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Thursday, November 24, 2005


Uh oh, someone stole yukondon's binky...

What is it about chat rooms that turns otherwise normal adults into screaming, bratty children?

yukondon: Saint Casey of NY: yukon YOU dont impress me, ASSHOLE
yukondon: Saint Casey of NY: yukon YOU dont impress me, ASSHOLE
yukondon: Saint Casey of NY: yukon YOU dont impress me, ASSHOLE
yukondon: Saint Casey of NY: yukon YOU dont impress me, ASSHOLE
yukondon: Saint Casey of NY: yukon YOU dont impress me, ASSHOLE
yukondon: What is Casey talking about LOL
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS
yukondon: CASEY, has to revert to NAME CALLING like the NEOCONS

Every single time something he doesn't like gets posted, this tool has to paste it a thousand times, just in case teacher didn't see the other kid steal his ball. I swear, I've worked with mostly nonverbal 2 year olds who show more maturity and character than this buffoon. Have you ever noticed that when yukondon wants to make a point, like "The deficit is growing and growing..." he will repeat the word "growing," literally, I kid you not, 50 times. Fifty fucking times he will yell into his overloaded mic, over and over, until you just want to jab a pencil in his eye just so he will SHUT THE FUCK UP and make a goddamn point.

And does he ever get around to making that point? The other day, he was telling us, again repeating himself like a mynah bird on methamphetamines, that 10 times as many Palestinians die as Israelis. This, of course, is true. But yukon, I ask, does the death toll alone tell you who is right and who is wrong? Don't you need to know more about a situation, like what started it, and what the state of affairs are, before you can assign blame? Immediately, he starts wailing like I stomped on his Lincoln Log house. "You're minimizing death, JC, you're a racist!" he declares like the bloated Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Then he says I'm putting words in his mouth. He never meant to say the Israelis were more to blame, he only wanted to point out the suffering. Alone. Without any other point. Just the suffering.

Gee, thanks don, thanks for the info. More Palestinians dying than Israelis. Yep, we all know that. It's like telling me that 10 apples are more than 1 apple. Ok, got it, 10 > 1. Thanks for the update. Why are you trying to backpedal, don? It was obvious from what you said that you were trying to impute blame merely from the death toll. You only made up this stupid story because you looked foolish. Is this the incisive mind you use to divine the future of the economy? Remind me never to invest money with you, ok?



Anonymous said...

Jesus Claus,
Thanks for pointing out the mean spirited repetitiveness of yukondon.
I was the one who posted "YOU don't impress me ASSHOLE" to him.
But, I did it because good ole' "yuke" had posted "Democrats don't impress me", right on cue when someone on the mic began talking about the dem's in congress and the recent stand they've made against the war in Iraq.
He does this constantly, by the way. yukondon ALWAYS sticks it to the democrats on Iraq and a wide variety of other issues, while NEVER mentioning Mr Bush's role in a particular thing or the failures of the RePIGlican party.
Part of my personal disdain for him stems from an incident in which he, Omid (now known as Connie Chung), and Bobby McGee spent the better part of 45 minutes blasting me in a chatroom before I was made a ware of it and went in to defend myself.
I got maybe 10 words out of my mouth in defense of myself before I was bounced.
The next time yukondon saw me in Voo's room he started right in on me again, saying that I have "lied" about something that Omid said.
So, thats pretty much how we got to where we are today. I thank you for writing the piece on yuke's repiticious monotonism, and for giving me this chance to respond.....St Casey of NY

Anonymous said...

