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Monday, April 24, 2006


You know, we hear an awful lot about how the Democrats hate the military. If wingnut fantasies were true, every corner would be filled with ramrod straight conservatives in full salute, humming the National Anthem, while Democrats, chortling and twirling our Snidely Whiplash moustaches, tiptoed around planting stinkbombs in every car. Damn, it brings a tear to my eye, just thinking about how much love the wingnut has for our military.

Oh wait, I forgot. That's complete bullshit:

crabfisherman: The majority of air force personal are cowardly paper pushing dog fuckers who were too scared to join the marines

Wow. Two-faced much? crabfucker sounds like the typical Konservative Keyboard Kommando. Always love the troops, until they say something you don't like. Did you see that way wingnuts went after the 6 generals who criticized Rumsfeld? Some of those men led assaults on cities in Iraq. They were good enough for these bedwetters when they kept their mouths shut, but let a military man speak out against Bush, and it's the swiftboat slice-and-dice. Lie and smear, the motto of the gutless, tin-helmet, piss-stained pratfallers in the Keyboard Kommandos!


