
Search Ratttler

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Something happened in SI on paltalk I just got to talk about.

Well I'm sure everyone that has been keeping up with The Ratttler and/or Paltalk chatrooms knows that there has been a little room war going on, of course using the term 'room war' loosely since it seems only one room is actually participating in the 'war'. Ok well on with what happened.

I'm sure most have heard 2way complaining that Banned was only getting numbers by riding on the coattails of 2way yes ladies and gentlemen naming a room Banned is riding the coattails according to some very intelligent people (I am facetious you know :=). With all the complaining that has been made by the other room (you know the one that thinks they own SI?) an experiment had to be preformed. Another room was opened with absolutely no reference of any type to 2way, you know just to see how much water the claim being made that Banned is only successful due to fact the rooms name is Banned From 2Way An Alternative RM, see some really do claim that is the only way any other room could be an overnight hit. You are never going to guess what happened!!!!!

Liv and Let Liv by passed 2 way within an hour and the room wasn't even opened till noonish!!!! Now I have got to tell you I was completely amazed, I mean how could another room even come close to 2way's numbers? I mean did everyone misplace the memo that 2way is the end all in SI, did someone forget to send it out? Now armed with the conclusion of the experiment I cannot help but make a few remarks.

Could it possibly be that people in SI want a room that allows and even encourages freedom of expression? Maybe people are growing weary of fear that is shoveled down their throats day in and day out. Maybe it is nice to go to a room that doesn't allow TOS and chatters do NOT have to fear being banned for upsetting some thin skinned admin. Maybe people in PT; like in the world, are starting to wake up and they want their freedoms back, maybe people are sick of always going to a room that bashing is the norm?
2way started out as a wonderful room with admins with brains and hearts and I wish that 2way could once again regain that wonderful quality they used to have.

When I created Banned I never expected a huge turn out nor was it to attack any other room. The name came from all the people that have been banned from 2way at one time or another. I was out of 2way for 4 to 5 weeks before I opened Banned cause I saw in that time that there was a lack of freedom of speech on SI on paltalk. I wanted to create a room where people felt free to express themselves without fear of being bounced or banned. Although Banned is still a work in progress I'm very proud of everyone that comes to the room, for they make up the room not me. Ok enough of the mushy stuff and I am sure a few little cowards will attack this part of the thread more than any other part.

Now on to me being Facetious ~smile~

Now all you little cowardly ones that fear freedom and hide in the dark from shame this is for you. Why is it Liv and Let Liv did so well, I mean there was no reference made to 2way at all in the title. Tell me please how in the world you are going to twist this to look as though it isn't 2way own making they lose chatters when another room is opened. Now before you go on to say invitations, explain to me how invitations could possibly cause a chatter to leave another room and stay gone from that room. See with all the silly insults you guys are throwing out you are not stopping to see how much you are insulting chatters on paltalk. When you say it is because of name of room and that a room is riding on the coat tails of ya all seems like you are saying chatter do not know what room they are in. The chatters are deciding what rooms they want to go to no one else. When you say it is from the invites chatters received seems like you are saying chatters don't know how to click no and also gives the impression that you don't think chatters are smart enough to know they are leaving one room to go to another. Maybe this has a bit to do with 2way losing numbers at times, the blatant disregard of the chatters intelligence. I am sorry most of you guys doing this BS for 2way are hanging yourselves without a lick of help. Chatters decide what invites to accept and what room to visit not you nor me. No room owns the chatters and they should not act like they do. I do not see why some rooms think their room should be the only one on PT, why should seem to think their way is the only way to go. I mean you guys can't even get it straight who owns the damn room, FYI Livid was not an admin when the room first opened and he had not one thing to do with its creation, yet the room was an instant success. In fact Livid didn't hat up for quiet a while after he had a hat. Although since Livid has hatted he has been an amazing admin and a great friend and never will I minimize all the help Livid gives freely.

What really gets to me is how many I thought were decent people even if their political views were not the same as mine, how quickly they change to be involved in paldrama. Notice that Banned does not attack 2way in the room nor does anyone ever gets banned for being an admin in 2way, something sadly 2way cannot say. Admins in Banned do not all have the same views yet they can and do work together to encourage freedom. How can any of you say with a straight face you truly believe Banned is only there cause of its name? I know a few of you are just playing a game and that is cool but damn can't ya all do it without insulting most of the chatters on SI?

Now honestly when I went to write this thread I was planning on being a total facetious pain in the behind, but as I was writing it I started to feel pity for some and just could not do it. I have seen so many stupid comments I could not help but feel ruth (look it up not a typo) for some and felt as though I would be taking advantage of some less intelligent and less mature than most. Now this is not meant as an insult I am just stating what I am seeing and sure I will see again with replies to this thread (that is if any dare). Well I guess that is all for now and I do hope that 2way never closes I really wouldn't want some of the hate that is rampant in that room to come to Banned.