I wish StCasey would mature to the point that his arguments could invariably lead to, but that's not the point. The point is that those whos flawed tendency of elevating their egos usually accomplish the contrary and devolve from reality to dreamland, truth to spin to self engrandizement. An open-ended sketch of how bad the current situation is in social issues is to watch Jesus Clause and Casey skew their arguments to the piont of nasuea. The filabustering which they continually try to impress the weak of mind on this program is a simple example of penis envy. This is covert form of cherubic “intimidation by dissertation” is an impotent tactic or desire to disparage or verbally lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought or expressing a different point of view. I find it most unfortunate that they can’t impress with intelect or wit rather decry free thought and belittle those who want to hear altruistic points of view . Although others may disagree with that claim, few would dispute that these two egotistical boys continually bore listeners with their overbearing self worth when pretending to disscuss meaningful topics and derogate others opinions for self-entertainment. You know what groups have historically wanted to do the same thing? Fascists and Nazis.

I am sure Clause has the laudable respect for this post and wont remove it.
I invite Casey or Clause to respond and I will reciprocate.

Thanks , TLS

Anonymous said...

St. Casey is barely tolerable even on the nights he's not tanked. LordVoo can no longer state "We don't use racial slurs here folks, we don't use words like kike, muzzie, honkey, nigger, or faggot."
St. Casey in bold underlined red font, WITH A HAT ON, berated driller and bunker calling them ASS FAGGOTS, and other unamusing faggot comments, because they had not served in the US military. Did Karl or Karen reign in the rogue admin? NO! MysticDancinWithTheCosmos tried but was silenced by the regular shit spin of KARL who wrongfully accused a texter of "starting trouble" KARL you're pathetic. The reputation of LORDVOO's room was called into question and all you did was apologize for Casey because he was sloushed. Liberals don't call people FAGGOTS to demean, get it?

Anonymous said...

You really hit the nail on the head at least where St. Casey is concerned. Jesus Claus I find to be far more tolerant of dissent. I think we agree that St. Casey has bounced more democrats and sympathetic independents than anyone else on paltalk! This completely thwarts meaningful discussion on issues which should be important to the party platform. If we as democrats don't learn to accept differing opinions and become more inclusive of them, we are going to end up losing yet again. Of course St. Casey would rather beat people over the head with his opinions. Perhaps he likes the sound of his own voice too much? This is from a democrat who actually spends time helping the party rather than self-aggrandizing on paltalk.
Thanks, L

zombiemaster said...

YOu guys need to leave st.casey alone, al least he has the balls to say how he really feels and blast back at people who bash demoratics. And for that he is a great guy in my book. GIVE THEM HELL CASEY!

Anonymous said...

. . . why do i miss most things that goes on in those chatrooms?. . . damn!

on another note;

most peopel are ok, and stop using the term 'nazi' everytime somebody does not agree with you. . reminds me of when teenagers shout at their parents ' what?! i can not go to the party?! what is this? Caaaaaminist Russia?!'

on another note;
yuk don is sort of under impression that a chatroom is like his living room and he needs to be respected and nobody can say anything that is slightly 'rude' to him. .. come on don, cyber space has no time to spend massaging your emotions.

on another note regarding casey and jc;

hey, they are passionate and their point of view is shared by many. . now, not everybody is the same.

Anonymous said...

Zombiemaster I love this "zombiemaster said...
You guys need to leave st.casey alone, al least he has the balls to say how he really feels and blast back at people who bash demoratics." Get the fucking wax out of your ears boy! He bashes anyone who stands up to him.It's not about the democratic party its about his overblown ego and if you want to keep licking his ass go right ahead! Zombie come up with some real Ideas and quit trying to recycle some windbags Bull Shit!


Anonymous said...

Can you explain this ?"most peopel are ok, and stop using the term 'nazi' everytime somebody does not agree with you. . reminds me of when teenagers shout at their parents ' what?! i can not go to the party?! what is this? Caaaaaminist Russia?!'

Stop your finger pointing the terms facist and nazi are appropriate. TLS used them right. If it bothers you then I would say you have the problem with people who don't agree with you.
on another note regarding casey and jc;

hey, they are passionate and their point of view is shared by many. . now, not everybody is the same. "

Yes I agree many SHEEP!
