is to avoid providing her that opportunity. A tip here for those of you with compassion for someone such as Virginia, whether you’re a friend or just someone interested in helping others overcome their own self inflicted obstacles in the hopes than humankind can improve their lot. She will continue to be stuck in the mire of her own making unless she begins to see the affect of her behavior upon herself. The best way to do that is to avoid conversation with her (until she “gets” it) when she falls into her self-serving routine. What do parents do when their children act out? They give them a time out because a kid hates not being able to socialize more than anything. That’s the only way Virginia will learn as well. Anything else simply feeds the consuming behavior that is already rapidly becoming second nature to her.

This behavior will not serve her well when eventually she is forced to confront the real world.If you truly have compassion for her (and others, some of whom are even older than her), you’ll demonstrate the same limitations parents do with their children, hoping you can provide them with the tools they need to be productive and happy adults in a world so badly in need of wisdom and understanding. No, you don’t need to be rude to her; just don’t nourish her lack of decency by doing what she wants you to do. Just don’t get caught up in the distraction she seeks to burden you with. She’s very good at trickery though, which is something one can fall into if you’re not alert. We all have our pride and ego, and she works on that. Whatever the reason for her stunted emotional growth, it is disruptive to productive and progressive activity, and ultimately is harmful to her. For her own good and the good of the room, as well as for the good that can go beyond the chat rooms, in the long term, it’s a far better thing you do by helping her now, than to continue to allow her to go down a road to nowhere, a road without soul, without peace, without wisdom, without growth, and without truly understanding love and consideration for others.

Contributed by: Livid

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Ok I have proof Bushie is slow....or maybe he is drunk? Yuu decide (BTW this is another humor clip :o) )

Don't forget to check out my other blog Asininities


I know what you've all been thinking: "Hey, Jesus Claus, what about The Perry Bible Fellowship?" OK, stop whining, you big baby:



I know, I know I don't post for a while and now I'm posting two a day lol.
Another fun clip to start your day with

Don't forget to check out my other blog Asininities

Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Well Guys I just figured that I would post a couple of links for us all to get a laugh and relax a bit (can I help it if it is at the expense of bushie?) Click on the subtitles and have some fun.

Curious George

Bush Insults a Blind Reporter


Don't forget to check out my other blog Asininities


This is A Softer World. If you don't get it, there is no way I can explain it to you.


Monday, June 26, 2006


crabfisherman: The Aussies have shot more of each other than the Enemy
crabfisherman: No doubt
crabfisherman: You Aussies are suicidial
crabfisherman: Blowing your own heads off becasue your afraid of the enemy
crabfisherman: Not my fault The Australian SAS is killing itself
crabfisherman: More suicides than combat kills
crabfisherman: What a fucked up bunch
crabfisherman: They are used to parades, not fighting
crabfisherman: a sas guy, then he shot himself On
crabfisherman: you gotta bone a lot of bitches before you find the right one
crabfisherman: Your wife is banging younger guy
crabfisherman: Someone is giving her the orgasms you didn't
crabfisherman: sew the pussy shut
crabfisherman: women are like cars, once the new car smell is gone, trade it in


Well it seems that once again the issue of burning a flag is at the front line of the GOP. Yes ladies and gentlemen once again there is a possibility that burning a flag will be a criminal offense.

Now I know this is a touchy subject for some, but please be patience and hear me out.

I can see how nationalism can bring some to say that is my flag I don't want to see it disgraced or the such, but lets take a step back look at what the flag is. The flag is made of material with colors red, white and blue. Also the flag has 50 stars upon to represent the 50 states that make up the United States. Now I wonder how many people know how many stripes are on the flag and what they represent, or for that matter how many know who designed the US flag.

Next I would like people to stop and reflect on what the flag was to mean, what is it purpose. Was the flag purpose to be cause of imprisonment? Perhaps the purpose was to limit freedoms, such as freedom of speech or expression? Maybe the flag purpose was always to restrict liberties?

Now I know some might be thinking I'm being very silly here but honestly this is what I feel the attempt to make flag burning illegal is relaying to many different people across the world.

We know (at least I hope we do) what the flag truly was to represent and still is to represent: freedom and liberty, correct? The flag a symbol of those very important rights. It seems to me to make burning the flag illegal once again is to step on the very rights the flag is to represent. As a very wise man (Thomas Jefferson) once said "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."

In the present states of these times it seems very risky and downright wrong to allow any liberties to be infringed upon. Too many freedoms are slowly being restricted if not totally being disregarded. A true patriot would not want flag burning to be illegal regardless of their personal beliefs of the subject. See freedoms and liberties are not to be just how one wants them to be. Freedom and liberty is for all even for those that go against your thoughts and ideas. One cannot limit freedoms for some and allow them for other just because they are in agreement with yours. That is not freedom!!!!

