
Search Ratttler

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


So, ran into jay_156 this morning. And sure, I'm a little groggy. Haven't slept in 24 hours. Kinda punchy. But this was too much fun to pass up. Let me warn you, this is a long conversation, but it's worth the ride, I assure you:

Jesus Claus: jay, do you know how many pork projects were earmarked on bills in the worst days of the Dem congress?
Jesus Claus: about 60
Jesus Claus: know how many the Reps do?
Jesus Claus: over 3000
jay_156: cough cough...bullshit claus
jay_156: 60 lol
jay_156: ok
Jesus Claus: jay, it is fact
jay_156: its not a fact at all
Jesus Claus: reported by the Boston Trib
jay_156: there is pork in every bill passed
Jesus Claus: and reps had far, far more
Jesus Claus: a disgusting amount from reps
jay_156: so the repubs passed more bills...therefore they passed more pork?
Jesus Claus: domestic discretionary spending has ballooned under reps
jay_156: is that your logic?
Jesus Claus: is your reading comp shot, jay?
Jesus Claus: 3000 earmarks
Jesus Claus: vs 60
jay_156: and you got this info where Claus?
Jesus Claus: special report in a Boston newspaper
Jesus Claus: i'll get it for you
jay_156: in a newspaper from where?
jay_156: wait...wait....newspaper from where?
Jesus Claus: from where?
jay_156: lol
jay_156: comeon Claus
Jesus Claus: you haven't heard of Boston?
Jesus Claus: big city, hard to miss
jay_156: it claus...I think I can guess what it says
Jesus Claus: ok, try this out
Jesus Claus: has spending increased under reps, yes or no?
Jesus Claus: do you know at least that much?
jay_156: fuck off Claus....I was willing to talk to're being a condescending little to yourself
Jesus Claus: jay, go read this:
Jesus Claus: tell me that's how you want government run
jay_156: I dont read lib propaganda
Jesus Claus: this isn't propaganda
Jesus Claus: it's a special report in a major paper
jay_156: nothing balanced comes out of Boston

I really hate this crap. Hey, I know conservatives lie a lot, but I at least read what they write before dismissing it. jay won't even look at it. So, in a bit, I decide to get sneaky and hit him with Rich Lowry's new Op-Ed in the National Review that slams the GOP over Abramoff.

Jesus Claus: if you dismiss all contradictory info, you will never learn anything
jay_156: kind of like how you consider fox to be trustworthy Claus?
Jesus Claus: fine, then make no factual claims in here, jay
Jesus Claus: don't say anything that can be factually challenged
Jesus Claus: because i accept nothing from any source you cite
jay_156: cant claim something based on information gathered only from biased papers in biased parts of the country
Jesus Claus: these are the rules you want to play by
Jesus Claus: why don't you read the damn thing?
Jesus Claus: i at least read reports from fox
jay_156: I dont have too...its a boston paper
jay_156: I know what it says
Jesus Claus: especially simple factual reporting
Jesus Claus: jay, jay jay, the Boston Herald is conservative
Jesus Claus: it's a Murdoch paper
jay_156: nothing in boston is conservative
jay_156: lol
Jesus Claus: dude, you're an idiot
Ella Menopee: I guess Jay never heard the phrase "banned in Boston"
jay_156: conservative to you means that they dont claim the government did 911
Ella Menopee: I guess he wasn't alive during integration movement days
Jesus Claus: jackass, Murdoch owns Fox
Jesus Claus: goddamn, you're a moron
jay_156: Claus....fuck you little kid
Jesus Claus: i read conservative stuff all the fucking time
jay_156: you think you know it all
Jesus Claus: and you're just retarded
jay_156: you bring nothing but biased bullshit to the table
Jesus Claus: can't even read something from a CITY, you fucking pansy
Ella Menopee: Jay... man, you even embarass the dumber conservatives... you don't know what in hell you're talking about.
jay_156: fuck you and fuck your boston globe bullshit
Jesus Claus: if it came from a blue state, you're too much of a coward to read it
jay_156: who are you Ella?
Jesus Claus: go run along and piss yourself, pansyboy
Ella Menopee: I am the truth fairy Jay
blues2: yeah Ella who the hell are you...loooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!
jay_156: Claus...bring somethign to the table that isnt painfully lib
jay_156: just once
Ella Menopee: and I am considering bonging you on the head with my wand
5of7: Grunto is an american ICON
Jesus Claus: this guy is a freaking imbecile
jay_156: Claus...go back to class
5of7: its called GRUNTOISM
jay_156: you're going to get detention
Jesus Claus: ok, how about the National Review?
Jesus Claus: hmm?
5of7: JAYS a gruntoite
Jesus Claus: how about an op-ed by Rich Lowry of the National Review?
jay_156: what bullshit are you pushing today claus???
Jesus Claus: what bullshit?
Jesus Claus: i'll show you
jay_156: what fucking topic are you pushing today Claus?
jay_156: what is today's bashing point prick?
jay_156: what fucking piece of garbage have you dug up today to kick Claus?
jay_156: what is your point today Claus?
Jesus Claus: go read this, jay:
jay_156: lets get this out of the way so I can move on with my day
Jesus Claus: please go read
Jesus Claus: just that one thing
Jesus Claus: and tell me what you think

