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Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Just had an enlightening conversation with our blue-haired friend flalady_1. Seems the old biddy is intent on impressing us with the size of her rapidly expanding...wallet:

flalady_1: Jesus I care
flalady_1: that is why I give to causes I agree with u fool
per diem: fla....who gives a rats ass looooool
flalady_1: i give a rats ass'
muuufasa: flalady: Let me check and see if I care?........................NOPE
per diem: flabroad...then you're the only one looooool
flalady_1: let me see if I care about lazy people??
flalady_1: nope
flalady_1: jesus I bet u did not give what I gave to Katrina
flalady_1: I am sure u did not
muuufasa: flalady: Is that all lazy people or just minorities?
flalady_1: did I mention race
flalady_1: minority
per diem: flabroad giving big bucks trying to atone for her sins looooooool
flalady_1: hell no
Jesus Claus: oh yeah, how much did you give?
Jesus Claus: you seem so eager to share, so share
flalady_1: I am reading and I am apalled
flalady_1: too many nuts
flalady_1: jesus a huge amount
Jesus Claus: quantify it
flalady_1: but none of your business
Jesus Claus: your huge amount might be pennies to me
flalady_1: we gave a lot
Jesus Claus: define "a lot"
flalady_1: jesus my pennies?????????????????????????
Jesus Claus: don't be afraid
flalady_1: get a grip
Jesus Claus: you want to impress us with your wealth, so go for it
Jesus Claus: tell us how much you gave
flalady_1: I probably gave as much as u make in 3 yrs
flalady_1: or more
Jesus Claus: 3 years, huh?
Jesus Claus: and how much is that?
Jesus Claus: give us a dollar amount
Jesus Claus: because i might earn a lot of money
Jesus Claus: i might live on investment income
Jesus Claus: i might be very very wealthy
flalady_1: but that is not why we gave
Jesus Claus: so how much did you give?
Jesus Claus: you made an issue of it, so tell us
flalady_1: jesus, I am sure u r not
flalady_1: i can tell
Jesus Claus: how would you possibly know?
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: I know but u cant b down on those who couldnt afford to give money but gave what they could.. even if it was just time
flalady_1: i kow
flalady_1: know
Jesus Claus: do you know where i live?
flalady_1: trust me
Jesus Claus: do you know how much it costs to live here?
Jesus Claus: I used to live in Florida, for 400 dollars a month
flalady_1: nope where u live makes no difference
Jesus Claus: nice one bedroom apartment
flalady_1: but I know
Jesus Claus: here, 400 a month won't get you a broom closet
Jesus Claus: so, how much did you give?
flalady_1: 400???
Jesus Claus: you brought it up
flalady_1: omgggggggggggggggg
Jesus Claus: 400 a month rent, one bedroom
bekki_wv: flalady you can tell how someone talks or typed things in words ,,,,,,,,, to how much money they have ,,,,,,,,,,let me tell you something I know people that don't look or act like they have any money and they are very rich
fJesus Claus: nice place, clean, good area
flalady_1: yes I can tell
Jesus Claus: close to downtown, 400 a month
Jesus Claus: so, you brought it up, tell us how much you gave to katrina?
flalady_1: my husband needs me
Jesus Claus: if you gave 3x my yearly income, you might have given a lot of money
per diem: fla is no christian.....real christians don't hang teir boobs out on cam
flalady_1: so will u all miss me??? lmao
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: my hubby needs to find a gf.ahahah
Jesus Claus: goodbye, coward

So, there you have it. Now, far be it from me to ask someone what their income is. Personally, I think that employees should discuss their wages with each other. It only benefits the company that employees don't find out if they're being compensated fairly. But that's a different issue.

On this issue, however, the course could not be clearer. flalady_1 is constantly looking for attention, and you can almost see her wilt as the room collectively decides to ignore her latest scam to become Queen Prissypants of the Lookatme Forest. But let's face it, if you come out and make such a baldfaced statement, that you "know" you give more than someone else, and you "know" how much they make., you'd better be ready to put up or shut up. So, come on, flalady_1, out with it. How much did you give to Katrina? Was it so much that you couldn't afford your Depends?


PS - I was trying to find a funny picture of flalady_1 to post, but when you put the word "granny" into Google Image's just too awful for words. I hate the Interweb.