Here's a bit of history on flag burning: 1897\Adoption of State Flag Desecration Statutes -- By the late 1800's an organized flag protection movement was born in reaction to perceived commercial and political misuse of the flag. After supporters failed to obtain federal legislation, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota became the first States to adopt flag desecration statutes. By 1932, all of the States had adopted flag desecration laws. In general, these State laws outlawed: (i) placing any kind of marking on the flag, whether for commercial, political, or other purposes; (ii) using the flag in any form of advertising; and (iii) publicly mutilating, trampling, defacing, defiling, defying or casting contempt, either by words or by act, upon the flag. Under the model flag desecration law, the term "flag" was defined to include any flag, standard, ensign, or color, or any representation of such made of any substance whatsoever and of any size that evidently purported to be said flag or a picture or representation thereof, upon which shall be shown the colors, the stars and stripes in any number, or by which the person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag of the U.S.

1907\Halter v. Nebraska (205 U.S. 34) -- The Supreme Court held that although the flag was a federal creation, the States' had the authority to promulgate flag desecration laws under their general police power to safeguard public safety and welfare.

Halter involved a conviction of two businessmen selling "Stars and Stripes" brand beer with representations of the U.S. flag affixed to the labels. The defendants did not raise any First Amendment claim.

1931\Stromberg v. California (283 U.S. 359) -- The Supreme Court found that a State statute prohibiting the display of a "red flag" as a sign of opposition to organized government unconstitutionally infringed on the defendant's First Amendment rights. Stromberg represented the Court's first declaration that "symbolic speech" was protected by the First Amendment.

1942\Federal Flag Code (36 U.S.C. 171 et seq.) -- On June 22, 1942, President Roosevelt approved the Federal Flag Code, providing for uniform guidelines for the display and respect shown to the flag. The Flag Code does not prescribe any penalties for non-compliance nor does it include any enforcement provisions, rather it functions simply as a guide for voluntary civilian compliance.

1943\West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette (319 U.S. 624) -- The Supreme Court held that public school children could not be compelled to salute the U.S. flag. In a now famous passage, Justice Jackson highlighted the importance of freedom of expression under the First Amendment:

Freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order. If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion or other matters of opinion.

The very first federal flag desecration law was in 1968 in response to a highly publicized Central Park flag burning incident in protest of the Vietnam War. The federal law made it illegal to "knowingly" cast "contempt" upon "any flag of the United States by publicly mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning or trampling upon it." The law defined flag in an expansive manner similar to most States.

1989\Texas v. Johnson (491 U.S. 397) -- The Supreme Court upheld the Texas Court of Criminal appeals finding that Texas law -- making it a crime to "desecrate" or otherwise "mistreat" the flag in a way the "actor knows will seriously offend one or more persons" -- was unconstitutional as applied. This was the first time the Supreme Court had directly considered the applicability of the First Amendment to flag burning.

See what gets to me is that politicians knows how to pull at the heart strings of the American citizen and they do so with no shame at all. I hope that no one would want to go back to the era of Vietnam war when people were arrested for daring to practice their rights to protest and speak their minds. Freedom is for all not just a selected few and no one has ever said freedom was easy. True freedom means to sometimes have to hear and/or see things that they themselves would never be able to do. Freedom is not to limit all that another might find offensive, for what seems right to you might seem wrong to another.

So please I implore you to think a bit on this before allowing your nationalism to get the better of you, for isn't freedom what we all want?


Well it seems that there is an anonymous poster that like to lurk at blogs and been as intelligent as they can be. By intelligent I mean rude, shallow, uneducated and funny to read. Now the Anonymous poster has gone beyond The Rattler to other blogs linked to writers here at The Rattler.

I mean the poster is just so witty. Imagine someone saying a history blog is boring!!!! I mean I thought everyone know that history is nothing but excitement and fun. What is such a shame is how this anonymous poster is so hmmm maybe ashamed to be able to post their name. Now personally I would love to thank this anonymous poster for being so wise as to be able to post comments. I mean let's be honest where would we get our daily dose of humor without the ever present scared anonymous?

Now I got to admit when I see a comment posted by anonymous I get my popcorn ready for my comedy show of the day. So anonymous poster I want to encourage you wondrous use of words to the world of blogs, cause we all know laughter keeps the world young.

Now I do know that at times one feels the need to not disclose their identity for personal reasons, maybe fear of attack or maybe they are in a hurry. But when one post as an anonymous poster just to be rude and to spew forth lies, spin, and their oh so helpful suggestions it makes me wonder why are they hiding? I mean wouldn't you think that one that has such a 'loud' opinion want to shout from the rooftops it is them that is so witty.

Come anonymous poster fill me in. Share with the world of blog why you have such a need to hide always when it is so obvious you are the master at wit.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Can't get law and order, can't get electricity, can't get water supplies, human shit flows in the streets, can't rebuild bombed infrastructure, can't travel in safety, can't get medical treatment, can't get schools rebuilt, can't bring dead children back, can't get rid of these fucking invaders! But we can break all production records in our extortion of Iraq! I still remember the triumphant look in Bushs' beady little eyes when he announced "The southern oilfields are secured!" Meanwhile ammunition dumps were left to be looted, arming the most radical people in Iraq, which Saddam never allowed. Meanwhile treasures of antiquity, so carefully guarded for thousands of years, were left to looters and vandals. The most heavily guarded facility in Iraq was the Ministry of oil building, the nerve centre for Iraqs oil machine. With all of the above in mind, please read this article:

