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Sunday, November 13, 2005


Well, that didn't take long. Buttlogic gives us the newest denial spin from repuke central:

Brutelogic: Mister......gobble this up>>> Saturday November 12, 2005--Forty-six percent (46%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President.

I knew I'd heard this somewhere, and lo and behold, Kos had blown up the Assrocket. The Daily Kos, quoting from Powerline:

One of the best . . . polls is Scott Rasmussen's. Rasmussen shows President Bush climbing from his low point in October, to a current approval rating of 46%. That's his best this month, and, as Rasmussen says, it might be statistical noise. If it's for real, it's good news; 46% isn't great , but it's well out of the sub-40% danger territory.[Being an Assrocket, he must shade the truth. Bush has not been below 42 in the Rasmussen Poll this month.] But, in any event, the upward trend since last month is good news for Republicans.


Poll Date Approve Disapprove Gap
Fox 11/9 36 53 -17
AP 11/9 37 61 -24
NBC 11/7 38 57 -19
Pew 11/6 36 55 -19
ABC 11/2 39 60 -21
Zogby 11/2 39 61 -22
CBS 11/1 35 57 -22
Mean ---- 37.1 57.7 -20.6

You have to be smoking crack to think those poll numbers are a good sign for Bush. Leave it to Buttlogic to quote the most clueless blog on the web, Powerline, to try and obscure the truth. Bush's numbers have not hit a floor yet, though he may soon hit the floor, passed out from boozing. I can't wait until Buttlogic is pointing at a 20% approval rating and telling us it's great because it's 20 more than zero.


