Search Ratttler
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
You constantly go on about supporting this horrid war in IRAQ... no thought to the catastrophe unfolding across the world.. safe in your bed you don't hear the cries of the mothers who get a visit from the USA military to tell them their son is DEAD... NO THOUGHT to the mother across the sea.. the mother who cradles her bloody, lifeless child in her arms, so soon to be taken from this earth... WHAT IS THEIR CRIME??????? WHAT IS THEIR CRIME VIC????? to be born in a land victimized by the monster named HUSSEIN?.. and then later to be victimized by us??????? VIC? VIC????
While YOU sleep in your bed, sit at your table at night, with your FAMILY... do you think of those men and women who are weary for home??? Those men and women who grieve for their children, husbands, mothers.. lost in a war based on false info?????? Do you think of the HELL they are closing their eyes to because they are afraid to see their people blown to bits beside them?.. or in their beds afraid to sleep.. because their country is under attack??? VIC??? Do you think of ANYone.. but yourself? While you CELEBRATE THE DEATHS.. I am sickened by your glee.. your rally party to hurrah this murderous rampage.... Vic... no deed goes unrewarded.. remember that.. our lives aren't over... yet.
While you enjoy your steak VIC... do you taste the salty tears of incredible sorrow we are bringing these people IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM??? Do you taste the tears of a soldier who has to kill a man he never knew? Do you taste the tears of the families here at home that see our nation serve a bastard?
love & kisses ya blackhearted bastard
Generally, an office pool is set up as a grid of possible scores for football games, with participants throwing in ten bucks or so per square. A lot of times, though, it's entertaining to lay wagers on when Scott in Marketing is going to nail Beth in Accounts Receivable, with bonuses awarded for correctly predicting where in the building it will occur. (My money's on the 3rd floor copier room) And who doesn't enjoy betting on when that twitchy typist on 11 will finally snap and run through the cube farm, ripping her clothes off and screaming about the spiders in her arms? Oh yeah, good times, good times.
Naturally, since PalTalk software is specifically designed to filter out sane people, we get some real loony tunes scudding through the muddy waters of SI. And no one recently has been more surly, more venomous, and more agitated than jay_156. I don't know why, but whenever he's around, the word "meth-head" just pops up. Sure, he's a nasty piece of shit now, but what happened to turn a happy little toddler into the raving ball of animate bile we know as jay_156?
Ladies and gentlemen, we are taking wagers now. Just ten little dollars gets you a guess at our question:
"What happened to mess up jay_156 so badly?"
The guesses so far:
- Jesus Claus - Repeated molestation by circus clown.
- Alexavier777 - Locked in basement with breadcrumbs and a rat for a pet.
- S. - Steadily brainwashed by his TV and convinced that the world outside was too depressing to face, so went insane and made up fantasy world. Now fires vitriol at anyone challenging fantasy.
- Cardinal Fang - Repeatedly teased by garden gnomes creating a phobia.
- zipperdedoodah - Was forced to wear a chastity belt throughout his teen years.
- BaBaGaNews - He was put into a room full of condoms as a child.
- BooDuh - His problems stem from A TOTALLY UNREASONABLE FEAR OF INFORMATION. He undoubtedly was molested by an oversexed nymphomaniac nun in middle school. The molestation probably lasted three or four years, resulted in at least two abortions, and an overwhelming sense of guilt because it was so damn much fun. (There is a possibility that the nun turned out to be his birth mother.) Add to that the fact that the nun was a dominatrix and sadist. After she cut his dick off during a particularly enjoyable episode, she fried it and fed it to Jay in a Danish Pastry.
- RG Swan - Tragically, jay's sister grew up and was able to outrun him, so he spent his teen years horny and frustrated.
- Mystic Sea Maiden - Never recovered emotionally after he lost his high school sweetheart. He rolled her over onto a thumbtack and the paramedics were unable to reinflate her.
- classic_chik - Jay is shaken to the core over the information revealed in the Da Vinci Code, which could prove the very existance of the Merovingians, yes his true identity, a descendent of Jesus Christ, he is in fear of being discovered and he may not be able to protect the bloodline now and keep it pure, in hope of one day returning to Jerusalem to rule again in the name of Christ. Jay may hide in paltalk forever........attempting to fool us all with his unholy words .....Could he be the Master of the priory of Sion?
If you'd like to get in on the action, you know where to find me.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Just when we thought it was safe to go hunting wittout an assault weapon....someone starts Harping and guess's our resident Wannabe-American-Republican-Intern SALTSPRING. He's 'enlightening' us on our mathematics skills (quoting very, very BBBBBBushy figures) and 'reminding' us how war in Iraq is 'Good For You & Me'. Suddenly I am forced to count and google, then struck by thoughts like "How many ruthless dictators did you remove today saltspring?" as he, with such reckless abandon, lectures on 'saved' iraqi lives.
I wanna puke.
How apt to be remind then of that stellar performance of 'Taint no Oil in the Congo' (as the great tripods sang us at the recent Melbourne Comedy Festival, but nay, even they could not out do the do like the schmmoooth schmucky canuckiness of ol' Saltypringles). Salty might like to sing it to the A-rabs straddled a cruise missle ala Cher and the 75 mm cannon.
Fancy considering (say, over latte?) 'How many Africans or Asians did you save today?' whilst applauding your financial reports that the price of military tech stocks are gonna go the full red, white and blue bull.....
I guess, as with drclean, salty might recall that once you pop you can't stop.
Bang Bang.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Franklin D. Roosevelt was a communist and a terrible president.
Jimmy Carter used to be a waffler, now he's a traitor.
Walter Mondale is a flip-flopper.
Michael Dukakis is a waffler.
Ronald Reagan was the best president in history.
The media is liberal.
Bill Clinton is a flip-flopper.
Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster.
Bill & Hillary Clinton are radical leftists.
Al Gore is a waffler.
Al Gore claimed he invented the internet.
Al Gore is boring, stiff and wonky.
George W. Bush is a great guy to have a beer with.
George W. Bush is a Texan.
George Bush was a successful businessman.
Bush won Florida in 2000.
Losing by 2 million votes in 2000 is a mandate.
This administration will hold itself accountable.
Bush will restore honor and integrity to the White House.
The Clinton administration trashed the White House before the Bush administration took over.
Bush will make health insurance affordable for low-income families.
The Healthy Forests Initiative will help forests.
No Child Left Behind will help children.
The Clear Skies Initiative will reduce air pollution.
Republicans are compassionate conservatives.
It is executive privilege not to reveal the members of the energy task force.
Vice President Cheney no longer has ties with Halliburton.
Bush is not that familiar with Ken “Kenny Boy” Lay.
There is no global warming.
There is global warming, but humans aren't causing it.
If there is global warming, it's actually good for us.
There are legitimate scientists who dispute the "liberal" theories about global warming.
Sex education causes STDs and increases pregnancy rates.
HPV vaccine will cause teen sex cults.
Unemployment numbers have never been so low.
Outsourcing will create more jobs.
The vast majority of Bush's tax cuts go to the bottom end of the spectrum.
Tax breaks for Hummers are good for the economy.
Tax cuts increase federal revenue.
The estate tax hurts family farms.
Privatizing Social Security will save Social Security.
Citizens will earn more money for retirement with “private accounts.”
Republican proposals to change Social Security are not plans to “privatize.”