Iraq oil output hits record level
From: Agence France-Presse
June 26, 2006

IRAQ'S oil production is now over 2.5 million barrels a day, a record since the fall of Saddam Hussein, the country's oil minister said overnight.Oil Minister Hussein Shahristani said on US television that Iraq hopes to be producing 4.3 million barrels by 2010 and to be challenging Saudi Arabia as the world's largest producer by 2015.
Production was about 2.5 million barrels a day when president Saddam Hussein was deposed by US-led forces in 2003. It then collapsed to virtually nothing and has been slow to rebuild because of insurgent attacks and other problems.
In an interview with CNN television, Mr Shahristani emphasised that only one month and three days after the Iraqi government took office, "we have been able to break a record".
"Today's oil production was in excess of 2.5 million barrels a day. And that's a record since the fall of Saddam's regime in April 2003," he told CNN's Late Edition program.
He said Iraq hopes to increase production to 2.7 million barrels by the end of the year and to 4.3 million barrels by 2010, which would be a new all-time record for Iraq. The minister said Iraq's highest oil production was 3.5 million barrels a day.
"Our ultimate aim is to reach more than six million barrels a day, hopefully by 2012.
"And needless to say, Iraq holds one of the largest reserves of oil and gas in the world, and we are determined to prove it has the largest world reserve."


Pope Casey IV, a once mighty man of paltalk has fallen into the depths of stupidness. Once, I used to admire him for his bold, unchanging views and regular beat downs of the Neocon Scum that brings filth to our great nation and clouds up the rooms in the Social Issues section in paltalk. Now, you guys are wondering how this has happened. I was invited to a private room and he was on the mic tearing up some fine americans who are questioning both parties' commitment to the people, and like a rabid bovine he races on the mic to deliever such a personal attack on them that even I had to blush. Not content to stand by, I got on the mic next to set Mr. Casey straight and defend the fine people in there. So how does he respond, he puts me on ignore because I had the nerve to question his blind eye to the democratic party, and how it is just as corrupt as the Neocon party. Basically, Casey got on and told me to go smoke a joint (like i need his permission) and get back on track at the same time he tells everyone that he is putting me on his ignore list for bashing HIS party. How Vic Ferrari of you, Casey.

One thing I noticed on pal world is everyone's fear of being proven wrong when the facts are laid out in front of them. No one gives a shit nowadays that our whole governmental system is tainted due to the fact that this very system has instilled in us this false fear of terrorism and allowed many leaders and multi-billion dollar companies the right to rape us hardworking men and woman of money, programs, rights and other ideals that we are in fact allowed to have in the Bill of Rights. No one but a select few are crying out for justice. So, in turn I decided to tear off the gag and express myself and not use the playbook given me by people like Casey.

On another note, it seems the SLINK 90 is running scared from me. When I go into rooms he is in, he and virginia 1776 (another neocon who gladly opens her legs to the pat robertson/fox news group) hightail out of it real quick. Go figure.

A SHAMELESS PLUG: For all you pro wrestling fans out there, I am currently co-hosting a talk show with a friend of mine called "THE OLD SCHOOL POINT OF VIEW" I invite you guys to come listen to it as, like I do in social issues, I now bring the truth without fear to the world of pro wrestling. The site can be found here: . Feel free to drop us a line or sign our guestbook with comments and questions about the show or wrestling in general.

As always it has been your pleasure.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Episodio Tres

coops_13 - "OH NOES!!! HG Saddam and his army of Morlocks have a Time Machine!!! They're taking French Sarin from 18 months ago and planting it in Tikrit to justify Bush's foolish inva-- Wait, I got confused. He's taking WMD from before 1991 to 2015 to retroactively pre-justify...wait, no, that's not it...he's flying around Earth counterclockwise to reverse the flow of time, thus restoring his Cabernet Sarin-ngon from 2005 to pre-1991...uh...RUN RUN, THE SKY IS FALLING!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!...



Brutelogic last night attacked an IRAQ war Veteran PAUL HACKETT an IRAQ war VET.

Brutelogic: BAY.......I bash anyone thats nuts....
bayarea1979: Brute even iraq war veterans?
Brutelogic: BAY............MURTHA .......another nut
bayarea1979: Brute do you trash IRAQ war vetrans, like PAUL HACKET?
Brutelogic: BAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YES
Brutelogic: this hared
Brutelogic: hard*

Now thats a New LOW for Brute Logic to BASH someone who served in the US military hile the Iraq war was going on!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


There are a few liars on Paltalk. I know, I know, it seems hard to believe, but I assure you, it is true. Oh yes, there are some people who you just can't trust. But the worst kind of liar is one who cannot admit when they've been beaten in a debate. Is it mere coincidence that all of these people are conservatives? I don't think so. And if wingnut Republicans are the mendacious guttersnipes of American politics, then this is their queen:

Virginia_1776: I have never seen a poll that says people trusted a party on every issue...regardless of party
Virginia_1776: Claus: show me a poll that asks shows that most americans TRUST democrats on EVERY issue, as you have so put it

Show you a poll where respondents favor Democrats on every issue? Done:

Confidence In GOP Is At New Low in Poll: Democrats Favored To Address Issues

Public confidence in GOP governance has plunged to the lowest levels of the Bush presidency, with Americans saying by wide margins that they now trust Democrats more than Republicans to deal with Iraq, the economy, immigration and other issues, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll that underscores the GOP's fragile grip on power six months before the midterm elections.


