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Sunday, December 04, 2005


MrArchieBunker, a frequent flyer amongst the circus of neocon hacks on PalTalk, is known to serve-up some of the more ridiculous, half-baked notions in the Mainstream Politics room, and in this go-around, he appears to be foraging at the bottom of his cage! Here we have an archetypal Bush regime lackey blaming death and destruction in Iraq on “another deadly liberal lie,” and that Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Howard Dean, and Ted Kennedy are somehow responsible for the carnage there. While we all hold out for “and a partridge in a pair tree” to make MrArchieBunker’s list, here are a couple of his more potent witticisms in Mainstream Politics for you to peruse:

MrArchieBunker: So another deadly liberal lie, designed to weaken the support for the West's war against terror is exploded: that the war in Iraq is a distraction from the war on terror

MrArchieBunker: Just the opposite is true: the war in Iraq is the key to the war on terror. Imagine if Iraq was controlled by Zarqawi which is what Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan fervently wish for, and what Howard Dean and Ted Kennedy would accomplish.

Isn’t it amazing how The Former Texas Governor’s supporters casually expunge from their collective memory that it was George Bush who unabashedly abused the vast resources at the disposal of the Chief Executive to manufacture the most pernicious pack-o-lies to ever escape the White House? Don’t you find it at least modestly disingenuous that each time the truth debunks the prevailing neocon rationale for illegally invading Iraq, the likes of MrArchieBunker will instinctively latch on to the latest and greatest Rush Limbaugh-spawned proxy-lie? Isn’t it remarkable how neocons like MrArchieBunker complain incessantly about paying taxes to help their own people, praise the Bush misadministration for shamelessly squandering $350 billion of US treasure on the likes of Halliburton – ostensibly to help the Iraqi people? Isn’t it incredible how MrArchieBunker conveniently ignores that it is George Bush who, under the guise of ushering in democracy to the Middle-East, is, in effect, using the Iraqi population as human shields against “tairists” George Bush invited to Iraq in his 2 July 2003 “bring ‘em on” speech? Don’t you find it disgraceful that MrArchieBunker mocks the American troops dispatched to do Bush’s dirty-work by trumpeting the neocon battle cry “you freely signed up and volunteered to die.” Isn’t it disheartening that MrArchieBunker’s loathing for Muslims is so profound that he has no compunction about lounging in his fart-infested office chair, and in raw unfettered breath magnanimously calls for the ultimate sacrifice to be made by other peoples’ children to satisfy his bloodlust?”

MrArchieBunker states that liberals believe the war in Iraq is a “distraction from the war on terror,” and that “just the opposite is true: the war in Iraq is the key to the war on terror.” MrArchieBunker is wrong on both accounts.

Liberals oppose this war because Bush lied to the American people and to the world about why he invaded Iraq. Secretary of State Colin Powell sat before the United Nations on 5 Feb 2003 and stated emphatically that the UN must take immediate action to eliminate Saddam Hussein’s capability to strike the continental US with an ICBM in a 45 minute window – an attack he and his boss knew was impossible. Bush underling Dick “dick” Cheney propagated the lie via careful application of his special fear-mongering fertilizer on several occasions. Bush lied to Congress, America, and the world when he mouthed a “fact” he knew to be a boldfaced lie – the now infamous “yellow-cake” fabrication. Bush, Cheney, and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice refused to elucidate why the 6 August 2001 Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) document entitled Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States was brushed aside as unimportant. Bush and his cronies then have the audacity to summarily heap all the blame for this ill-conceived war on the intelligence community, and even that panned out to be another load of neocon manure. Liberals oppose this war because the loss of life and the eradication of Iraqi civilization do not justify the clear-as-mud ends. We liberals oppose this war because no one has made the case that slaughtering over 140,000 Iraqi men, women and children is the key to ending terrorism; indeed, the American people were misled for months following 9/11 that capturing Osama Bin Laden was the key to stemming terrorism. Moreover, we now know the Iraq war plans were finalized in February 2001 – some 7 months prior to 9/11. Succumbing to the embarrassment of truth-gone-public, Bush admitted he knew Iraq had NOTHING to do with the 9/11 attacks -- yet he still invaded -- go figure! We liberals oppose Bush because we can no longer tolerate an administration that overtly and arrogantly abrogates treaty obligations, violates constitutional rule, denigrates the good counsel of a loyal opposition, propagates insidious lies, relegates human life to cannon fodder, and shamefully bullies, smears, and impugns its own colleagues and constituents who dare challenge an inherently flawed agenda. We object to Bush and his policies because we do not believe America is any safer from terrorist attacks than it was on 9/10, and is perhaps more vulnerable because the real focus of the Bush agenda is rooted in financial gratification for himself and his chums rather than on promoting the common good of the nation where it rightfully belongs.

MrArchieBunker fails to comprehend that brazen lies undermine trust and that lies platitudinized with patriotic blather are lies yet, and are not terms of endearment when lives are being lost. MrArchieBunker refuses to open his eyes and see that it is not liberals who are responsible for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s rise to prominence in Iraq, but that it is Bush and his faction of corporate whores who are bastardizing the “war on terror” to obfuscate the wholesale redistribution of American and Iraqi wealth to those who Bush proclaimed to be his “base” on 20 October 2000 -- it is THEY who bring the al-Zarqawis of the world to bear. If MrArchieBunker wants to implicate someone for the weakening American economy, for the enduring fiasco in Iraq, for the declining quality of life in America, and for the mass imprisonment of the American people to poverty, insurance companies and financial institutions, I suggest he look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. MrArchieBunker’s comments are incredulously shallow, and simply do not make the grade.