They are not “private accounts,” they are “personal accounts.”
The budget deficit will be cut in half in four years.
The economy is doing great.
Nothing is more important in a time of war than cutting taxes.
Bill Clinton is responsible for 9/11.
Bill Clinton was offered Bin Laden on a silver platter and turned it down.
No one could have anticipated airplanes flying into buildings.
We have removed the Taliban from Afghanistan.
Pat Tillman was killed by enemy fire.
They hate us for our freedom.
The creation of a department specializing in Domestic Security isn’t necessary.
Refusing to support the creation of a new Department of Homeland Security is anti-American.
The Patriot Act is needed to protect Americans.
Giving up some freedoms is necessary to defend freedom.
"Bin Laden Determined to Strike within the U.S." was a historical document.
You're either with us or against us.
We don’t want the smoking gun to be in the form of a mushroom cloud.
The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.
Anyone who leaks information will no longer be a part of this administration.
There can be no doubt that Saddam has reconstituted his WMD program.
The only way to get Zarqawi is to invade Iraq.
Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9/11.
We're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here.
Critics of the war are liberal, left-wing radicals.
Opposition to the war gives aid and comfort to the enemy.
Democrats hate America.
Dissent is unpatriotic.
The Iraqis will welcome us with open arms and flowers.
It could take six days, six weeks - I doubt six months.
Several hundred thousand troops is wildly off the mark.
Democrats voted for the war too.
Iraq is the central front on the war on terrorism.
Yellow ribbon magnets on your car mean you support the troops.
Iraqi oil will pay for the war and the reconstruction.
US liability for the war shouldn’t be more than a billion dollars.
Saddam would not let the weapons inspectors in the country.
Saddam would not let the weapons inspectors do their jobs.
There is a large international coalition participating in “Operation Iraqi Freedom.”
We know where the WMD are. They’re in the area around Baghdad and Tikrit and north, south, west and east somewhat.
Those trucks we found in Iraq were mobile biological weapons labs.
Iraq sent its WMDs to Syria.
Mission accomplished.
The violence is the result of a few Baathist dead-enders.
The insurgency is in its last throes.
Bring It On.
No one could have anticipated the Iraqi insurgency.
There is no civil war in Iraq.
We've turned a corner in Iraq.
A spike in violence in Iraq is a sign of American success as insurgents resist positive changes.
A decline in violence in Iraq is indicative of American success in getting a handle on Iraqi security.
If our military commanders need more troops, all they have to do is ask for them.
Abu Ghraib was the result of “a few bad apples.”
There is no need for a bill banning the use of torture.
We do not torture.
A “signing statement” freeing the executive branch from having to follow a law is necessary during a time of war.
Progress as a result of the “historic” pass of sovereignty, formation of government, election in Iraq will be seen in the next 6 to 8 months.
When they stand up, we'll stand down.
A plan to withdraw troops is defeatist.
U.S. beliefs that Iraq had WMD was an intelligence lapse.
The WMD mistakes were made in good faith.
Congress had access to the same intelligence on Iraq.
The Founding Fathers were Christians.
George W. Bush is a Christian man.
America is a Christian nation.
There is a war on Christmas.
There is a war on Easter.
Democrats and the ACLU want to ban the bible.
Democrats and the ACLU want to make it illegal to pray.
Bush was elected by “values voters.”
Dems struggle to attract “values voters.”
Jesus would have voted for Bush.
Gay marriage threatens the sanctity of marriage.
Republicans are pro-life.
Democrats are the party of death.
Evolution isn't supported by the facts.
There are legitimate scientists who dispute the "liberal" theories about evolution.
Man existed alongside the dinosaurs.
The earth is 6,000 years old.
Terry Schiavo wanted to live.
Michael Schiavo wanted to murder his wife.
Michael Schiavo abused his wife.
Terry Schiavo can laugh, smile & communicate.
Terry Schiavo can recover.
The country is 'bitterly divided' over the Schiavo controversy.
George W. Bush is a war hero. John Kerry isn't.
John Kerry shot himself in the leg to earn his medals.
Max Cleeland blew off his own limbs.
Bush is a war president.
Bush is a popular president.
The Democrats are weak on national security
Bush critics are 'shrill,' 'angry,' 'bitter’
John Kerry was against the $87 million before he was for it.
John Kerry is a flip-flopper.
John Kerry outed Mary Cheney.
Howard Dean is insane.
Diebold voting machines are secure.
Fox News is fair and balanced.
Jeff Gannon is a journalist.
Bill O’Reilly looks out for you by cutting through the spin to get to the truth.
Chris Matthews will not let anything get by him.
Tim Russert asks the tough questions.
Dan Rather got what was coming to him.
No one could have anticipated the breech of the levies.
Kathleen Blanco never asked for federal help.
Ray Nagin should have used the buses.
All of the president’s nominations should be given an “up or down vote.”
John Roberts would be a great Supreme Court justice.
Harriet Miers would be a great Supreme Court justice.
Harriet Miers is the best candidate to fill the Supreme Court vacancy.
It is not necessary to give Harriet Miers an immediate “up or down vote.”
Sam Alito is the best candidate to fill the Supreme Court vacancy.
It is the duty of Congress to approve the President’s nominations.
Tom DeLay is decent Christian businessman.
The Delay investigation is the result of a rabidly partisan prosecutor.
Nobody at the White House knows Jack Abramoff.
Democrats took money from Jack Abramoff too.
The Corruption scandals are bipartisan.
The 9/11 plot would have been discovered with the NSA domestic spying program.
Press reports about warrantless wire tapping undermines American national security.
Bill Clinton did it too.
Democrats don't want to wiretap terrorists.
Whenever we say "wiretap," that means we're going to get a court order.
The government is tapping your phone to protect you.
Leaks of classified information authorized by the President are ok because he can de-classify anything at will.
Leaks of classified information to the press by a whistleblower to expose illegal activity are treasonous and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
You cannot have Civil Liberties if you are dead.
Anyone who thinks Dubai shouldn't control our ports is racist.
No one who thinks we should build a wall along the Mexican border is racist.
The national anthem should only be sung in English.
Mexicans must be stopped from taking jobs Americans won't do.
George W. Bush is a decider.
Dick Cheney is a sober shooter.
Joe Wilson admitted that Valerie Plame wasn't covert.
Valerie Plame is a traitor.
Joseph Wilson is a traitor.
Patrick Fitzgerald is going to indict Joe Wilson.
Karl Rove has a faulty memory.
Scooter Libby has a faulty memory.
Gas prices are high because of liberal environmentalists.
Gas prices are high because of taxes.
Drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge will lower the price of oil.
High gas prices are the result of increased global demand.
Capping gas prices interferes with the free market.
Gas is still cheaper in America than in Europe.
Windfall taxes on high oil company profits is socialism.
It’s surprising that Bush’s poll numbers are so low since people like him so much.
Basically everybody likes the president except for a few wackos on the left.
George Bush doesn't read the polls.
The Democrats are in disarray.
The Democrats are struggling to take advantage of opportunities even with a weakened GOP.
Some Democrat party insiders are concerned the party is too liberal.
Some Democrat party insiders say Howard Dean is destroying the party.
Howard Dean can't raise money.
The Republican Party is the party of ideas.
Democrats lack new ideas.
Democrats are struggling to articulate ideas.
