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Saturday, July 29, 2006


I went on to paltalk tonight under my own name to see what was going on in the social issues world. Casey invited me into his room to chat for a while. There were only 5 of us in there when a red admin came in and told Casey to shut his room down or lose his account. I though it was complete bullshit because once again it seems that the bush lovers can get away with anything. How you may ask...I'll explain.....

Rewind to 2004: Social Issues was a divided lot due to the upcoming election. I was a main member of the democratic townhall. We would meet up and listen a Kerry speech, talk about the news of the day or just bullshit. Right around July, things began to change. We got raided by the bush people (especially those in BUSH HQ). Locked rooms with demeaning names slamming us would show up. We complained to Red admins and plead our case to those in the help rooms. No one intervened. We strove on Thought out the campaine with a "bounce the neocon on sight" rule. That didn't help because when we got rid of one, 7 would follow. Them bush people got away with so much shit that it would have made lesser people run away. We didn't. We stayed and fought until the end. When the republican room raiders had a complaint agaist us, well our room was often silenced and a red admin would come in and let us have it. We managed to stay open until bush was re-elected and we disbanded because the leader of the room Ghostwind, needed a break sometime in Jan 2005.

Fast Forward to tonight in casey's room. Casey was told to shut his room down or face his account being closed. He closed it. Once again those fucking jackass neocons won. I am glad that Casey and I settled our differences and we are on speaking terms again. What happened to him was utter and complete bullshit.

I wont reveal the Red Hat who came in but I tell you this much, If I see him around again I will be more than happy to tell him what I really think of him. The public display of this abuse of power was disgusting and reminded me so much of the favorism displayed in the Social Issues section of pal talk.

There is a change coming people, when shit like this will end and the free ride that the bush assholes are on will suddenly stop and fly off the track. I hope they get treated the same way us progressive and democracts are treated now when that happens. Then they will learn not to abuse the power they have.

So, in closing I want everyone to know that I am going to be around in rooms either under my name or my cloaked name. IF I see a flaunted abuse of one's power, it will noted on here for all to read and no one (not even those writers at social diatribes) will be able to stop me from blowing the whistle and warning those who seek good debate and policital discussion to stay away from certain people and certain rooms. Believe me, its for the betterment of America and the world.

Your watchdog and REAL bullshit detector.

PS: The leader of Iran is a nutjob, Plain and Simple. (s_link90- you can get off the floor now. I really said that).


MrArchieBunker said...

Casey is unhinged, we all know it. BS detector, thank you for the info. Kenny, try telling the whole story next time. You would have us think the red admin closed it down out of spite. I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday. Avoid insulting our intelligence in the future. Thank you

zombiemaster said...

How quick we forget that the Red Admins turned the other way when the democratic townhall and John kerry were victims of rooms with defaming names and disgusting titles (as reported in my article). Where were you guys when that happened?

Bullshit detector- From here on out, you are not allowed to comment on any posts I write.

Im sick of you guys blowing shit out of the water and when we catch you guys doing the same thing, you guys all act shocked and get defenseive. Why dont you guys open comments on your blog and make it a even playing field. Until then, shut up and get out of the way as i report the truth .

zombiemaster said...

Experiment completed!

MysticSeaMaiden said...

LOL Perfectly implemented Z ;o)