Democrats are now favored to handle all 10 issues measured in the Post-ABC News poll.


By 2 to 1 or better, the public preferred Democrats to handle gas prices and health care. And by double-digit margins, they preferred Democrats to deal with education (23 percentage points), the budget (20 points), the economy (18 points) and protecting privacy (15 points). Democrats also had a 14-point edge on handling Iraq, immigration and taxes.
Only on terrorism did Republicans come close -- though, by 46 to 41 percent, the public still preferred the Democrats.

Well, there you have it. She threw down the gauntlet, and, as the Ninja would say, I picked up the gauntlet and bludgeoned her over the head with it. What were her sanctimonious responses? "Oh, you didn't prove something else you said with this poll." and, "You said ALL issues, not just the ones in the poll."

It is depressing that she has to descend to such mealy-mouthed distractions and blatantly unprincipled concoctions. Virginia knows she has been obliterated, and now scrambles to repair the wreckage.

In the first place, Virginia asked quite clearly for this poll as evidence for whether Americans support Dems on major issues. Whether or not it answers some other point we were arguing is immaterial. Ask me for evidence for that other point, and I'll be happy to embarrass you with that too. Secondly, I wonder if Virginia would be able to come up with a more comprehensive list of issues of national import than the one that poll used. Or perhaps, she expects us to provide her a poll that asks EVERY question it is possible to ask. I'm sure THAT poll will be ready twelfth of never.

What is amply demonstrated here is Virginia's lack of maturity and honor. When you're beaten, have the integrity to admit it and move on, V.



I'm a little worried about coops_13. First, we see him on cam in women's lingerie, a silk kimono, and a fake red beret perched atop his head. Think Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs: "It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again!" Now, we get this example of hallucinatory drivel:

coops_13: Give it up liberals ....doesn't matter at this point've been on the wrong side of the war from the begining ...and for 4 yrs ....haven't gained an inch w/ a single issue that's gained any traction for ya

This has got to be the stupidest statement we've seen in a long time on PalTalk, and with JesSeado around, that is no small feat. How can someone be this ignorant? Support for the war has dwindled, most Americans neither support Bush's handling of the war, nor do they believe the invasion was worth the cost.

Look, coops, go on believing what you want. But leave the rest of America out of your delusions.



Listen to the lyrics and learn

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Thanks to the popular and pleasant roomie, Iune_8 for finding this absolutely blood curdling slideshow and speech.


Episode 2

MrArchieBunker - "Liberals shouldn't call conservatives fascists. Calling people fascists is bad and it makes me cry."

Later that day...

MrArchieBunker - "Hey, you Islamofascists, get off my lawn!"



Channel 101 is, as they call it, The Unavoidable Fuure of Entertainment. Ten 5 minute shows go in, only five emerge, and the audience wields the ax. The best of the best is Yacht Rock, having run in Prime Time an impressive 9 straight episodes. You'd better watch this, you'll be sorry when all the cool kids are talking about it and you missed out. Loser.

Oh hell, you've been good this week, here's a bonus show, Twigger's Holiday. See if you can guess which characters are based on S_LINK90:


Monday, June 19, 2006


Episode 1

isabellah-1 - "Vic, I'm not doing your damn book report, so fuck a bunch of you!"

Dr Vic Ferrari - "Aaaah, my testicles!"


Saturday, June 17, 2006


Brutelogic is a source of endless amusement. Today he came charging into the room like a kindergartener, clutching his newest talking point like a Rambo lunchbox. Apparently Matt Drudge, the least credible source on teh internets, pointed Brutie here, to Nancy Pelosi's statement on changing the direction of the country by electing new leadership:

"Our new direction will advance a common agenda, seek common ground, and apply common sense in the service of the common good. We know that with a new direction, we can meet our national challenges in a way that makes our nation stronger, our economy more vibrant, and our families more secure. Instead of record deficits, we will go in this new direction in a fiscally sound way. We will make America more competitive and not heap mountains of debt on future generations."

Twice as he read this on the mic, brutie said, without a hint of irony, physically sound. Oh really, buttlogic? How many pushups can your economy do? Can your economy run a 4 minute mile? Can it swim 1000 yards? Can it climb Mt. Everest? Is it physically sound?

What an idiot you are, brute. The word is fiscally. Fiscally means: Of or relating to government expenditures, revenues, and debt. or, Of or relating to finance or finances.
Physically refers to the type of exhaustion brute feels as he runs to catch the bus while bobbling the box of Krispy Kremes. Fiscally is the type of irresponsible the corrupt Republicans have been for the last 12 years. Get it straight, and someday we may restore your PalTalk debating privileges. Until then, you're cut off, Brutelogic. Now trundle along home before mommy finds out you're gone.