Democrats take a political hit criticizing Bush when he has strong poll numbers.
Democrats look like they are “piling on” if they criticize Bush when he has weak poll numbers.
Al Gore is an angry madman.
John McCain is a maverick.
John McCain is a straight shooter.
Hillary Clinton will be the Democrat nominee in 2008
The poor, deluded fools.
LARRY-OO7 ( iq points)
Whatever land they occupy it was certainly not taken from Larry.. if he over ran it, he still couldnt survive on it. In 6 hours he would be stark staring mad and after 12 hours , Larry would be dead on it, as the bones of many american tourists and english migrants attest to. So you have to wonder, dont you??
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I know we should feel pity for these people, but damn it they are like gnats annoying as hell. Imagine you are sitting in pt room enjoying the flow of conversation and bam here comes a chatter that likes to spin more than Faux News.
If you have never had the pleasure of experiencing this, grab yourself a seat and enjoy.
Mystic Sea Maiden: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday announced $139 million in grants to help make real President Bush's push for electronic health records for most Americans within a decade (Nov 2004)
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: if they committ crimes..hell yea
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: to monitor a sex offender.. who gives a shit
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: they shouldnt committ crimes then
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: they should implant sex offenders...
Diogenic: We've been trying to "mark" some people, mostly crooks, for centuries. Then we started marking regular folks, with birth certificates, drivers liscences, fingerprints etc. This is merely a continuation.
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: i havebt committed no crimes
Mystic Sea Maiden: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday announced $139 million in grants to help make real President Bush's push for electronic health records for most Americans within a decade. (where does this mention sex offenders?)
Mystic Sea Maiden: that was in 04 Sweet that is everyone not just criminals
emomz: sweet they will give it to you crime or no crime
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: i say better safe then sorry.
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: if they do nothing then you would still whine.
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: lmao if the Dems came up with it..they would think they were geniuses
digitalvoice_1: give the govt an inch and they will take 5 miles
Mystic Sea Maiden: I am not talking about any party
nel_i: believe me if they ever chip criminals it will be a TEST FOR U ALL LATER ON!!!!
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: they dont give a sh** about you
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: its true mystic
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: u havent left yet?
I’m still trying to figure out when electronic health records only applied to criminals. Did I miss something or maybe she is just auditioning for Faux News.
Friday, May 26, 2006

Hiding behind a new nic to snipe at people is so childish as to be bloody annoying! Who is this character, Bluesy Mood? I have my suspicions but there are so very many fools and idiots use paltalk it's a hard call. any suggestions?
Bluesy Mood: we are bringing those fucking arab bastards into the 21st century. time for them to get civilized
Bluesy Mood: too bad those fucking liberals can't understand facts
Bluesy Mood: America, love it or leave it
ononotagain: who the fuck are you bluesy?
Bluesy Mood: I'm not a fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: ononotagain why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
ononotagain: bluesy, you are just dripping with charm aren't you. Cowardly of you do be like this with a new nic
Bluesy Mood: bad ronald why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: christocracy why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: zepp999 why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: sougias1 why don't you just fuck off you fucking bastard
Bluesy Mood: I am your king
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: I repeat ::: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
*** Bluesy Mood has left the group ***I WONDER WHO HE WILL COME BACK AS?
True to form, my stalker saltspring seemed to want to grab me with his sweaty palm, his hand went up so quickly after mine. I swear, the guy has his lips suckered to my flank like a lamprey. Look, I can understand if he's angry when people smash his face into the massive documentary evidence of Republican support of Saddam when he was at his chem-tossing craziest, but you don't need to take your inadequacies out on me, shitstain.
No sooner had salty started in with his insipid comments than abby_1312 downed him with a monstrous hip-check. Apparently, salt was spreading around a fake quote from abby, and persisted after numerous warnings. abby takes no shit, (trust me) so she slapped a ball gag on ol' shit-for-springs and dropkicked him into the Pacific Ocean.
As salty disappeared over the horizon, Paltalk's Queen Lunatic Jesseado galloped to his rescue. I know, I know, RaisinCane is nuts, but she is actually Queen Maniac. The distinction is that Raisin prefers spittle-flecked ranting, while Jes likes low-tone wavering psychosis. Honestly, I get a kick out of listening to Raisin teeter on the brink, but Jes's yammering is like a radioactive death beam boring through a lead wall. My skull can't take the vibratory inanity.
I can only report what others saw and heard, because I can't stand to listen to Jes, but she must have whined and whined about shitstains' ignominious removal so much that abby finally snatched her speaking privileges. At least now I won't have the 4 minute gaps in audio.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Can we all say “they’re coming to take her away haha hehe hoho?”
Now if you ever stop by 2 way early in the A.M. you prolly know whom I’m referring to, yes ladies and gentlemen I am referring to JesSeado.
JesSeado is a very confused person, she claims that she was ‘born and raised catholic’ then in the very same breath says ‘my father was scientologist till the day he died. Our well loved JesSeado has also been known to tell a Mother who mentioned she lost her son in the Iraq war ‘Get over it’ & ‘Call Dr Phil’ (Jes is a great fan of Dr Phil don’t you know).
OK so now we know that JesSeado is a little hmmm… well let’s just say JesSeado is a wee bit ‘special’. Yet, with all of Jes’s confusion it wasn’t till this wondrous 3a.m. excursion into surreality it became apparent the men in white coats had an escapee.
Let me explain, well better yet let JesSeado speak for herself:
Jesus Claus: i have her {JesSeado} on ignore
batgirl_aus: jes gets 8 min..........cause she has a soft voice
tucherb: __________________________- jes /for real, let up mic. another person wants time on mic..
tucherb: thx/jes
Masterpesh: jes is high
Ucrash-Uburn: NOT AT ALL CLAUS
schadenfreude_1: zoloft
tucherb: i was listening jes./ but, i dont follow yor way of thought,,,
JesSeado: why would you not listen?
JesSeado: that is crazy
MSTLOM: Jesus Correct! And JES brother PAPERBOUY-SALT has arrived as well
Masterpesh: lodine
JesSeado: are you scard of the truth?
Mystic Sea Maiden: What truths JesJ
esSeado: are you scard of reality?
tucherb: jes/ on the iraq, terror issue, thats what im not following.
schadenfreude_1: I tried to see things from Jess's point of view, but I couldn't get my head that far up my arse!
JesSeado: reality
JesSeado: reality
Mystic Sea Maiden: it is hard to follow your train of thought
Voxy-: lol Jes.......what is crazy is that you're trying to get the attention of someone who has said that they have you on ignore LMAO
JesSeado: Iraq...afganistan...the reality...of both countries
Mystic Sea Maiden: lol Voxy
JesSeado: why would you not listen jesusJesSeado: ?
JesSeado: that is crazy
Voxy-: LOLOL
Voxy-: ^crazy
JesSeado: I dont put my hands over my ears..when i see dean come up and talk
Masterpesh: no more camping out?
JesSeado: what is the right way Jesus
JesSeado: ?
Voxy-: ^crazy^
JesSeado: what is the right way Jesus?
Voxy-: ^crazy^
Well Ladies and Gentlemen I will leave the deciding vote to you,our readers. Do we need to call up the men in little white coats or????
