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Friday, August 18, 2006


Most PT wingnuts could benefit from some remedial mathematics...

Playing the conscienceless conservative in the room today was LEGEND FLAT. He reminds me of the quote from John Kenneth Galbraith:

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

That perfectly describes most conservatives on Paltalk. Scratch their skin, and you'll break open the sausage of shit within. Some human beings develop what is called a "theory of mind," when they are children, the ability to recognize that other people have the same capacity for feeling and thought that they do. It seems like a waste of time to go over for the thousandth time the character deficiencies of conservatives, and fortunately, LEGEND demonstrated a different kind of deficit for us.

We were talking over universal healthcare. Most people felt that since health care was not something you can choose NOT to purchase, it is a right that should be provided for all through tax revenue. LEGEND FLAT, like the usual Republican, has no concern for his fellow citizens, but that's not what was so hilarious. He was up on the mic, blathering away, when he said this:

LEGEND FLAT: "Why worry about the 45 million people without health coverage? Why not focus on the 140 million who do?"

Now, this is the same genius who earlier was trying to quiz goodnews2x and Rev Species 116 on the formula for net worth, (that's (Bottlecaps + Marbles / String) in case you're wondering) and he either cannot tell that 45 + 140 does not equal 300, or perhaps he simply does not know that there are ~300 million Americans. Missed it by over 100 mil, too. That's quite an air ball.

I guess there really is a problem with our schools, because there are far too many ignorant and imbecilic conservatives on PT than could be accounted for merely by chance. Someone is making these people stupid. Rush, I'm looking at you...



MysticSeaMaiden said...

JC loved this post. I always had the feeling some could not add, ty for confirming this. And as a side note, I'm so happy I don't eat meat, cause after reading this I think I would have to give up sausage at least. lol