Forever a Facetious Pain

~~~~Sweet smile~~~


AnonymousPoster said...

I have been to 2 Way, I went to banned, and I went to Liv and let Liv. (Did you think no one would get the reference to Livid?)But, I have also been to Daydream Politics, Sr Dude's room, American Conservatives (which you all are too chicken to go into) and many others. So whats your freakin point? There are many rooms in Paltalk and people will go visit several to see whats going on. In the Banned/Liv room there is always some kind of fight going on and frankly, Im glad you all rabble rousers left. Its like a train wreck. You have to go see the mess in there! Now, perhaps there can be some good discussion in 2Way. Thanks to the muse for packing up and moving out, and for the rest of you, Bye now!

MysticSeaMaiden said...
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MysticSeaMaiden said...

Ok just a few words to clear things up. Titsy (like that btw Livid ty) Banned's room name was NOT changed, we just opened another room. I know this might upset some, but Banned is still open ~~sweet smile~~
Also titsy you never did 'talk' to me about anything lol.

AP now you know you are lying, although at times debates become heated there is not fights in there all the time;in fact very very seldom, if there was why is Banned doing well? FYI I have been to those rooms you mentioned plus more so please quit acting like you know what rooms people enjoy.

Nomad wow you certainly like to lie, 2way is not the topic in Banned ever, unless you are talking about the times when chatters get on the mic to say thank you for room and they are glad to have somewhere else to go in SI.

Bullshitter you didn't even know who's room it was. What do you mean by "MANIPULATION" are you still trying to say chatters don't know how to say no to an invite? Yet I do agree with you that there are a few other rooms in SI that are fair, (daydreams being one) but as far as I know only Banned does not use the bounce and ban option, we don't need to. Power tripping just doesn't turn us on as it does some of ya all.

Yo Nomad just to touch on your double comment (there is a delete button you can use to correct that). Where did you catch Livid in a lie, people do tell us about discussions in 2way pertaining to Banned, I have gotten them too.

Now with that all out of the way I got to ask. Why are ya all going after Livid so badly for? I mean here I am the owner of Banned and author of this thread and ya all are after Livid lol.

Livid you got them, you must have your heart in the right place. To be attacked by the likes of 'these guys' is a badge of honor for all that truly believe in freedom!

~~~~~~~Always a Facetious Pain~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sweet Smile~~~~~~~~~~~~

AnonymousPoster said...

Could it be that most talk about Livid, because you're so far up in his ass that you're almost one in the same? Yes, that's it.

Lebler said... are the facts. Livid, you were free to speak in 2 way. For whatever reason, you decided you didnt like what was being said in 2 way and left the room. Mystic Sea Maiden entered the picture, by opening Banned from 2 way. She and 2 way owners had some issue which put Mystic on the banned list. I believe it had something to do with Mystic having issues with Jessado and using her admin powers, but that is only my guess, I could be wrong on that.

In any event, Mystic was banned, she opened up a room called banned from 2 way. By including "2 way" in her room title, she was indeed riding on the "coat tails of 2 way". Livid soon joined her as an admin. He went into 2 way, didnt say a word in text or on the mic, left and came into the room several times within a 5 minute span for only one reason, he was adding chatter's nic and inviting them to this new room called banned from 2 way. That is called "riding on the coat tails of 2 way".

The real test, mystic and livid, is to open up a room, such as liv and let liv (or whatever it is called) and allow chatters to come into the room without you having to come into 2 way and gather nics from that room, return to your room and do mass invites.

Obviously chatters have their own free will to choose which room they wish to enter. Choice in rooms is a great thing on paltalk. However, opening a room name that clones another room is "riding the coat tails".

Lebler said...

livid, buddy, the length of your response to my post is only exceeded by how long you will take to explain your point of view of on the mic. dayam man, have you ever heard of brevity?

I dont wish to prolong this back and forth banter, so all I will say is that you have not responded to the principle points I made.

enjoy paltalk, livid, but at least be honest, banned room was created to get numbers and one way to do that was to use a name that cloned a successful room. You helped to get your numbers up by coming into 2 way to gather nics and send mass invites. Try to create a room and let those chatters come into your room on its own merits.

S_LINK90 said...

"There is no question "Banned from 2Way" is a "takeoff" on the title of "2Way Street". That much is obvious to anyone. As you know however, the term "riding ones coat tails" is a term most often associated with election campaigns".
lol fucking homo,, you typed in several hundred words trying to tell us what "riding coat tails" means,, lmao.
and your theory about dommie and abby liyng about mystic is bullshit. mystic was fired and banned because she was an admin and tryed to pass off fake pm`s to abby and dommie about Jes... i seen the pm`s,,, and the name that wrote them,, and it was fake.
that was easily proved by simply trying to add that pal name to your pal list, and when you go to " find pal" and type it in,,, the name was not found..
lmao,,,,,,,,,,,. that means that the pm sent by that name,, was a not a name that was on platalk,,,,OOPS!!!!!!.
and,,,,,,,,she was gone.period. i was there and seem all the pms and the evidence,,, and you seen none of it.
you got your evidence from mystic,,,, the liar... and now your lying too.
and livid,, i heard you were talking about the citizens of the usa should uprise and overthrow the government. lol i hope your one of them you cunt i hope yiour on the fucking front lines too!!!!.
hey livid,, i also seen on the news that lance bass of nsync came out of the closet today saying he was a homo,,, what are you gonna do if he rats you out? lmao.
im serious livid,, im quite sure your either gay or a cross dresser. your comments and the insecurity thats shows in your posts SCREAM "IM A GIRL".

AnonymousPoster said...

Livid, that response was for the muse. She asked why everyone was talking about you instead of her since its not your room. Apparently she wants some of the spotlight. It wouldnt make sense to you because youre too dumb to even know that Virginia and I arent the same person. You really dont watch writing styles or anything do you? You're just another dumbass.

AnonymousPoster said...

Dammitman! Look at the length of your responses here. Look at the time it takes to post on a blog, comment at length on every other post, run a chat room and, and, and ... gee man, dont you have responsibilities? a job? a family? Obsessed I tell ya, Obsessed!


zombiemaster said...

Something tells me I need to wear boots about the BS detector..LOL

MysticSeaMaiden said...

Hmmmmm noticed when the 'facts' are stated no one has anything left to say?