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

All of which is my way of preparing you for the incredible transformation of the conservative wingnut. First. know that a wingnut can't actually begin his transformation until he has been exposed to a talking point. These usually come through the media. You've seen these dishonest arguments on Fox News, heard them from pill-popping hypocrite Rush Limbaugh, or sometimes read them as articles in conservative papers. Once a wingnut has his talking point, he begins his journey. In this case, RichardCranial found an article making a false claim about the FISA court, and came running to Paltalk to smear it around.
RC has read an article by a guy named John Schmidt in the Chicago Tribune. Schmidt selectively quotes the FISA review court to make it sound as though the FISA court said it was OK for Bush to engage in warrantless wiretaps. However, what Schmidt leaves out is that the case was about facts that happened in 1978, BEFORE FISA, so the court explicitly states in their opinion that FISA would govern cases after 1978. A thorough debunk can be found here.
RichardCranial: the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, composed of three federal appellate court judges, said in 2002 that "All the ... courts to have decided the issue held that the president did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence ... We take for granted that the president does have that authority."
Jesus Claus: rc, you are a little late
RichardCranial: never late jc
Jesus Claus: Bush isn't arguing he followed FISA
RichardCranial: The Truong court [United States v. Truong Dinh Hung, 4th Cir. 1980], as did all the other courts to have decided the issue, held that the President did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information
RichardCranial: niether am i
Jesus Claus: his argument is that he is allowed to ignore laws he doesn't like
Jesus Claus: no, Truong is from before FISA, rc
Jesus Claus: your citation is wrong
Jesus Claus: Truong is a pre FISA case
RichardCranial: doesn't matter jc cause it is aconsitutional thing
RichardCranial: the review of the truong was in 2002 which is post fisa
Jesus Claus: no, it actually isn't
Jesus Claus: yes, but it covers law PRE 1978
Jesus Claus: so it isn't relevant
Jesus Claus: the actions in Truong predated FISA
Jesus Claus: FISA superceded presidential authority
RichardCranial: November 2002 decision of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, in Sealed Case No. 02-001, where the court said: *** We take for granted that the President does have that authority and, assuming that is so, FISA could not encroach on the President's constitutional power."
Jesus Claus: rc, what is your source, please
RichardCranial: United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review
Jesus Claus: where are you pasting from, rc?
RichardCranial: John Schmidt, associate attorney general of the United States in the Clinton administration
RichardCranial: the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, composed of three federal appellate court judges, said in 2002 that "All the ... courts to have decided the issue held that the president did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence
Jesus Claus: rc, that is SEARCHES
Jesus Claus: not wiretaps
MrArchieBunker: Claus will no proceed to tell us the Chicago Tribune is a 'Scaife paper'
MrArchieBunker: now*
Jesus Claus: sorry, rc
Jesus Claus: the Truong case predates FISA
RichardCranial: but the review of the troung case by the fisa court does not
RichardCranial: A panel of former Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that President Bush did not act illegally when he created by executive order a wiretapping program conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA).
Jesus Claus: that is false, rc
Jesus Claus: the FISA judges told the committee that they wanted the NSA program to be under their authority
Jesus Claus: they did not say it was legal
RichardCranial: but the said it was not illegal
RichardCranial: they said it was not illegal
RichardCranial: A panel of former Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that President Bush did not act illegally when he created by executive order a wiretapping program conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA).
RichardCranial: notice the words did not act illegally
RichardCranial: if the dnc couldn't beat nagin how do they expect to win the house in 06?
RichardCranial: only reason carter won was watergate
Jesus Claus: The FISA appeals court acknowledges the cases it mentions were decided before FISA and didn’t consider the statute (”We reiterate that Truong dealt with a pre-FISA surveillance…it had no occasion to consider the application of the statute…”)
Jesus Claus: The FISA appeals court explicitly says it’s not addressing the issue (”It was incumbent upon the [Truong] court, therefore, to determine the boundaries of that constitutional authority [to conduct warrantless searches]…The question before us is the reverse…”)
RichardCranial: but it was a good thing carter won cause without the fuck up job carter did reagan might not got elected
Jesus Claus: Actually, the quote doesn’t begin with the word “all”; it begins “The Truong court, as did all the other courts…” The Truong case was decided in 1978 — the same year FISA was passed — and did not deal with the FISA law
Jesus Claus: rc, your source was an article by John Schmidt, right?
Jesus Claus: As the court noted right before the excerpt, “Truong dealt with a pre-FISA surveillance… it had no occasion to consider the application of the statute…” The Truong case dealt with the President’s power in the absence of a congressional statute.
Jesus Claus: sorry, rc
RichardCranial: whatever jc, but the fact is that the review of it was in 2002 not pre fisa
Jesus Claus: in the Truong appeal, the FISC appeals court made clear they were deciding in the ABSENCE of FISA
Jesus Claus: because Truong happened before FISA
Jesus Claus: capisce?
RichardCranial: "The Truong court [United States v. Truong Dinh Hung, 4th Cir. 1980], as did all the other courts to have decided the issue, held that the President did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information
Jesus Claus: rc, that is decided IN THE ABSENCE of FISA
RichardCranial: but the review of it still was in 2002 and it still stood the test of time
Jesus Claus: rc, you're pasting from a John Schmidt article, right?
Jesus Claus: no, the 2002 opinion was an appeal
Jesus Claus: oif the FACTS of the 1978 case
RichardCranial: November 2002 decision of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, in Sealed Case No. 02-001, where the court said: We take for granted that the President does have that authority and, assuming that is so, FISA could not encroach on the President's constitutional power
RichardCranial: it was an review
Jesus Claus: no no no
RichardCranial: the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, composed of three federal appellate court judges, said in 2002 that "All the ... courts to have decided the issue held that the president did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence
Jesus Claus: it was an appeal, but court cvases are decided based on the LAW AT THE TIME
Jesus Claus: don't you know that?
RichardCranial: in 200 and fucking 2
Jesus Claus: rc, get a clue
Jesus Claus: the case was from 197 fucking 8
Jesus Claus: BEFORE FISA!
Jesus Claus: BEFORE!
Jesus Claus: holy shit, are you fucking brain damaged?
RichardCranial: but the review was in 2002 and it was still good
Jesus Claus: NO
Jesus Claus: that isn't how appeals work!
So, once I show RC that he is peddling long debunked lies, he transforms into the true form of the wingnut: the Whiny Ass Titty Baby (h/t Atrios). Indeed, take a look at how RC acts like a taunting 3rd grader when things don't go his way. I half expected him to start bawling and wailing for his mommy.
RichardCranial: sorry jc you are all wet cause you know what bush is still doing it and he said bring it on !!!!
Jesus Claus: appeals are still based on the LAW AT THE TIME!
Jesus Claus: rc, you lost this one, ok?
Jesus Claus: just settle
RichardCranial: bush said yeah i am doing it whatcha gonna to do about it---lol
Jesus Claus: you're right, rc
Jesus Claus: that is what he said
Jesus Claus: now you're getting it
RichardCranial: wrong jc because my man is still wirertapping without warrents
Jesus Claus: yes, he is
Jesus Claus: and worse
Jesus Claus: and you don't care
RichardCranial: and the libs can't stop him
Jesus Claus: sure we can
Jesus Claus: when we take the House in November, investigations begin
RichardCranial: i hope he keep on doing it
Jesus Claus: i get that
RichardCranial: what have you done about it?