Ok, I didn't mention the verbal abuse, but what can I say; wingnuts bring out the worst in me.

Ella Menopee: Jay ... If you'd shut up and READ or listen, you'd know what Claus was talking about today. Are you really to stupid to know that in a chat room, you have to read and listen?
Jesus Claus: ella, have you seen that op-ed?
Jesus Claus: that is the most conservative of conservative saying that Reps need to take responsibility for Abramoff
jay_156: great found a conservative that somewhat agrees with you
Jesus Claus: somewhat?
jay_156: I can find you 10 more that dont claus
jay_156: so what does that prove Claus?
Jesus Claus: yeah, 10 craven wingnuts
jay_156: of course craven wingnuts....anyone that doesnt agree with you is one
Jesus Claus: oh really?
jay_156: whats your point Claus?
Jesus Claus: can you find a flaw in what Lowry said?
jay_156: make your point I can move on to debating grownups
Jesus Claus: how would you counter that?
jay_156: yeah, Im shocked that politicians took money from lobbyists Claus....
Jesus Claus: you're barely keeping your head above water here
jay_156: are you really that young and naive?
Jesus Claus: jay, this isn't about contributions
Jesus Claus: it;'s about bribes, you jackass
Jesus Claus: are you so stupid not to understand this?
Jesus Claus: holy shit, you're really lost here, aren't you?
jay_156: do you have to be an asshole Claus?
jay_156: I mean it beyond your capability to actually discuss something like an adult?
Jesus Claus: i match my opponent's attitude
jay_156: you cant match anything about this opponent
Jesus Claus: when they are petulant and closeminded, i get a little heated
jay_156: but...I come down to teach you some times
Jesus Claus: ok, we get it, you're condescending
Jesus Claus: but what is your argument?
blues2: rofl jay "teaches" JC!!!....dream on jay
jay_156: facts....both sides took bribes....both sides have corruption....both sides go back and forth when it comes to winning elections
Jesus Claus: no, not the case
Jesus Claus: no dems are named as taking briibes here
Jesus Claus: and you have yet to explain what purpose there is in bribing the minority
jay_156: politics in this country are one big cluster fuck Claus...when you've lived longer than 16 years you'll figure that out
Jesus Claus: well, we seem to agree that there is corruption
Jesus Claus: so, you just relax, and we'll get rid of the infection
jay_156: but we disagree that your side is run by white nights...
jay_156: cant get rid of infection with more infection
Jesus Claus: my side doesn't out CIA agents
Jesus Claus: or spy without warrants
jay_156: your side outs all kinds of efforts to keep this country safe
Jesus Claus: nonsense
jay_156:'re too young
Jesus Claus: do you really think Al Qaida doesn't know we wiretap them?
jay_156: you dont know
Jesus Claus: i remember Nixon
jay_156: you think your side is noble
Jesus Claus: and the Church commission
Jesus Claus: every time your side does shit like this, we have to clean it up
jay_156: you think your side is fighting for good and justice
jay_156: they arent
Jesus Claus: i have no illusions about the dems
jay_156: and after a couple of terms we have to come in and "clean up" your shit
Jesus Claus: what shit?
jay_156: its one big cluster fuck Claus

Now we start a long argument on Clinton's budget surpluses. For reference, CBO numbers show a clear move into surplus under Clinton. Even if you quibble over how the number is calculated, or remove the SS surplus, Clinton still had positive numbers. That is, you could have such an argument with someone who understands the concepts of surplus, deficit, and debt, which jay apparently does not...

