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Saturday, December 03, 2005


Clap louder!

Sometimes the cut-and-paste nonsense from wingnuts is too much. Case in point:

drclean: The bottom line, then, is that we have only two choices in our war with Jihadistan: The Long War or the Short Surrender. Either we continually and vigorously engage terrorists and their state sponsors, and undermine their support by establishing a democratic government in the heart of the Arab world, or we surrender and suffer the consequences, at a cost far greater than 9/11.

Can you believe this tripe? When did such content-free blather become an opinion on national security? Oh, yeah, I forgot. This is all that Dubya has to say also. Happy talk and bravado. Empty platitudes and jingoistic claptrap. And the wingnuts on PT have been infected with it.

I wonder if any of these fools are willing to read the words of George Bush Sr. and Brent Scowcroft? Or how about General William Odom, former head of the NSA under Reagan? They are saying (or did say) what we now know all too well: The invasion of Iraq was an unmitigated disaster, and leaving now is a better option than staying. By leaving, we will infact do more to alleviate a source of terrorism than if we stay and coninue a fruitless fight. Martin Van Creveld, a prominent Israeli military historian, says that invading Iraq is the most egregious blunder by a nation in over 2000 years. And I'm supposed to get advice on war from drclean and MrArchieBunker? No thanks.



Anonymous said...

. . We can do two things 1.leaving Iraq tonight or 2. leaving Iraq by tomorrow morning.

anything else means more dead and more loss of $ for us.

Iraq is broken and we did it.