...and I'm not afraid to say so. I realize now, in wasting all my time playing Texas Hold-em Poker Tourneys and humiliating conservatives, I have neglected to share Ask a Ninja with you. My bad.


Friday, June 16, 2006


Bayarea bitch slapping Republicans, oh nevermind, thats John Murtha bitch slapping Republicans!


Get thee behind me, Dumbo

I just heard about this from Thom Hartmann. Try this: go to the RNC website, on the right side click GOP en Espanol, and scroll down. Alternately, type GOP into Google Image Search. Do you see what I see? Why are the stars in the GOP logo upside down? Did they clear this with the Southern Baptist Convention? I know we still have radical right Christian crazies who, to this day, think Satan is among us. And they look for signs like these to confirm their insanities.

Now, I'm an atheist. You can put headless chickens in your logo and it won't bother me, but some of these religious right republicans take "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." very seriously. With the GOP now branded with the pentagram of Satan, is Lynne Cheney safe from the torch-toting villagers?



Dear s link 90,
How dare you come on this blog and post a link to your piece of shit blog that you have with that whore. I am demanding that you stop this at once or you will find yourself banned from making comments on this blog. Also I hear and see your shit in the rooms and you are a fucking foolish man for even trying to come off as an intelligent person. You're a joke even to your own people.
If you dont stop this at once, you will find yourself having to contend with me and you have not seen anything yet.
You have been warned!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


The following is a speech delivered at the YearlyKos convention last weekend. This guy really knows what he's talking about, as well he should, having worked at the DoD as an intel officer:

Good morning. My name is Alex Rossmiller, and I am a former Intelligence Officer for the Department of Defense I left government service because I became convinced that the policies of this administration, and in fact the very grounding of many conservative foreign policy ideals, harm American security and impair American interests.

So far this morning you've heard about what U.S. foreign policy is, and what it is not. You've also heard how Democrats can work to expose the unsuccessful administration efforts, both in strategy and tactics. I would like to briefly articulate the Democratic alternative that is both practical and popular.

The central foreign policy issue for Americans in at least the next two elections is clearly the war in Iraq I spent over six months in Iraq last year, and many more months working the issue at the Pentagon , and it is beyond my comprehension how a reasonable observer could believe anything but the fact that the Iraq war has made the U.S. less safe. It has overstretched our forces, created a lawless area for terrorists to learn their deadly craft, established a constant source of recruiting for militant Islamists across the globe, and destabilized a region on which we depend for economic well-being. Stay the course is a ridiculous notion when the course is wrong. All real Democrats can embrace a single message on Iraq: Change the course. Change the course.


Please, read the whole thing


Monday, June 12, 2006

EXHIBITS 1, 2, 3...

S_LINK90: yes TD ronald has his pants down to his ankles looking at gay porn
S_LINK90: bad ronalds mouth is like a "smoke house",, theres allways meat hanging in it
S_LINK90: bad ronald pokes his finger throught the toilet paper on purpose

This is just a small sampling, Isa. You're just going to have to face it. LINK is constantly thinking about cock. He can't stop talking about it. The guy craves ass play. Don't shoot the messenger.



It looks like we have some new fans. Go check out this vomitus from the mind of S_LINK90. Just a few small quibbles. First, spelling and grammar do matter, linky. People do judge you by how you express yourself, and if we come away with the impression that you flunked out of elementary school after repeating the fourth grade three times, can you blame us?

Second, and this should have been obvious to you, when someone notices that your hostility towards gays is suspicious, well, that's just sad. It was a diagnosis, moron. When your doctor says, "You have cancer," you don't point at him and say, "No, YOU have cancer!"

And finally, our blog has open comments. How about you, pussy-boy?



As the dew melted from the morning sun Bay shifted his hat and rose from the bench.
While making his way to the warm-up circle Bay cleaned off his uniform. Looking through the bats bay chose his favorite stick. After tapping on his cleats, he took two swings to strech his arms.

"Strike three," said the umpire.

Now with two outs Bay knew he could'nt let his team down. The bases were loaded and Liberals were down by 2 in the 9th inning.

As Bay walked up to the batters box, the pitcher of the Conservatives gave him a snarl. Bay smiled.

The crowd was silent as the pitcher checked the bases.

The pitcher threw a fastball down the pipe and bay had his eye on it the whole time. With a steady swing Bay, aimed dead on and the ball flew high in the air.

Over the fence and into the stands the ball landed.

"HOMERUN" the announcer said.

The game was over and the Liberals won once again!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