Jesus Claus: budget surpluses?
Jesus Claus: stains on dresses?
Jesus Claus: is your sense of proportion a little messed up?
jay_156: not one budget dont base suplusses on projections
Jesus Claus: yes, there was a 236.4 bn dollar ACTUAL surplus in 2000
jay_156: no there wasnt
jay_156: ask anyone with half a fucking clue about the economy
Jesus Claus: there was a real, genuine federal budget surplus
Jesus Claus: wanna bet?
jay_156: ok Claus...impossible to debate someone who is in la la land
Jesus Claus: i'll bet you that, as the govt figures the budget, there was a 236.4 bn dollar budget surplus
Jesus Claus: in 200
Jesus Claus: +0
Jesus Claus: wanna bet me?
jay_156: as I said...the government used projections
Jesus Claus: nope, actual figures
jay_156: which they use all the time to figure out budgets
Jesus Claus: 236.4 bn
Jesus Claus: wanna bet?
jay_156: if that is true...why should the government have 236.4 billion of our money?
jay_156: extra ?
Jesus Claus: to pay down the federal debt, maybe?
jay_156: that is a good thing to you Claus?
Jesus Claus: jay, there is still a debt
jay_156: well there was no debt Claus
Jesus Claus: right?
jay_156: you said there was a surplus
Jesus Claus: you understand these concepts?
jay_156: why would the governement need to continue to take my money if they had a surplus?
Jesus Claus: because of the federal debt!
Jesus Claus: it was like 4 trillion
Ella Menopee: Jay... I hope your wife is the one who pays the bills in your house
jay_156: you said there was a surplus?
Jesus Claus: there was!
jay_156: which is it...was there a debt in 2000 or was there a surplus?>
Jesus Claus: there was a 4 trillion dollar accrued debt
jay_156: so there was still debt
Jesus Claus: and a 236.4 bn ONE YEAR surplus
jay_156: still debt...just more lib spin
jay_156: thanks for being honest though Claus
Jesus Claus: jay, can iexplain something to you?
Jesus Claus: ok, just listen, ok?
jay_156: Claus...Im smarter than you...I destroy spin
blues2: more lib spin?????????????....ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus Claus: the federal govt is allowed to run a deficit, right?
jay_156: you cant do it dude, guys smarter than you have tried
jay_156: you cant spin me claus
Ella Menopee: Jay... you can have extra money in your monthly budget at home..... but still have credit card debt or a car to pay off right???
Jesus Claus: so, if I run a 100 bn dollar deficit each year for 10 years, how much is my total debt, jay?
jay_156: yes...but then you call it debt Ella, not surplus
Jesus Claus: can you answer me, jay, please?
jay_156: Claus, has been arguing that the libs had a surplus when they left
jay_156: and really....they left debt
Jesus Claus: they DID
jay_156: overall debt
Jesus Claus: jay, please answer me
jay_156: not one year surplus
jay_156: but overall debt
Jesus Claus: yesm surplus or deficit is within one year!!!
Ella Menopee: Its surplus budget money Jay.... which should then be used to good purpose, just like your monthly surplus in budget would be used to pay the cc debt or the car note down further.
jay_156: who gives a fuck about one year?
Jesus Claus: surplus or deficit is if revenues either fall short of or exceed expenditures
Jesus Claus: Jesus Claus: so, if I run a 100 bn dollar deficit each year for 10 years, how much is my total debt, jay?
