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Sunday, May 21, 2006


One of the odious tactics used by the right wing assholes on Paltalk, and in the wider world, is attacks on the patriotism and loyalty of their opponents. Fatuous asswipes like saltspring, Brutelogic, and especially the smarmy MrArchieBunker, never miss an opportunity to imply or outright squawk that liberals hate America or love Al Qaida. They must learn this rancid rhetoric from listening to conscienceless slime like Ann Coulter or Bill O'Lielly. Hell, even some republican legislators have dipped a hand in this sludge and tried to splatter patriots like John Murtha and John Kerry.

It seems that, to the withered brainstem of the wingnut, merely voicing opposition to the criminal behavior of the present leadership is ipso facto support for our enemies. Take a look at this short exchange, and notice particularly how, even when he is fully rebutted, Archie cannot let go of the simplistic smear he's selling:

MrArchieBunker: I've never heard Claus say on enegative thing about Al-Qeada
Eastern watcher: he is just a facade
MrArchieBunker: ever
Jesus Claus: fuck you archie
Jesus Claus: Bin LAden killed 3000 people in my city
Jesus Claus: Bush said he'd get him dead or alive
Jesus Claus: so where is he?
despurado4u: there his revolutonary hero's archie.......
Jesus Claus: I want him in cuffs or a carcass
Jesus Claus: so where is he?
MrArchieBunker: I'm serious Despurado, I have never heard Claus ever say anything negative about radical Islam or Al qeada
MrArchieBunker: ever
Jesus Claus: Arch, can't you read?

Apparently Arch's reading comprehension is fairly weak. Which is why his SAT scores were so abysmal. And that's why he now has a job as a mop jockey with his name stencilled on his shirt. He's just lucky that illegal aliens have too much pride to do that job.


PS - BTW, I've never heard any wingnut criticize Bush for failing to get Bin Laden, dead or alive. I guess the way they think is, since Bush is infallible, failing to catch the author of the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil must be a good thing. I'm surprised the cognitive dissonance doesn't blow their cranuims open. Oh, and asking why Bush failed means I love Al Qaida. Or something.