How are we ever going to have faith in the powers that be, the authorities, in UK and USA when they keep making such unconscionable errors. America has thirteen 'intelligence agencies' and yet either because of reluctance to share information, or arrogance on the part of whomever was the leader of whichever agency, not one of them prevented 9/11. In fact, if I recall - certain high security safety procedures were stood down in the week preceeding this heinous carnage..a day when we all stopped breathing for a few seconds, in numb shock at what unfolded in front of our eyes. The USA citizens spend millions (billions)? on these agencies, should they not be more transparent, more accountable as to where this money goes? We are in the same situation now in England. It was bad enough that Jean Charles de Menezes was followed from his home in a block of flats (the same block of flats where a perceived terrorist resided we were later told) all the way to the tube station, a journey which took him on busy roads, a bus journey, and entrance into a busy tube station. ONLY when he was sitting IN the tube - was he surrounded by armed police, one of whom held him pinned to the seat, whilst another (others)? pumped him full of 11 (ELEVEN) bullets...ending his life. It turned out he was 100% innocent of any crime whatsoever...the police lied about his clothing, he was wearing a denim jacket, not a thick duffel which they said could have hidden a bomb (what - so they let him travel amongst hundreds of people thinking he was carrying a bomb)? he had as much resemblance to the perceived protagonist as an amazonian tree frog would have had...and the excuse given for the mis-identification is that when he left the block of flats, the Policeman who was supposed to check his visage against a photo' was behind a bush relieving himself, ergo missed him leaving! NOW we have two Moslem brothers in Forest Gate, East London, having their home invaded in the early hours by 250 Police (yes, you read that right) one brother being shot in the shoulder as he came down the stairs to see who had smashed his front door in. Having held them in custody for a week, they have been released WITH NO CHARGE. The Policeman who shot one brother, says his weapon went off "by mistake". The home was trashed, the rest of the family shocked, stunned and traumatised. The Police say they were acting on "intelligence" given them by a "reliable source", but now admit, it was groundless. We have MI5 and MI6 (both of whose accounts are not open for public scrutiny, meaning we pay for their existence, but have no idea how they apportion the funds) SAS and whomever else who are supposed to be protecting us. Is it not beyond the wit of the Police to realise that the "reliable source" was probably settling scores or deliberately being polemical to stir the add fuel to the fire of West vs Moslems? When we suffered our 7/11 and hundreds were injured and died in the tube and bus was the day Blair was in Scotland at the Conference with all the other world leaders, taking the cream of our terrorist experts and intelligence personnel with him...leaving London vulnerable..if we could work that out...quite clearly the terrorists could (and did). Can Bush and Blair and their respective Cabinets be more witless? more mendacious? more short sighted? more undeserving of one single penny they receive in remuneration for putting us all in the cross-hairs of every disaffected Islamic insurgent? I say get rid of Ian Blair (the Metropolitan Commissioner) and Tony Blair (our Prime Minster) and perhaps - PERHAPS our children may live to see the next generation...for now, I have never felt more unsafe in my own country. We are being led by idiots. I have NO faith in any of them...none whatsoever. A few months ago I was driving my daughter's boyfriend through Slough, a town nearby where I live....I noticed a black car seemed to be tailing me, it had blacked out windows and it started to concern me - just as I was going to go up a side road, to see if it would keep following, it suddenly burst out in lights all over, the roof, and around the number plate...and a loud hailer shouted out "pull over". I did...and to our shock four heavily armed Police jumped out, ran up to us, and surrounded the car. It was clearly an unmarked Police car. I am obviously totally English, green eyes, blonde hair, pale skin and my daughter's boyfriend is clearly not (in fact he is Moslem) rather tall - 6'4" plus...with olive skin. I wound down the window to be told, after they looked hard at us both..."drive on". I started to ask them why they had stopped us - but was ignored....they just got back in their car - switched all the lights off...and drove away. I hardly think Bin Laden would be visiting Slough! They only had to run my car licence plate through their computers to know who I was..... I was left shaking...though B***** was more my horror, he told me he has been stopped about three times. I want the horrid people to be caught...but thus far, it seems only the innocent are.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


coops_13 just makes it up as he goes along:

coops_13: Poor Kerry ...not once in his response, did he ever thank the US troops --- so damned funny

Statement by John Kerry on the Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi:

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a brutal terrorist and his death strikes a blow to al-Qaeda in Iraq. This ruthless thug who abused the true meaning of Islam was an intruder on Iraqi soil and it’s good news that he’s dead. Our troops did an incredible job hunting him down and destroying him, and all of America is proud of their skill and commitment.

Maybe on Planet Coops, congratulating someone and praising their skill and commitment doesn't constitute thanks, but to the rest of the sane world, of course it does. Now, I'd like to praise coops_13's skill and committment to pulling facts out of his ass. Well done, sir, well done indeed.


Friday, June 09, 2006


So I guess we have all been watching the news lately, although I no longer have home internet access because its simply too damned expensive I still have access to paltalk and blogging through my local public library
my new log on name @ paltalk is PRipley , anyway , .......... I still think bush is a complete failure , the war in Iraq is something we should have never started and its time for his entire administration to resign after they pull all of our troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq. I will have more organized things to say about this over the next few days I am pressed for time at the moment and simply have been too preoccupied as of late with things of personal importance. - GBLP


Can't you just see S_LINK90 out in his garage, ratty overalls streaked with grease, wearing a tiny paper mask as he lays down a coat of paint on his latest restoration job. Unfortunately, that thin, tiny mask, constantly gets knocked around, ending up high in one cheek, or under his chin like an elastic beard.

