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Monday, October 31, 2005


TimMCOdx, a new face in Mainstream, wades into the abortion debate, with no regard at all for rationality or consistency:

TimMCOdx: On the other hand, I have a hard time respecting people that would kill innocent unborn children but have a problem executing murderers.
BhadKhat: Tim, how do you feel about social programs such as Head Start, food stamps, etc
TimMCOdx: Bhad....I'm opposed to it
BhadKhat: I see, Tim, so you are only concerned about children while they are "unborn"...the
BhadKhat: I think it would be awesome if conservatives were as concerned about children who are post-birth as they are before birth
TimMCOdx: Jesus....Are you aware that people have fed themselves without help from the government? People do that all the time.
Jesus Claus: tim, that's just dumb
BhadKhat: you oppose abortion, and in the same breath, you oppose programs that benefit children and low-income families
TimMCOdx: Jesus....That's dumb? Explain.
Jesus Claus: you want kids to suffer because "everyone should fend for themselves"
Jesus Claus: that's a shitty attitude
BhadKhat: I love how Republicans call themselves "Christian"....they would be the first to nail Jesus to the cross
Jesus Claus: you want kids to suffer for your principle
Jesus Claus: disgusting
TimMCOdx: Jesus....Well, if YOU want to feed them, nobody is going to stop you.
Jesus Claus: i want our tax dollars to DO GOOD for children
Jesus Claus: YOU don't
BhadKhat: "Republican" and "Christian" go together like "bin Laden" and "Compassion"
Jesus Claus: while you stand on principle, real people suffer
TimMCOdx: Jesus....No, I want the government limited to defense, law courts, and police. If you have a problem with that, vote for people who think differently. But they haven't been very good at winning elections recently.

I didn't know when I started that Tim was a libertarian. That explains a lot. It's really easy for libertarian zombies to call for the government to not spend for the welfare of society, and for private donations to cover all the poor, but the rest of us actually have two braincells to rub together, and know that a society set up by libertarians would never work.

But notice here how the libertarian, who is supposed to believe in personal freedom above all else, can tie himself in knots to oppose the rights of women. And the sheer pigheadedness to advocate for the elimination of spending for programs that benefit children, it's just mindboggling. This piece of human filth has no problem oppressing women with his beliefs, but has no problem allowing his ideology to rule him, even if it results in actual suffering for children. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what libertarianism does to you: It warps your thinking and atrophies your moral sense. Get vaccinated as soon as possible.