Jesus Claus: jay, please answer that
Jesus Claus: how much is my debt, jay?
jay_156: lets see....10billiion each year for 10 years....and your still an asshole....well, that makes for a lot of money and a lib asshole that thinks he can spin me into a corner LOL
jay_156: whats your fucking point claus
Jesus Claus: no, 100 bn a year, 10 years, and please answer
jay_156: your mom
jay_156: whats your point?
Jesus Claus: i'm trying to educate you
jay_156: your trying to be an asshole
jay_156: and you are doing a good job
Jesus Claus: no, i'm genuinely not
jay_156: I dont need you to educate me prick
Jesus Claus: i just want to explain this to you
Jesus Claus: just let me explain this, ok?
Jesus Claus: please answer
jay_156: you and I both know what you're trying to say
Jesus Claus: and that is what?
Jesus Claus: what am i trying to say?
jay_156: and you and I both know what the OUTCOME was
Jesus Claus: and what was that?
jay_156: not the lib bullshit spin...not the projected totals
Jesus Claus: projected totals of what?
jay_156: not the one year surplus bullshit
Jesus Claus: but that's what a surplus is
Jesus Claus: a surplus is when revenues exceed expenditures
Jesus Claus: that's what a surplus is
jay_156: claims of the elimination of all national debt was bullshit smokescreen from democrats
Jesus Claus: no one ever claimed that
jay_156: its been proven...and gone over
Jesus Claus: did you think that's what i was claiming?
Jesus Claus: jay, a surplus allows us to PAY DOWN accrued debt
jay_156: so if you cant claim that....who fucking cares
jay_156: you left with debt
Jesus Claus: if we run up a national debt of 4 trillion, then a surplus lets us pay it down
jay_156: so when you can eliminate a debt then call me back
Jesus Claus: we did
jay_156: you didnt eliminate shit
Jesus Claus: the 236.4 bn was applied against the debt
Jesus Claus: it lowered the debt by 236.4 bn
jay_156: yes....4 trillion-236.4 billion
Jesus Claus: which saved us interest
jay_156: = pissing in the wind
jay_156: congrats pissed in the wind
jay_156: do you want a pat on the back?
Jesus Claus: yeah, that's like a 1/16th reduction
blues2: JC you will never ever get through to jay
Jesus Claus: 236.4 bn is a little less than 1/16th of 4 tn
jay_156: do you really expect great fucking whoopdedoos for that Claus?
Jesus Claus: that's a lot of money
jay_156: to you and me the debt....pissing in the wind
Jesus Claus: what if the interest was, say 10%, jay
jay_156: pissing in the wind Claus
Jesus Claus: 10% of 236.4 bn is 23.64 bn
jay_156: more of the same
Jesus Claus: 23.64 bn dollars!
Jesus Claus: that's a lot of money, jay
Jesus Claus: do you have that kind of money?
Jesus Claus: you must be pretty rich to scoff at 23 bn dollars
jay_156: the people of this country decided that they werent willing to be oppressed by taxes so that some of you libs could be proud about pissing in the wind Claus
Tom Joad: when was the last time that a Republican Administration paid anything on the National Debt?
Jesus Claus: but it cost the govt billions in interest
Jesus Claus: paying down the debt helps the economy, jay
jay_156: does it?
Jesus Claus: having a huge debt matters jay
Jesus Claus: yeah, it really does, jay
Jesus Claus: that's lost money

