
Search Ratttler

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I found this at MyDD through Eschaton, and I think PT liberals need to look at this story. Matt Stoller noticed that a GOP blogger had complained that the potential open-forum model of GOP-sponsored blogs was stifled because the head mucky-mucks insisted on strict message discipline.

Of course, the quoted (outed) conservative blogger tried to backpedal, but Stoller nailed the central issue: the GOP cannot let its vicious, racist base be heard, and they certainly can't let the beast rampage through the party. In the blogosphere, it's the bigots of Little Green Pusbags and FreeRepublikkk, and in PT it's Vic Ferrari, Conservative Atheist, saltspring, NewOrleansSOTA, etc, etc...

Can you imagine what it'd be like if the bilious, infected froth of PT wingnuttia was heard by moderate Americans, the real voters at play in the middle? They can pooh-pooh Man Coulter when they need to, but I would love to see the GOP lose control of the seething racist horde. Let America hear Vic Ferrari. We'll end up controlling Congress for another 40 years.