Jesus Claus: you don't care about privacy or freedom
RichardCranial: hold a couple of hearing?
RichardCranial: i care more about capturing terrorist than their right to priavicy
Jesus Claus: and rc, that Drudge story has been debunked
RichardCranial: what drudge report?
Jesus Claus: the story about the DNC not backing Nagin
Jesus Claus: it was fake
Jesus Claus: made up
Jesus Claus: a lie
RichardCranial: who debunk it dean?
Jesus Claus: go back and look
RichardCranial: of course dean would say iut wasn't true after nagin won
RichardCranial: did drudge say it wasn't true?
Jesus Claus: yes, he did
RichardCranial: we'll see
RichardCranial: i
RichardCranial: i'll take drudge at his word taking dean at their word, but it still doesn't change anything, cause if it was true (and I still think it is) it doesn't bode too well for the dems in 06
RichardCranial: it really doesn't matter jc cause bush is still doing it and you can't stop him
RichardCranial: ytou can't
RichardCranial: nov is nov
RichardCranial: where are the people who says it is illegal?
RichardCranial: i don't hear the libs crying about it?
RichardCranial: we will let november take care of november
Oh, yes, we will let November sweep the corrupt, lying Republicans out of office. Maybe by then, RC will have grown up. I'm not holding my breath, though. And after November, you'll have a whole lot to cry about, loser.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
It seems that, to the withered brainstem of the wingnut, merely voicing opposition to the criminal behavior of the present leadership is ipso facto support for our enemies. Take a look at this short exchange, and notice particularly how, even when he is fully rebutted, Archie cannot let go of the simplistic smear he's selling:
MrArchieBunker: I've never heard Claus say on enegative thing about Al-Qeada
Eastern watcher: he is just a facade
MrArchieBunker: ever
Jesus Claus: fuck you archie
Jesus Claus: Bin LAden killed 3000 people in my city
Jesus Claus: Bush said he'd get him dead or alive
Jesus Claus: so where is he?
despurado4u: there his revolutonary hero's archie.......
Jesus Claus: I want him in cuffs or a carcass
Jesus Claus: so where is he?
MrArchieBunker: I'm serious Despurado, I have never heard Claus ever say anything negative about radical Islam or Al qeada
MrArchieBunker: ever
Jesus Claus: Arch, can't you read?
Apparently Arch's reading comprehension is fairly weak. Which is why his SAT scores were so abysmal. And that's why he now has a job as a mop jockey with his name stencilled on his shirt. He's just lucky that illegal aliens have too much pride to do that job.
PS - BTW, I've never heard any wingnut criticize Bush for failing to get Bin Laden, dead or alive. I guess the way they think is, since Bush is infallible, failing to catch the author of the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil must be a good thing. I'm surprised the cognitive dissonance doesn't blow their cranuims open. Oh, and asking why Bush failed means I love Al Qaida. Or something.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I don't know why wingnuts lie. In a time when we dance on the bleeding edge of Google technology, why would you even bother making a claim that takes, on average, 30 seconds of searching to debunk? We've had to deal with lying scam artists throughout history, but never has it been so easy to grab the facts and rub their noses in it. Imagine this scene from the American Revolution:
Benedict Arnold - "Why, my good Mr. Franklin, I'll have you know that King George III's job approval was never lower than 55% two years ago, even counting the negro vote as 3/5ths."
Benjamin Franklin - "Damn you, Arnold, I know you're an obfuscating scoundrel, but I haven't got the parchment to prove you wrong close at hand!"
Ben had to hop on his favorite horse and hoof it over to the Philadelphia Library, leaf through boxes and stacks of leafscrap and bound book for a fortnight, and gallop back in the driving rain just to gloat in Benny Arnold's face. Lucky for us, we now have the internet. Take a look:
Jesus Claus: oh shit!
jay_156: Senate just approved English as the national language
Jesus Claus: Rassmussen now has Bush Job Approval at 36%!
Jesus Claus: Rasmussen, the most republican leaning poll
Jesus Claus: Bush at 36%
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahhahaha
jay_156: the outgoing president isnt doing well in a thats new
Jesus Claus: Democrats up by 15 points in generic congressional poll
Jesus Claus: Clinton, BTW, left with skyhigh approval
jay_156: Bush hasnt left yet
Jesus Claus: Nixon, not so much
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
jay_156: with two years to go his sucked too
Jesus Claus: operative word being: yet
Jesus Claus: hahahahha
jay_156: doesnt it suck when people point out truth to you Claus?
Jesus Claus: no, Nixon actually had high approval 2 years before resignation
jay_156: Clinton didnt
Jesus Claus: and Clinton's ratings went up after impeachment
Jesus Claus: what, in 98?
Jesus Claus: in 98, his approval ratings were high
Jesus Claus: and stayed that way
jay_156: 2 years before he left office they werent
Jesus Claus: yes, they were
jay_156: ok claus
jay_156: lol
IJesus Claus: jay, look at this graph:
Jesus Claus: Clinton's approval at midterm 98 was above 60%
Jesus Claus: looks like above 65%
Jesus Claus: you're awfully quiet, jay
jay_156 had the good sense to scurry away like the rat he is. Funny story, though: Benedict Arnold was so incensed at Ben Franklin hooting and dancing around slapping his butt in triumph, that he turned traitor against the rebelling colonists. That story is completely true. I swear. Just Google it.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Det. Spooner - "Can you write a symphony, or turn a blank canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?"
Sonny - "Can you?"
Now, I'm sure that the distribution of some spearman's g-like variable tracking the overall quality of West vs East might very well show the mean of Western Culture to be further to the right. But that hardly means that individual specimens within each culture will reflect that difference.
All of which is by way of saying that, in the standings for World's Worst Person, you'd still have to be a pisspoor muslim to compete with someone as rotten as MrArchieBunker. In case you're wondering, it's the extra dash of bigotry that Arch sprinkles in that really tilts the judges his way.
No word yet on whether the blinding hypocrisy missile fired off by salty and the other depraved denizens of Rightwingtopia has circumnavigated the globe to vaporize them in their swivelback computer chairs. Not for a moment would it occur to salty that hearing him defend the dictatorial atrocities of a favored fascist South American despot makes us grab our wallets when we hear him whine and moan and rend his garments over the horrible crimes of Saddam. Considering that both Saddam and Augusto were both featured centerfolds in the Fascist Teen Beat that Reagan was jerking off to every night, you'll forgive me if I doubt your sincerity, salty.
This is probably a foreign concept to the wingnuts like Arch, Brute, and salty, but some of us make our judgements based on something called "our principles." Let me give you a concrete example. If, hypothetically, a jackboot tramples down a door in the dead of night, whisks away a dissident in a black hood, and sizzles his flesh with electrical torture, all before drilling holes in his body, beating him to death, and dumping his corpse in a shallow grave, that is something I consider wrong, no matter who does it.
Allow me to compare:
Jesus Claus - Torture is wrong, all the time, anywhere, no matter who does it.
MrArchieBunker, Brutelogic, saltspring - Torture is very, very bad when Saddam does it, but not so bad when the loveable, cuddly Pinochet does it.