You see how I tried? I was being really good. Well, kind of good. But he just didn't understand. I consider it a personal failure for myself as a teacher. I could not convey the idea that you could accrue a debt over the years of a trillion dollars, and yet have a surplus in a given year that you can use to pay down the debt. I suspected that much of jay's confusion arises from an inability to grasp simple concepts, but he goes on to demonstrate that this problem runs far deeper than that...

jay_156: taxing the people to the point of oppression helps the economy Claus?
Jesus Claus: who is oppressed?
Jesus Claus: who?
jay_156: everyone who made any taxable income under clinton Claus
Jesus Claus: most people don't even pay federal income taxes, jay
Jesus Claus: no, clinton only raised the top two brackets
jay_156: more was paid during the Clinton years than any other president in the past 100
Jesus Claus: he lowered the rest
Jesus Claus: yeah, and the economy boomed
jay_156: and thats bullshit personal taxes were much higher under Clinton
Jesus Claus: jay, do you know what median household income is?
Jesus Claus: for a family of 4?
jay_156: 63,000 something like that
Jesus Claus: no, sorry
Jesus Claus: around 40,000
jay_156: um yeah
jay_156: it is actually
Jesus Claus: no, it isn't
Jesus Claus: it's around 40,000
jay_156: ok great.. Claus
Jesus Claus: so, 2 earners, 40k, do they pay federal income taxes?
jay_156: fuck off claus...
Jesus Claus: does someone making 20k pay federal taxes?
jay_156: who the fuck cares?
jay_156: seriously dude who fucking cares?
Jesus Claus: if you made 20k, you'd care
Jesus Claus: i expect you'd care a lot
jay_156: If I made 20k Id hang myself
Jesus Claus: i see
jay_156: I dont make 20k....highschool kids make 20k
neteru: jesus in canada you do, i don't know about usa
jay_156: Im an adult with a real job
Jesus Claus: so, poor people should just...what?
Jesus Claus: fuck off and die?
jay_156: go to school and stop bitching
Jesus Claus: with what money?
Tom Joad: can you say "thank you, Mr Bu$h"
Liz Dewitt: Jay is a losing battle
Jesus Claus: i make 20k, i should pay for college?
Jesus Claus: how?
jay_156: pay attention in school
Jesus Claus: how do i pay for college, jay?
jay_156: pay attention in school
Jesus Claus: in high school?
jay_156: dont make d's and F's
jay_156: yes
Jesus Claus: and then what?
Jesus Claus: what then?
jay_156: take advantage of your scholarships
Jesus Claus: i have a high school diploma
jay_156: and loans like everyone else
Jesus Claus: scholarships and loans that Bush has cut?
Jesus Claus: get a Pell grant?
Jesus Claus: can't do it, Bush cut them
jay_156: yep,,, no one is going to college this year Claus
Jesus Claus: no one is?
Jesus Claus: or fewer people are?
jay_156: you got it one is going to college this year
jay_156:'re fucking right Claus
Jesus Claus: so, we cut grants and loans, jay?
jay_156: Bush has fucked every single college bound student
Jesus Claus: that's how we help people?
jay_156: taken all teh money away
jay_156: you're right Claus
Jesus Claus: did i say all?
jay_156: its all fucking ruined
Jesus Claus: i said he cut the programs
Jesus Claus: is that what we should do for poor students?
jay_156: we need a democrat in here so that all can be fixed
jay_156: you convinced me
Jesus Claus: cut their grants and loans?
jeeperscreepers2004: bush wouldn't cut needed funds to programs----would he?
jay_156: because no one suffered and nothign was cut under the democrats
Jesus Claus: no, you convinced me
jay_156: thanks for the enlightenment
Jesus Claus: we should wave a magic wand, and click our heels together, and wish the money for college
Jesus Claus: and it will magically appear
Jesus Claus: good plan
jay_156: no poor people are going to college anymore...bush hates everyone poor....and everything was peachy under Clinton....thanks...Im heading down to register democrat now
Liz Dewitt: There's no place like College
Liz Dewitt: yes I am being sarcastic jeeper
jay_156: you've solved it for me now Claus...thanks
Jesus Claus: i'd settle for you facing reality
neteru: jesus, i keep planting money trees but they keep dying
Liz Dewitt: There's no place like college
Tom Joad: I am glad that you have finally seen the light, Jay
Liz Dewitt: get it jesus, i am trying to be funny.
jay_156: no, Ive faced reality....everyone but libs are wrong
Jesus Claus: did anyone say anything like that jay?
jay_156: so when we elect a whole government full of libs we will have everything we need
Liz Dewitt: right on jay
Jesus Claus: is it possible, maybe, that reps are wrong about some things?
Liz Dewitt: keep going
Tom Joad: Jay, we are all proud of you for finally openeing your eyes
jay_156: cool...poor people will start going to college and doing amazing things.....crime will end
jay_156: its gonna be grand
blues2: wow JC.........jay sees the light!...wtg!!!!!
Liz Dewitt: Thank you Jesus
Jesus Claus: do you think if you read more outside your zone of comfort, you might find these things out?
jay_156: what a fucking terrific day it is
Tom Joad: Jay, do you need a ride?
goodnews2x: RIGHT
Liz Dewitt: Jay saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
Jesus Claus: you don't think giving minorites more access to schools would lower crime?
jay_156: I think you're smoking some good shit Claus...thats what i think