Linky probably thinks he's being safe enough, but, let's face it, if you aren't wearing a tight-seal breathing mask, that particulate paint is coating the esophagus and permeating into the bloodstream. The guy probably has a technicolor cerebrum by now. The latest question LINK thought to stump me with shows that the paintcell infestation of his brain has done massive damage to both his memory and his reasoning ability:


Ok, let me extract the question here. LINK is asking us why "my hero" Nancy Pelosi, is asking William Jefferson to step down from his committee seat while he is UNDER INVESTIGATION BY THE FBI. Isn't Pelosi violating his right to be considered innocent until proven guilty?

There are a few major chasms in the logic here, but first and foremost, remember that Pelosi is simply a political leader, and isn't immune from criticism. But in this case, she's dead on. House members are expected to maintain an ethical record that is above reproach, as well as guarding against even the appearance of impropriety. In fact, Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-WV) just recently stepped down from his Ethics Committee seat, despite the fact that he expects to be exonerated. Pelosi's request is normal and reasonable, holding a lawmaker to a high ethical standard.

S_LINK's problem is that he is used to Republican leaders who REFUSE to step down when investigated. They hold on with nails scraping the floor, until they are tossed out the door. The Republicans in the House even tried to rewrite their own ethics rules to let Tom DeLay serve as majority leader EVEN AFTER DeLay was indicted for a felony. No Republican who has been mired in recent scandal has had the integrity to step down while under an ethical cloud. And that tells you everything you need to know about the Republican attitude toward ethics.

Just to tap out the final dent in LINK's argument, take a look at this article. Two REPUBLICAN congressmen ask Pelosi to remove Mollohan from his committee post. So, I guess your heros from the GOP are violating Mollohan's rights, aren't they? I don't hear you whining about that, though.

I couldn't let this article pass without pasting what Pelosi's spokeswoman had to say:

“I look forward to reading their letter to Speaker [Dennis] Hastert [R-Ill.] on Congressman [Tom] DeLay [R-Texas], Congressman [Bob] Ney [R-Ohio], Congressman [John] Doolittle [R-Calif.] and Congressman [Richard] Pombo [R-Calif.],” Pelosi spokeswoman Jennifer Crider said. “I must have missed their letter on incarcerated Congressman [Randy “Duke”] Cunningham [R-Calif.].”

Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.



Tonight there was a continuation of a "WINNER TAKE ALL" match in 2WAY, with the contenders being; Jesus vs. S-LINK, Virginia1776 vs. St.Casey of NY!!!

As onlookers cheered and jeered, challenged and confronted ALL of the 4WAY contenders, S-LINK took the lead by taking the mic and began taunting ST.CASEY about his temper over S-LINKS' nude, altered photo of HILLARY CLINTON!! SLAM!! WHAP!!! TAKE THAT CASEY!!! EAT THIS CASEY!!! said Slink in a gleeful tone charged with excitement that he could light ST. CASEYS' trigger so quick!!!
... but was S-LINK too quick to celebrate???...
In deadly controlled tones CASEY took the mic and and began a two hour tirade of slapping the piss out of S-LINK by confronting S-link about rude & crude ambiguous Anne Coulters' recent thoughtless, cruel, and vile comments regarding the 4 wives of the 9-11 workers who died in the effort of SAVING OTHERS!! Quietly, but determined, CASEY slipped the noose around S-LINKs' neck, and pulled the rope till it was taunt... DARED S-LINK to deny the appropriateness of Ambiguous Annes' comments to the "4 witches of _______" (I forget.. sorry) on a public newscast!!!

As S-LINK was frantically gurgling; "TAG TAG!! TAGGGGG VIRGINIA!!" .. Jesus JUMPED into the ring!!! Jesus began to menacingly point his finger accusedly & chide S-link on his bad manners, support & approval of Ambiguous Anne Coulters' recent remarks! WHAPPPPP!!! PUNCH!!! BAMMMMM !!!!!
Virginia (hearing S-LINK calling out to her for support) STRADLED THE ROPES AND SLID TO S-LINKs' side!! In a matter of mements Virginia had CASEY TIED TO JESUS (in a nifty fashionable bow)... and had deftly untangled S-LINK from his noose.. S-LINK sat quietly beside her, rubbing his neck tenderly...

With tremendous and valiant effort, Jesus & CASEY managed to free themselves from the rope Virg had so expertly tied, and began their advance across the ring towards their opponents....

The crowd SCREAMED!!! The lights dimmed!!!! The music BLARED.. WHO would be declared CHAMPIONS of this 4WAY FUSS IN 2WAY?....

The winner... is YET.... to be determined...

(fades to black........)

Monday, June 05, 2006


Presented without comment:

marrisa100: wtf is this guys deal
Cardinal Fang: lmfao
The Muhammed Bunny: LINK, why are you obsessed with gay sex?
The Muhammed Bunny: hahahahahaha
S_LINK90: <<<<<<<<,AFK S_LINK90: LOL Ice-Crusher: who cares link The Muhammed Bunny: LINK, why is every insult about getting ass fucked? Wrestling FreaK: S-Link is a closet homo Ice-Crusher: sounds like it freak The Muhammed Bunny: damn straigh he is The Muhammed Bunny: straight

"Is Homophobia Associated With Homosexual Arousal?" by Henry E. Adams, Ph.D., Lester W. Wright, Jr., Ph.D. and Bethany A. Lohr, University of Georgia (Athens), Department of Psychology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 105, No. 3, pp 440-445.:

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


Sunday, June 04, 2006


Artist's rendering of Livid...

