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Thursday, October 20, 2005


Is it possible that the idiocy of wingnuts in Mainstream will reach a critical density, causing a catastrophic collapse into a superheated singularity of stupidity?

drclean, Brutie, and saltspring (nee Sword of the Amish) just got done on the mic. The level of mind-blowing fucktarditude is astonishing. Brute told us that "all the intel said there were WMDs" Yeah, Scott Ritter, Hans Blix, Mohamed alBaradei, the Downing Street Memos, Charles Duelfer, Lawrence Wilkerson, and the disinformation spread by the NYT and Judy Miller, all have proven conclusively, without any doubt at all, that Saddam was disarmed. Yet Brute can only spout the talking points spewed by Limbaugh and Hannity.

drclean tried to make us weep with his lament for the WTC. (Hey, drclean, I live here, so go fuck yourself) He then tries to slide by and tell us that Al Qaida was in Iraq and Saddam supported them. Hey, genius. What are the odds that a SECULAR dictator would give aid to a RADICAL ISLAMIC group that already says they hate him? Hello? Get a fucking clue.

saltspring then tells us about a new mass gravesite found in Iraq, with a few thousand bodies. Hey, whatever happened to the 400,000 in mass graves Blair told us about? Of course Saddam was a terrible man, but there are terrible dictators all over. Saddam was CONTAINED, and was NO THREAT to us. It's about time we threw this garbage about Saddam being a major threat back in their stupid faces. It's a good goddamn thing that salt isn't in charge of US foreign policy, or else we'd all be dead. Wasting 200 billion dollars, and tying ourselves down in Iraq is the ABSOLUTE WORST situation to be in relative to counterterrorism. We are MORE vulnerable, not less. And now we are likely creating an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC allied with IRAN! Oh. My. Fucking. God. How stupid can you be to think this is a good outcome? Civil war? And our soldiers in the middle? With real threats like North Korea being bungled? If salt was actually interested in protecting and saving live, he should actually try thinking for once.


Virginia_1776 just laid down the wisdom : "The attack on the USS Cole was an act of war..."

Um...The Cole attack happened in the Fall of 2000. The full intel picture didn't coalesce until almost January 2001, when BUSH was taking office. Clinton didn't want to hand Bush a war, so Sandy Berger, Clinton's NSA, fully briefed Condi Rice, and Bush did NOTHING with that info. And even if none of this was true, Iraq had nothing to do with it. Sorry, Virg, you aren't going to be able to learn anything...unless you can get a reading light shoved up your ass along with your head.