Jesus Claus: you see no relationship there?
jay_156: no Claus it wouldnt/ anyone anythign never helps
Jesus Claus: true, but these are loans and grants
jay_156: we've created a society of people that want everythign given to them
jay_156: thats counterproductive
Jesus Claus: a small loan or grant for college isn't a good investment, jay?
jay_156: I worked 3 jobs to get through school Claus
Jesus Claus: do you believe in investment, jay?
jay_156: I paid for it myself
Jesus Claus: good for you
blues2: jay i got a student LOAN....and paid it all back
jay_156: why should I have?
Jesus Claus: do you believe in investment, jay?
jay_156: I should have just waited for someone to rush to my aid Claus
Tom Joad: Jesus Claus, relationships? cause and effect? these are fairly complicated concepts, for RepigKKKliklans we need to keep it VERRY Simple
Jesus Claus: jay, please, a small loan or grant isn't going to spoil you, is it?
jay_156: if I was loud enough and if I called the president an asshole long enough someone would have paid for my college
jay_156: I really fucked up
Jesus Claus: jay, you didn't have loans?
Jesus Claus: or grants?
Jesus Claus: nothing?
jay_156: no parents made too much money
jay_156: and I was in college during Clinton
jay_156: funny how he took care of me
Jesus Claus: so, the loans were taken by needier kids
Tom Joad: Jesus Claus, you have been haveing discussions with Jay for a long time, do you really believe that he has much education?
Jesus Claus: and the grants
Jesus Claus: deserve?
Jesus Claus: why do you say that?
jay_156: yes deserve
jay_156: college isnt public education
jay_156: well it is now
Jesus Claus: at a public university, i think it would be
jay_156: its not supposed to be 13th grade
jay_156: thats all it is now
Jesus Claus: i will admit that i see people who seem somewhat ill prepared
jay_156: you earn your way into college, or at least you are supposed to
Jesus Claus: and then you can earn 25k and pay no income tax
jay_156: now you, because the libs have convinced us that everyone is deserving of the same we have 13th grade
jay_156: socialism at its best Claus
Jesus Claus: so, we shouldn't invest in kids with bad backgrounds?
jay_156: awww...thats so touchy feely Claus
Jesus Claus: if they come from bad neighborhoods and bad schools, we should just let them rot?
jay_156: I can hear the nice music in the background and everything
Jesus Claus: oh wait, they don't rot, do they?
Jesus Claus: they get guns and shoot people
Jesus Claus: funny how that works out
jay_156: maybe miya angelou doing the voice over?
jay_156: tragic pics of little black kids crying?
Jesus Claus: maybe if we gave them some ways out, they wouldn't end up carjacking your ass
jay_156: Claus....the way out is the same for everyone
Jesus Claus: and that is?
jay_156: you pay dont sleep in class
jay_156: you attend class
Jesus Claus: in a run down school? with no books?
jay_156: you work your ass off
Jesus Claus: no computers?
Jesus Claus: where did you go to high school?
Jesus Claus: mine was a damn good school
jay_156: why am I even trying....its impossible to argue with someone that uses the exception as the argument
Eat Static: a paper round like you had yea jay
Jesus Claus: you think bad inner city schools are an exception?
jay_156: always the exception
Jesus Claus: is that what you think?
jay_156: because we all know that ALL schools other than "white" schools have no books
Jesus Claus: jay, you need to deal with reality here
Jesus Claus: inner city schools are a disaster
jay_156: some schools actually have dogs teaching class
Jesus Claus: and lackof funding is reason number one
jay_156: and sometimes the poor little black kids have to walk barefooted
jay_156: uphill both ways
Eat Static: jay...reality? lollllllllllllll
blues2: JAY IS HOPELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus Claus: jay, my school had state of the art computers
Jesus Claus: did yours?
Jesus Claus: do you think they have that in the city schools?
jay_156: yes Claus....I grew up in a very wealthy area
Jesus Claus: really
jay_156: I know what they have in city schools because I've taught there
Jesus Claus: so, you should get this easily
jay_156: actually, taught in the classroom in an inner city Claus...have you?
Jesus Claus: you worked hard, but you had a pretty big head start didn't you?
jay_156: of course you havent base EVERYTHING you know on what the NYT tells
Jesus Claus: it's easy to talk about hard work when your school had the best

So, which is it? Do you feel pity for jay's woeful lack of comprehension? Or do you feel disgust for his loathsome lack of empathy? If you're me, you feel tired and sort of hungry, but then, I'm easily distracted. Ooo, shiny...



Anonymous said...

. . so he is asked if he has read the report posted. if he has read any of the reports posted.

jay_156: I dont have too...
jay_156: I know what it says

Exactly what sort of education did this person get at high school/collage/university?

His claims of being highly 'educated' are highly exaggerated.

ononotagain said...

Quite a slog getting through the dialogue with Jay, just like in Paltalk!...... The tattler also noticed jays an idiot........" Quote of the day ---- jay_156: I made the Rattler or the Tattler or some kind of blog site written by one of these jobless, motherless sheep fuckers on here"