I think I finally understand the wingnut mind. However, it's be a good idea for us to run further tests. I imagine if I can find a fascist dictator, they'd let us drill some holes in wingnut heads to verify our hypotheses. Do you think that would be wrong? Because saltspring doesn't.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
coops_13 is that rare specimen of Paltalk chatter: a combination of supercilious smarm and embarrassing ignorance. Surpassed only by MrArchieBunker in oleaginous bile, coops isn't quite slick enough to recover after making an ass of himself with yet another mangling of a colloquialism. I have no idea where coopsy got the idea that "blue collar" and "blue class" were interchangable, but check out how he tries desperately to pretend that he intentionally made this blunder.
coops_13: Democrats are not the blue class party anymore ...if anything ..... their the cast-aways of society with a vote
Jesus Claus: blue class?
Jesus Claus: which class is blue class again?
coops_13: Blue Class Democrats have switched to the GOP
Jesus Claus: Blue class?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: do you mean blue collar?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: blue class
Jesus Claus: what the fuck is a blue class?
Jesus Claus: ahahahhahahhaa
Alf500: <= brown collar
coops_13: Blue Class Jesus ......... GM Blue Collar union workers .. driving pick-up trucks, with gun racks in their rear window ....and attending NASCAR races
Jesus Claus: riiiiight, blue collar
Jesus Claus: not blue class, you halfwit
Waiting_for_Godot: coops>>That a RED NECK>>sorry
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
coops_13: Gotta keep up Jesus ..... the vernacular is Blue Class now
coops_13: sheesh
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus:, it's not
Jesus Claus: hahahahahaha
coops_13: Jesus .... Rove coined it at the 2004 post GOP convention
Jesus Claus: what?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
coops_13: Poor Jesus ...he really needs to study his enemy better
Jesus Claus: ok,show me where anyone has used that term, coopsy
coops_13: Godot ...don't start with speach now .....anyone who refers to creek Crick ....... needs some schooling
Jesus Claus: please, go right ahead
Jesus Claus: we are waiting, coopsy
coops_13: Jesus ....we just used at at our GOP meeting the other day
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
coops_13: had a laugh
Jesus Claus: so what is the other class called, coopsy?
Jesus Claus: White Class?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahhaa
coops_13: Godot .... listen to that northern wop
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahaha
coops_13: sheesh
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahhaha
Of course, there is no mention anywhere of Karl Rove or any other republican using the term "blue class." In fact, the closest I got was Karl Rove attending a college basketball game at George Mason with the guy who used to be the Blue Power Ranger. I suppose that could be what coopsy meant.
PS - That last little bigoted comment from coops_13 toward Godot is just a little treat I included for you kids. No need to thank me.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006

You gotta love the President of the United States, George W Bush. When asked what is the highlight of his presidency, he replied, "I would say the best moment was when I caught a seven and half pound (3.4kg) largemouth bass on my lake."
Flash back to 2004 and when Bush was asked by reporters to name his biggest mistake, he couldn't come up with any. The circus continues and the clown reigns supreme!
News article can be viewed HERE
the following might be hazardous proceed at your own risk.
Ladies and Gentlemen you might want to be sitting down before continuing your leisure reading of the following post (don't say I didn't warn you). A couple of nights ago I was sitting in 2-Ways in a half daze state listening to the normal rigmarole when something so perplexing occurred my jaw hit the ground. Conservators and Liberals joining forces; yes you didn't misread; I said that they were in agreement (got your attention now don't I). What could possibly bring about such an earth shaking, cats & dogs living together, discombobulating acquiescence between such self proclaimed opponents.
Well you all know about the Duke tabloid-like case, now wait before you start to state your opinion on rather the 'rape' actually occurred. For I don't see the masses coming together in agreement if a rape happened or not, do you? {I know get on with the story ;o) } You ready?
A new comer waltzed into 2-way during one of the lag time where not much is being said and the mic is full of static and dead air. She proudly approaches the mic to broadcast to all in room that she had an opinion about that "stripper" involved in the Duke case. Now let's just call this upstanding voice of reason Marissa. She comes and states that she did not believe "that stripper" was rape (now this is not a starling statement) Marissa goes on to say "What did that stripper expect going into a room of men taking off her clothes" Yes this noble lady (hmmmm maybe I shouldn't use lady might think I'm referring to lady of the evening) did in fact say this.
Then she continues to amaze all in room with her genius IQ saying, "Isn't like she was an innocent babe in the woods or a virgin" This was the beginning of the great alliance of Conservators and Liberals, an instant, unspoken coalescence. Chatters from extreme right wingers to extreme left wingers stared mouth agape at Marissa remarks, reason dawning in unison fell upon the room, here was someone that could not be from this planet and she must be set straight right away. Suddenly hands rose even from those text warriors only, to try to explain to this poor misguided lady (darn I did it again) rape should never, ever be acceptable or excusable. I mean did we sudden walk though a time warp back to a time when no was said to mean maybe and a time when men just couldn't control themselves, that boys will just be boys?
Yet to my amazement Marissa couldn't understand why people were disagreeing with her views. Marissa came back at people such as myself saying are you a stripper, would you ever be a stripper? I of course answer why, if I was stripper would that mean I deserved to be subjected to rape? Marissa again approaches the mic and graced all in the room with her worldly ways to say, "Wives are not strippers" (hmmmm wondering if she believes sex is only for populating the world). This again brought even the meekest of pal talkers to the mic explaining wives, mothers, even law students have been known to strip. Well Marissa being the headstrong person she is replied back with "I cannot believe I'm being attacking for saying I don't think 'that stripper' was raped'. Quickly the newly and short lived alliance expressed that in fact they were in shock that anyone would ever say a woman should expect or even deserve rape due to the job. Marissa had a come back yet again 'Well women go to bars and clothes they wear what do they expect'.
Well after much time passes with the room holding strong in agreement Marissa backed down a bit to say "What did she (the stripper) expect using such bad judgment, going into that house alone with men to strip and stand naked before these men"
Well Ladies and Gentlemen we now know that a woman's clothing, job, and poor judgment is justification for rape, I mean according to Marissa. Boys will boys and how can any of us expect men to control themselves thank you Marissa for showing us the light can't wait for your return to educate us even further in the ways of imbecility and ignorance.

Having been in the mining industry for many years taught me that some things are absolute. GOLD is one of those things! THE NOBLE METAL
If you can wade through this, it may ring some alarm bells. sorry, I just threw it together to shove down the throats of the admirers of the emporers new clothes who are reciting the rhetoric as I type (this was yesterday, as I publish this, GOLD is going ballistic!)....FOLLOW THE LINKS, and find more it's happening NOW!
WITH SO MANY STORIES COMPETING FOR THE PROPAGANDA FRONT PAGE, the most important story is being completely missed. Gold hit $US700/oz overnight with no sign of halting its upwards momentum. No space is being devoted to serious analysis of the implications of a Gold price of $1US000/oz and above. The movement in the gold price, which is rapid, has the potential to totally undermine current economic settings and demanding a total rethink. If the implications of this recent radical shift in the global economy are not confronted AND SOON, I shudder to think of the damage that will be done. (tony sadgrove, )
The unstoppable rise of gold prices continues while the dollar is at its lowest level of the past year against the euro.
In the meantime the US Federal Reserve (FED) pulled the interest rate up for the 16th time by a quarter point, raising it to five percent.
FED Open Market Committee officials said interest rates may be raised more to curb inflation. Following the last increase, interest rates have reached the highest level since April 2001.