...and coops_13. (in beret)

When I tell you that last night we had dueling cams in 2 way, I know what you sick monkeys are going to think. Get your minds out of the gutter, people! No, MrArchieBunker didn't strip down to his camo thong and belly dance to Iranian music. Although I'm told he has shows in Adult Playground every night at 6:30 and 9:00. No, this cam battle was an epic, one for the record books. Livid was challenged to cam up by the tragically outmatched coops_13.

We could tell things were off to a bad start when coops_13 felt so insecure that he scampered off and snatched up a red beret to wear, in order to appear as "butch" as possible. Newsflash, coopsy, you could back a humvee into your basement and man the M60, 7.62mm machine gun on top, and you'd still look like Judy Garland in the Wizard of Oz.

Livid, on the other hand, gave us a glimpse into his cam, and frankly, the guy reminded me of the late Charles Rocket, of SNL, and recently Law & Order: CI. The usual text natterrers like Brute and Hondo, tried to cluck about the shelves of the medicine cabinet behind Livid's head, but I noticed something neither one of them had the life experience to recognize. Sitting on a shelf was a box of...ahem...feminine hygiene products. Given that, there is every reason to believe that Livid might have had occasion to be in the presence of a real live naked woman recently. Someone like Brute or Hondo, not having ever lived with a woman, were oblivious to that little box until I mentioned it, and seemed genuinely confounded by it. Imagine the monkeys from 2001, beating the Kotex box with sticks because they do not understand it.

coops_13 was feverishly tapping out his military info to the room, but wethinks he was protesting a tad much. This isn't a Chinese Reeducation Camp, coopsy, you don't need to scream your rank and serial number as Chariman Mao's little brother yells "Aww, you fiwthy Amewican wiah!" and beats the soles of your feet with bamboo. I know that's probably one of your recurring erotic dreams, you seem so desperate to "get into the action," and "be a part of the unit," and "prove to mommy you're not a dirty little bastar-" Whoops, sorry, that was supposed to be innuendo. My bad.

I was watching coopsy when suddenly, in the background, I saw what looked like a little toy bus on a shelf. "Coops," I typed, "is that a model train or something?" That's when coopsy seemed to puff up with pride, grabbed his cam, and proceeded to give us a panoramic tour of his antique toy collection. Holy shit, we started saying in text, what kind of weirdo is this guy? Obsession with the military and demonstrating his bravado, combined with devotion to acquiring and maintaining a toy collection...hell, throw in bedwetting and firestarting and you've got the profile of a serial killer. Or a civilian war planner at the Pentagon. But, I repeat myself.

Believe me, I'm not the only one who was begging coopsy to "just stay down, man, stay down," after that brutal, self-inflicted pummelling. Talk about unintended consequences, coops, seriously, if you want to maintain the illusion that you're actually a doctor in the military, you might want to stay off cam. Maybe the mystique and allure of your cover story will impress the tweeners on MySpace. And, hey, if you can't hook up with the military angle, you can get them to come over and play with your toys.



Anyone who spends any amount of time in Paltalk's political gladiatorial arena will no doubt have encountered one of the dimmest lights in the conservative chandelier, Brutelogic. Normally, Brute's contributions come in dribbles of gibberish text, liberally sprinkled with ellipses. A few examples:

Brutelogic: Livid.......keep the cam off......please
Brutelogic: Claus.......................thats a FLAT LIE
Brutelogic: slick willy?.........haha, he got impeached

As you can see, minimal information, least intelligible ideation, lots of dots. When Brute takes the mic, it actually closely mirrors his text. His speech is pressured, indicating some tension and distress. There is a marked flight of ideas, as he flits from the topic at hand to discursions on Michael Moore's weight or Ted Kennedy's drinking escapades. It feels like Brute is trying to plug the gaps with ideas literally plucked from a tornado of thought. Needless to say, there's no real meat to his arguments, as his speeches are just a hodgepodge of Fox News nonfacts and conservative bile.

So, naturally, we've all been curious as to what pathology might be at the root of all the frantic whirling. Hell, just look up "pressured speech" and "flight of ideas" in the DSM-IV and a half dozen suspects jump out at once. Just_April1975 and I were talking, and apparently, there are a chosen few who actually know what is going on with Brute. Just for fun, we started teasing him with the possible revelation of his guarded secret. What followed was a classic of repressive misdirection, but it belied a deeper anxiety:

Brutelogic: Claus, you dont have the intellect to even pick a winner it

Is that not astounding? Nominative, noun, verb, adjective, there's even an infinitive thrown in. That has got to be- can we get a judges ruling- yes, yes, it is, in fact, the most grammatically complete sentence ever produced by Brutelogic in all his years on Paltalk! Amazing, simply amazing. And to think, all we had to do to make Brute intelligible is threaten to reveal his dark secret. Who knew?


Thursday, June 01, 2006


uMM, have I been gone so long that i am missing very fun stuff over at the pal talk social issues asluym? From what i am reading, i guess not. Keep up the good work boys and girls!
