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Saturday, April 15, 2006


S_LINK90 is the perfect icon and examplar of the Bush authoritarian cultist. One of the hallmarks of cultists, and the way a careful observer can spot one, is that they are fanatically devoted to the leader, and will tie themselves in rhetorical knots trying to defend him. Even if a particular justification they use clearly violates their own prior beliefs or stated ideas, they will act as though their defense of the leader is perfectly rational, even as their hypocrisy is painfully exposed.

Linky put on a show today that would have contortionists envious. In his world, nothing can ever be Bush's fault. That is simply unacceptable. So, when the conversation turned to Bush's failure to capture Bin Laden, Linky was quick to defend Bush's lackadaisical attitude. Never mind that Bush got up on the rubble at Ground Zero and promised to capture Bin Laden dead or alive. Now that Bush says he "doesn't think about him much," it doesn't matter if we catch him. Linky even insulted the intelligence of the room by simpering "what, is capturing Bin Laden going to stop terrorism?"

Hello, fuckwit. Bin Laden led and planned an attack on America while he was in Afghanistan. We don't even really know where he is, since he may well be the welcome guest of Pashtun tribesmen on the Pakistani border. Our good friend Musharref sure as shit isn't doing anything to catch him. So how the fuck can you be so blase about Bin Laden roaming free somewhere? Even the police take note of a criminal's priors. Are you so certain that Bin Laden ISN'T a threat that you're willing to take your eye off him? I know 3000 people who might look at Bush's neglect of counterterrorism that might disagree with you.

More to the point, Linky often tries to play the "You don't care about 9/11" Card. Apart from the fact that I'm in NYC and he's off in Missouri under no real threat, just listen to what Linky is saying. He does not give a fuck whether the MASS MURDERER of 3000 Americans is caught and prosecuted. What, should we stop looking for murderers now, Linky? Empty out all the jails, since murder obviously means nothing to you? What kind of American are you?

And that is really it, guys. S_LINK90 is so hyperdedicated to his cult leader, that ordinary reasoning and simple compassion cannot penetrate. Bush could rape puppies with a crucifix on the White House lawn, and Linky would try to explain it away. Goddamnit, dude, you're a fucking embarrassment. Get up off your knees and wipe Bush's sperm off your face. Your country needs you, and you're too busy cupping Bush's balls to notice.


