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Thursday, May 18, 2006


Jay gets another one wrong

I don't know why wingnuts lie. In a time when we dance on the bleeding edge of Google technology, why would you even bother making a claim that takes, on average, 30 seconds of searching to debunk? We've had to deal with lying scam artists throughout history, but never has it been so easy to grab the facts and rub their noses in it. Imagine this scene from the American Revolution:

Benedict Arnold - "Why, my good Mr. Franklin, I'll have you know that King George III's job approval was never lower than 55% two years ago, even counting the negro vote as 3/5ths."
Benjamin Franklin - "Damn you, Arnold, I know you're an obfuscating scoundrel, but I haven't got the parchment to prove you wrong close at hand!"

Ben had to hop on his favorite horse and hoof it over to the Philadelphia Library, leaf through boxes and stacks of leafscrap and bound book for a fortnight, and gallop back in the driving rain just to gloat in Benny Arnold's face. Lucky for us, we now have the internet. Take a look:

Jesus Claus: oh shit!
jay_156: Senate just approved English as the national language
Jesus Claus: Rassmussen now has Bush Job Approval at 36%!
Jesus Claus: Rasmussen, the most republican leaning poll
Jesus Claus: Bush at 36%
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahhahaha
jay_156: the outgoing president isnt doing well in a thats new
Jesus Claus: Democrats up by 15 points in generic congressional poll
Jesus Claus: Clinton, BTW, left with skyhigh approval
jay_156: Bush hasnt left yet
Jesus Claus: Nixon, not so much
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
jay_156: with two years to go his sucked too
Jesus Claus: operative word being: yet
Jesus Claus: hahahahha
jay_156: doesnt it suck when people point out truth to you Claus?
Jesus Claus: no, Nixon actually had high approval 2 years before resignation
jay_156: Clinton didnt
Jesus Claus: and Clinton's ratings went up after impeachment
Jesus Claus: what, in 98?
Jesus Claus: in 98, his approval ratings were high
Jesus Claus: and stayed that way
jay_156: 2 years before he left office they werent
Jesus Claus: yes, they were
jay_156: ok claus
jay_156: lol
IJesus Claus: jay, look at this graph:
Jesus Claus: Clinton's approval at midterm 98 was above 60%
Jesus Claus: looks like above 65%
Jesus Claus: you're awfully quiet, jay

jay_156 had the good sense to scurry away like the rat he is. Funny story, though: Benedict Arnold was so incensed at Ben Franklin hooting and dancing around slapping his butt in triumph, that he turned traitor against the rebelling colonists. That story is completely true. I swear. Just Google it.


