
Search Ratttler

Friday, January 27, 2006


I don't know why I even bother anymore. I wasted half the morning being bathed in the spurious flume of right-wing spew that gushes from SnsualSingerDEN. The man was actually still trying to sell the sadly debunked and pitifully ineffective spin that Valerie Plame wasn't a NOC at the CIA. Don't even get me started on this an_enigma guy. Is english even his first language? He asks questions with pathetic faux-incisiveness that makes me wonder if he only this morning emerged from a decade's hybernation. Can someone save me from liars and fools? Who am I kidding, this is PT we're talking about.



Anonymous said...

. . sometimes i sit there listen and read the text and i want to pull my own hair out . . what the hell is wrong with some of these people?!

(so in another words, i know what you mean.)
