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Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I include the picture of Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill movie only because he's awesome and he'll kick your ass, and he don't care if you've got breakfast muffins, sister! Plus, if you act now, this Pyramid Head will come with one (1) Big Honkin' Great Knife, for which to skewer people. You know you want it.

This post is actually completely not at all about Silent Hill. Rather, it is a journey into the deepest depravities and disappointments of the American educational system. In this case, one is likely to wonder what fly-by-night, nonaccredited institution fleeced coops_13 out of tuition money that might well have been better spent on a handful of magic beans:

coops_13: I guess that's why Alec Baldwin wanted to move to France ..... 90% of the country is Nuke powered
Jesus Claus: it's actually lower, and France is changing over to other forms of energy
Republicans-R-Corrupt: diferent type of red
Republicans-R-Corrupt: rad
coops_13: Nukes aren't dangerous's disposable diapers that are our problem
Republicans-R-Corrupt: different type of rad idiot
coops_13: so there's good and bad radiation, huh
coops_13: hahahaha
coops_13: hahahaha
duckorath: beta
coops_13: hahaha
duckorath: alpha
duckorath: gamma
Jesus Claus: coops, you think all radiation is the same?
Jesus Claus: ahhahahahaha
Jesus Claus: where did you go to school?
Jesus Claus: Alabama?

Now, I'm no expert here, but I thought that most people didn't get out of jr. high without at least having heard about different types of radiation. (thank you, Earth Science!) I guess when you go to a school where you spend half your day in a school garage dismantling car engines, they relax some of the basic science requirements. It's ok, coopsy. If you're having trouble keeping all the radiation names straight, just remember, I'm pretty sure it was gamma rays for The Hulk. And maybe Spiderman's spider, too.

This obviously "gifted" individual (he's not handicapped, he's handi-capable!) often claims that he is currently a practicing medical doctor. On the off chance that coopsy isn't just reporting the delusions he has while playing dress-up with his "action figures." anyone who sees a man in full scrubs wearing knee-high galoshes, drooling and holding a scalpel, I'd recommend backing slowly away until he's out of sight and then calling Animal Control.