The Standard & Poor's 500 Index lost 4.06, or 0.3 percent, to 1318.79 at 10:04 a.m. in New York. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 51.63, or 0.4 percent, to 11,591.02. The Nasdaq Composite Index dropped 12.60, or 0.5 percent, to 2308.14.
AIG lost $2.26, or 3.4 percent, to $64.28 for the worst performance in the Dow. The world's No. 1 insurer said first- quarter profit fell 16 percent to $3.2 billion. The value of derivatives slid by $333 million as the fair value of investments to hedge borrowings declined as interest rates rose. UnitedHealth Group Inc. fell $1.37 to $44.80. The No. 2 U.S. health insurance provider said the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is conducting an informal inquiry into its stock-options grants. (NOTE: INSURANCE IS ONE THING YOU WON'T GET)
Gold prices on Tuesday jumped to USD700 an ounce in New York trade, touching an all time high since October 1980. Today they are at USD 704. Silver is also up 50 cents at above USD 14.50/oz. Platinum has also soared to an all time high of USD 1,242/oz. "The weakening of the dollar is adding to this rally. But in many ways gold has gone up late last year and earlier this year even before the dollar started to weaken. Anticipating this weakening, gold has gone up,"
The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, has long been coy about its management of gold reserves. But in recent days, comments attributed to a part-time Chinese economist that a weakening U.S. dollar should prompt Beijing to hold more gold helped send the price of the metal to levels not seen in more than 25 years.
Some Chinese economists are urging the government to quadruple its gold reserves to 2,500 tons from the current 600 tons because the countrys foreign exchange reserves had become the worlds largest.
China has been trying to gradually diversify its reserve holdings away from the dollar. But economists say fears of a collapse in the U.S. currency will prevent any dramatic shift.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
As I raise a spoonful of Sugar Free Caramel Jell-O pudding, this appears on my screen:
coops_13: Bush is brilliant, actually
Have you ever been taking a drink of soda or milk, when just at that very moment, someone tells a joke, and you simultaneously spew and shoot liquid out your nose? Ow. And ewww. Not much better in gel form. Let's just say, that isn't going to be part of Bill Cosby's next Jell-O pudding commercial.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Maggs continued his aria, in the refreshing style of Milton Berle playing Lucia di Lammermoor, the poor woman driven mad by Scottish weather, along with a surfeit of blood and guts and even displayed a propensity for making the SOUNDS of weaponry.. yes.. his cruise missile impersonation ( a low moaning blowing sound) was followed rapidly by an attempt to convey himself as a Blackhawk Helicopter, complete with engine failings and crew mutterings ( a sort of chopping clicking of the dentures) ...This guy has been shooting blanks for too long.
His finale , sung somewhat soprano ,was a long peroration on the merits of napalm, at which point he was well and truly dotted, much to the regret of opera critics, as it was felt among us that he may very well have been going in so many circles that he would have dissappeared up his own arse at any moment. Complete with sound effects. Vale, magnumpremature.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Jesus Claus: vic's an idiot
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: yes
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: yes
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: yes
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: yes
Jesus Claus: I had to explain what stare decisis was to him
Cardinal_Fang: Vic is absolutely clueless.. and irrelevant
Jesus Claus: so Vic is not the sharpest spoon in the drawer
Cardinal_Fang: its comedy hour when vics on
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: claus
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: thats sharpest knife
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: spoons arent sharp
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: lol
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahhahha
Jesus Claus: thanks Vic
Jesus Claus: if we needed any more reason to think you're a moron
OH DONNA_AU: hahahaha clause....took VIC a while to wake up....
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: LOL
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: HAHAHAHAH
OH DONNA_AU: lmaoooooooooooooooooo
Jesus Claus: you go and try to EXPLAIN a joke
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: AHAHAHHAHA
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahh
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: HEHEHEHEHEHEHE
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahaha
Brutelogic: Claus.......haha, ya screwed up again......
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: OH CLAUS THAT WAS SO FUNNY
Jesus Claus: Vic, you're the idiot who has to have the joke explained to him
OH DONNA_AU: hahahah poor ....VIC doesnt get it....dangggggggggggggggg
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: THANKS
Memoirs_: vic is sucking all up
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahaha
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: A SHARP SPOON
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: WHAT AN IDIOT
Jesus Claus: do you need me to explain this joke to you vic?
OH DONNA_AU: hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OH DONNA_AU: so right clause
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: can you believe this?
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: DONT TRY AND COVER IT UP CLAUS
OH DONNA_AU: hey VIC....your the silly one
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: IT WASNT A JOKE
Jesus Claus: he thinks that was meant seriously
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: YOU SCREWED UP
OH DONNA_AU: you dont get that joke do you hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: NICE TRY
Jesus Claus: listen to him backpedal
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahaha
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: KEEP SPINNING
Jesus Claus: as if someone could think that spoons are sharp
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: THAT WAS FUNNY CLAUS
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: YOUR SUCH AN IDIOT
Jesus Claus: as Vic has to try and ayyack on a JOKE!
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahha
OH DONNA_AU: hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jesus Claus: you attack on something so trivial?
Vic Ferrari Living Legend: TYPICAL LIBERAL
Jesus Claus: hhahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: because you know you can't win on any real issue
Jesus Claus: Vic, it's called "irony." look into it
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: Irony!
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahaha
Memoirs_: Vic you are the biggest idiot, ferrari should take that car away from you ur moronic advertising VIC
Jesus Claus: Do i need to explain to you what irony is, Vickypoo?
Jesus Claus: or are you going to pretend that someone REALLY doesn't know that spoons aren't sharp!
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahha
Jesus Claus: hahhahahahahahahahha
Jesus Claus: that's the best you can do?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: that is so getting blogged
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahaha
By far, my favorite part is when Vic tried to turn to the room for support. It's like a toddler pulling his doody out of the potty and yelling, "Look, Mommy, look what I made!" How is it possible that Vic is not familair with ironically transposing words into idioms for fresh comedic value? Has that simple form of humor not filtered down to rural Alabama? Kind of like how bathing daily hasn't quite caught on there either. Or is it thatVic is so desperate to be able to beat me on something, anything, that he'll attach himself to whatever he can find and start howling? Dammit, Vic, stop humping my leg!
Voo towers in his wizard robes, outstretched arms casting dancing shadows in the torch-lit hall. "Now, as we know, all debates are decided definitively by definitions in a dictionary! And you must decide in advance to only consider the definition that most supports your argument!" Jay fiendishly scribbles the words of timeless wisdom in his notepad. The foil stars and half-moons taped to Voo's robe glitter and glint. "Jay, you must remember to never allow discussion of alternate definitions, or difficult applications! Simply declare yourself the victor, because the dictionary agrees with you, and you agree with the dictionary!" Voo raises his arms triumphantly over his head as his final pronouncement echoes and finally fades. He holds the pose a for a few silent seconds. "Ok, people, let's break for lunch."
jay_156 is not much of a debater. He clearly thinks very highly of his ability, but there's something missing in the execution. It's like stepping up to the facades used in movie productions. They look faux-realistic from a distance, but close up they're flat, rickety, and held together with wire and duct tape. Much like jay's arguments. Voo can passably pull off this debate style, but that is only because he overwhelms the conversation with aggressive, surprisingly graphic gay-centric insults. Jay, although perhaps as fascinated with gay sex as Voo, doesn't have the presence to make it work. Let's take a look at yet another failed argument:
jay_156: Clinton did invade just choose to believe that its ok to kill with bombs mcgoo
DrMcgoo: jay u nuts
DrMcgoo: jay clinton never invade iraq lolllll
jay_156: explain to me how the bombs that killed Iraqis was somehow more humane than the bullets that killed them
DrMcgoo: jay u dont know what u talking about
DrMcgoo: take a sit jay
jay_156: explain it tom me mcgoo
jay_156: explain how Clinton's bombs were so fucking humane
Jesus Claus: jay, many of the 3800 civilians who died in the past 3 months were tortured and DrMcgoo: jay bombing and invading its not the same
jay_156: prove it Claus
Jesus Claus: by shia militias
Jesus Claus: prove it?
