
Search Ratttler

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Here's an example of the logical fallacies you see on PT:

NewOrleansSOTA: you seem to love to hear yourselves talk, same ole, same ole, every day, every evening, every night, its so old. LOL
NewOrleansSOTA: LOL, you go to sleep crapping, you wake up crapping, you live crappy. LOL
NewOrleansSOTA: you liberal nuts know why its wrong, but you do it anyway, you have the morality of slick willie
NewOrleansSOTA: all of it, its all bull shit. LOL
NewOrleansSOTA: they remind me of a chicken yard, strutting around pecking at each other. LOL
NewOrleansSOTA: man, those liberal alligator tears are flowing tonight. LOL
NewOrleansSOTA: you liberals think your "support the troops, against the war" bullshit isn't going to become "troops are murderers, rapists, war criminals", you liberals are so predictable. LOL
NewOrleansSOTA: tomorrow, you're going to be calling those same troops, you cry alligator tears over, murderers, child killers, rapists, and war criminals, just like your kind did, with Nam troops.

This one would be the ever popular, "Argumentum ad LOL." If there is a rational argument somewhere in there, I sure as hell can't find it. Extra points for bringing in Clinton, though. The average Republican's obsession with Clinton's penis borders on the fetishistic. I half expect to turn on the news and see NewOrleansSOTA getting perp-walked with a jacket over his head after being caught in an elementary school janitor's closet grinding his crotch on a copy of Bill Clinton's My Life and moaning, "Ohhhh, Billy, come pet the monkey..."

And I have now officially creeped myself out. Good night!


