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Thursday, December 29, 2005


I really do get tired of constantly correcting wingnut lies. Whenever the misdeeds of the GOP or Bush come to light, the reaction is always the same. The cockroach army swarms the media, spreading lies, half-truths, and false comparisons. And inevitably, a PT wingnut will slither into our room, brain swollen with rank infection.

SnsualSinkerDEN is a perfect example. He tried to defend his party, but got the gong for spreading lies. He repeated the debunked canard about Clinton and Carter engaging in the same type of warrantless wiretaps as Bush. It's a classic wingnut move, combining their insatiable hunger for Bill's cock, basted with a glaze of false equivalence, and wrapped up in a shell of smarminess and jingoism. Too bad for Snsual, we'd heard it before and we ain't buying it.

It only takes Think Progress a few hours to research and debunk these lies, and we should be grateful for both them and Media Matters. I can't even remember what it was like before we had someone pushing back against wingnut lies. I truly think that this battle will not be won necessarily at the ballot box, but when liberal power is fully formed into a network of media outlets, think tanks, and publications that are as effective at combatting the wingnut message as they are at injecting liberal ideas into mainstream thought. This is a new kind of war, and we need to field an effective army. Until then, never give up, and never yield an inch to the lies.


