
Search Ratttler

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I can't believe some of the nonsense that comes out of Bobby McGee's mouth. Now, granted, for something he says to be extraordinarily stupid, well, that's a high bar to meet, isn't it? But Bobby was just up on the mic trying to claim that this UAE port sale flap is about international trade, not terrorism. Somehow, in Bobby's mind, because plenty of businesses and commodities in the Middle East are owned by foreign companies, it's no big deal (and the stink is, of course, based on zionist propaganda) for an arab nation to control our port security.

Holt shit, I just can't understand how someone could be so utterly and completely wrong on an issue. This company, DP World, is owned by the United Arab Emirates. And the UAE has been linked to both the terrorists who committed 9/11, and illegal nuclear proliferation. This isn't about commerce, it's about the safety and security of the United States.

Oh wait, I forgot. There were no 9/11 hijackers. Bush and Cheney flew remote controlled planes into the WTC. They must have been sitting out on the White House lawn in deck chairs, throwing back beers and thumbing little handheld joysticks. imilac100 has pictures...



Nephilim70 said...

Imilac100 probably DOES have the pictures as proof. He has researched the 9-11 event So darn effectively, all thats left is IMILAC to start his own religion and I would happily hold confessional afterwards.

The only conspiracy about 9-11 is the conspiracy of Silence from those not yet coming forward.
