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Thursday, October 04, 2007



Anonymous said...

It takes so little to occupy your mind. It's almost as if zombie never left.

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, Anonymous, that is an amusing video. Laughing is good for the soul. Don't we have enough people talking/arguing about blood, gore and the war???

ononotagain said...

i think the addition of video is a landmark moment in rattler history. the dog clip was kind of a test run, but since it annoys nonnies, I might post all my stupid clips.

Anonymous said...

To the first Anonymous...... lighten up. ALLOW yourself to laugh. It might change your outlook................. grouch!

Thanks Ono, everyone needs a good laugh. Any home video set to Can-Can music has got to be funny.

Anonymous said...

This is for Anonymous #1!

WFG said...

It's not my sense of humor either, but the dogs are amusing to watch. Talented canines.

FRisson1 said...

I loved the clip, but then I tend to like dogs a hell of a lot more than many people.

Anonymous said...

Even dogs get on nonnies nerves!
Jeeeez am so glad that i sign my posts with my own nic

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you, Weetbix. You wouldn't know me if I did sign my own name. Plus, I don't know who the Sam hill you are either.....and don't really care.

I liked the dog video, and like I said it was a nice change from all the bickering.

As for Eff's sense of humor......didn't know he had one. :)

Anonymous said...

Want to see a real comical dog?

WFG said...

It's usually accidental. My stoney exterior can't risk laughing too much

Anonymous said...

Eff, wouldn't want you to "crack up" with laughter! :) That could be life threatening for anyone near by.

Anonymous said...

Eff 25 was an inside job!

WFG said...

Inside job? I always knew I was a theory, but did someone actually conspire to make me? Oh these puns, great, aren't they? Seriously, nay, stoically, I do like puns and general word play.

Anonymous said...

eff if ur annoying the nonnies u must be doing something right...hang in there

Anonymous said...

Weetbix, you just think you know your "nonnies"!!! First of all, you assume anyone anonymous always takes an opposing view to yours or maybe a coward? Honey, that's not always correct. Why would I want to use my name, when first of all you wouldn't know me and secondly if I should say something clever my ego doesn't beg that my "name" get the credit. I do not think that blogs or chats on the internet amount to a "hill of beans"....just silly little moments while I wait for the big things.

Eff, you annoy me NOT!!! I've always liked your banter, whether I agreed or even when I wonder what you mean.

Smell the roses and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

It's paranoia. They assume they know who the anonymous people are. It is actually very funny to watch them.

I don't think eff or weetbix or many of you would know who I am in my real life, nor would you know my Paltalk persona. I rarely go to Paltalk anymore, anyway. There is no real discussion or exhchange of ideas going on there anymore.

A comment here is one's own opinion. Does it matter? Does it make an opinion more valid to know the identity of the opinionated blogger? No. I could care less if you approved of me or my opinion. But, it is OH SOO FUN to watch your paranoia blossom.

The video was cute as I said earlier... .lighten up!

WFG said...

I don't know who any of you are, which is fine so far as actual screen names go, but I do wonder if any of the present anonymouses is the one, or more, who was looking for me a few months ago in this blog.

Are any of you?

Oh, and the anonymous who said, ..."when I wonder what you mean.
," thanks. That chows you must read me fairly closely.

MysticSeaMaiden said...

Loved It :)

Anonymous said...

Hey i saw Jesus Claus Sunday on Paltalk. Why isn't he on here?

Anonymous said...

Ohhh did they let him out of solitary and have some computer time at Folsom Prison?

Anonymous said...

Eff, you're welcome. I do read you "fairly" closely but sometimes scratch my head.

It is fun to watch the angst of those who are so concerned about the anonymice. Come on, give us more laughs.

I gave up my "gutter addiction" to Paltalk many months ago, and I have the impression it is even more dimwitted since then. It's hard to believe it could sink any lower.

The roses smell heavenly.

Anonymous said...

Those fucking nonnies are a waste of fonts! lol

WFG said...

Then maybe you could leave a huh and wtf on my blog sometime?

Anonymous said...

Weetbix, was that supposed to be funny or was that an embarrassed laugh? Your choice of words is quite telling. I'd be more concerned about the use of brain cells than the use of fonts, if I were you.

Slap yourself on the forehead and rearrange your could help.

Of course, I'm being sarcastic, but surely you recognize how boring cynics are! I, for one, am undaunted.

Go smell the roses!

Anonymous said...

Was there a posse out lookin for eff?

He sent word through the blog that the fellers who were lookin fer him should show their faces. Eff is still waitin. He's always lookin over his shoulder cuz he never knows when er where them fellers will show up.

Eff is wantin you fellers to stand up and announce yourselves.

WFG said...

Then you probably also understand part of why I opted to just stay with my own blog and end my official contributions here.

Also, given my concession to him, couldn't ZM have at least found the time to gloat a bit? Where'd he run off to?

Anonymous said...

Maybe I missed something eff. What was the big deal? Someone looking for you? Big deal! Get a grip man!

Geez.. you all are the most paranoid group of people I have ever seen!

booga booga booga!!!!! LMAO

WFG said...

I'm not paranoid, I'm curious. One or more anonymouses was asking about me in the comments of a few of this blog's posts.

WFG said...

ps. please don't abuse terms, it makes you look ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

abuse terms? lol what terms? Terms of Service? Terms of Endearment? Terms of Compliance? What terms?

You make no sense eff. Maybe thats why people wanted you to stop blogging.

WFG said...


Anonymous said...

32 posts full of fucking nothing thanks to the nonnies.If i was an admi here i would delete all nonnies posts on arrival.
All they do is dumb down Clauss's blog.
My 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

My, oh my, Weet, you sure are an ornery one. Get your head out of your ass. Every comment you make here is negative.

You need therapy.

Anonymous said...

Weetbix, I'm SO sorry! Afterall, the Comical Dogs are of such great importance and definitely "rattle cages". Har Har

Wouldn't want in nonsense on dear little Claus's blog!

Anonymous said...

Claus's blog .....ROFLLLLL
Claus has done R-U-N-D-O-F-T

He's a "Lost Claus"


Anonymous said...

I see the lab monkeys were let loose. Nothing changes around here. It would be so easy to take them down, but, I think you all like the lab monkeys!

Anonymous said...

Lab monkeys? Well, you're here, doofus!!!