DrMcgoo: jay u are clueless
jay_156: so bombing is ok right mcgoo?
Jesus Claus: it's in the news reports
jay_156: so its not really Iraqi lives that you're interested in...its how you kill them
DrMcgoo: its not ok jay
DrMcgoo: jay tell me when did clinton invaded iraq
Jesus Claus: some had drill makrs, burn marks, they were bound and beheaded
DrMcgoo: give me a date
Jesus Claus: killed by sectarian militias
jay_156: the second he sent a bomb over Mcgoo
Jesus Claus: it is a civil war
Jesus Claus: and we are in the middle of it
DrMcgoo: bombing is not invading lol
jay_156: I dare you to ask a single Iraqi who lost a loved one due to Clinton's bombs and you ask them if they feel like they were invaded
Jesus Claus: jay, they do not like us now
DrMcgoo: they will tell u no they werent invaded jay
jay_156: you've asked Mcgoo?
Jesus Claus: jay, recent polls prove it
DrMcgoo: jay go sit in the corner
jay_156: mcgoo, you've asked?
Jesus Claus: the iraqis are very angry at coalition forces
jay_156: lol..Claus saw a he knows
jay_156: what a fucking child you are Claus
Jesus Claus: jay, hahahahaha
DrMcgoo: iraqis didnt see american troops in iraq jay
jay_156: you saw a fucking poll...what a fucking child
Jesus Claus: the same poll the repukes pointed to a while ago to prove the iraqis loved us
jay_156: mcgoo...ask some of them
DrMcgoo: jay u not making sense as usual
jay_156: and the same polls you pointed to that assured a kerry victory? LOL
Jesus Claus: jay, uh...what?
jay_156: claimed to know what they think about it....Im asking you how do you know?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
DrMcgoo: jay thats reality
jay_156: Im talking about the reliability of your fucking polls Claus
jay_156: and how do you know that mcgoo?
Jesus Claus: does it occur to you that the people that run a poll in iraq are NOT the same as American polling agencies?
jay_156: unless you've been there and you've dont fucking know
jay_156: so take your own fucking advice and sit down mcgoo
Oh, jay? That would be this poll:
BAGHDAD — Only a third of the Iraqi people now believe that the American-led occupation of their country is doing more good than harm, and a solid majority support an immediate military pullout even though they fear that could put them in greater danger, according to a new USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll. The nationwide survey, the most comprehensive look at Iraqi attitudes toward the occupation, was conducted in late March and early April. It reached nearly 3,500 Iraqis of every religious and ethnic group.
The poll shows that most continue to say the hardships suffered to depose Saddam Hussein were worth it. Half say they and their families are better off than they were under Saddam. And a strong majority say they are more free to worship and to speak.But while they acknowledge benefits from dumping Saddam a year ago, Iraqis no longer see the presence of the American-led military as a plus. Asked whether they view the U.S.-led coalition as "liberators" or "occupiers," 71% of all respondents say "occupiers."
That figure reaches 81% if the separatist, pro-U.S. Kurdish minority in northern Iraq is not included. The negative characterization is just as high among the Shiite Muslims who were oppressed for decades by Saddam as it is among the Sunni Muslims who embraced him. The growing negative attitude toward the Americans is also reflected in two related survey questions: 53% say they would feel less secure without the coalition in Iraq, but 57% say the foreign troops should leave anyway. Those answers were given before the current showdowns in Fallujah and Najaf between U.S. troops and guerrilla fighters. The findings come as the U.S. administration is struggling to quell the insurgency and turn over limited sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government by the end of June. Interviews this week in Baghdad underscored the findings.
"I'm not ungrateful that they took away Saddam Hussein," says Salam Ahmed, 30, a Shiite businessman. "But the job is done. Thank you very much. See you later. Bye-bye." Bearing the brunt of Iraqis' ill feeling: U.S. troops. The most visible symbol of the occupation, they are viewed by many Iraqis as uncaring, dangerous and lacking in respect for the country's people, religion and traditions. The insurgents, by contrast, seem to be gaining broad acceptance, if not outright support. If the Kurds, who make up about 13% of the poll, are taken out of the equation, more than half of Iraqis say killing U.S. troops can be justified in at least some cases. But attacks against Iraqi police officers, who are U.S.-trained, are strongly condemned by the Iraqi people.
So, the Iraqis are angry at us, want us to leave, like the insurgents, and support our troops being killed. Oh yeah, jay, things are going great. Spectacular. I'm ready to buy retail property in downtown Baghdad right away, things are so super swell over there. And the bodies being dumped in the street, tortured and beheaded? Well, I'll just put a sign out front: "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Head, No Service."
DrMcgoo: jay clinton invaded lol
DrMcgoo: i'm laughing jay
jay_156: he ivaded with bombs
jay_156: he invaded with bombs
DrMcgoo: no he didnt jay
jay_156: the fact that his invasion doesnt meet your "definition" of invasion doesnt mean shit to me
jay_156: it just shows you are a fucking hypocritical idiot
DrMcgoo: jay do u know the definition of invading?
jay_156: yep...its a bombardment of something not wanted
jay_156: Id say those bombs meet that definition
DrMcgoo: no its not jay
jay_156: sure it is
DrMcgoo: invasion has only one definition
DrMcgoo: taking a country jay
DrMcgoo: did clinton took the country of iraq jay?
DrMcgoo: jay u dont know what u talking about
jay_156: The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
jay_156: A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease
DrMcgoo: invasion= taking out the country jay
jay_156: I just posted the dictionary definition of ivasion
jay_156: invasion
jay_156: A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease
DrMcgoo: yes jay to took the country out
Jesus Claus: did you post the definition of invasion in the UN charter?
DrMcgoo: a disease will take a country
jay_156: wouldnt you say that bombs would be a large scale onset of something injurous or harmful?
DrMcgoo: no jay
jay_156: you dont think those bombs were intended to conquer?
DrMcgoo: thats the difference
jay_156: if they werent intended to conquer...what were the purpose of the bombs?
DrMcgoo: jay ask urself that question
jay_156: of course they were intended to conquer
jay_156: was an invasion
DrMcgoo: clinton got saddam jay?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
jay_156: it was a large scale onset of something injurious or harmful
Jesus Claus: jay, that's fucking paltry
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahhaha
DrMcgoo: non sense jay
jay_156: sucess has nothing to do with the definition
jay_156: its intent....not outcome
DrMcgoo: jay...cant u bomb a country without invading it answer that
jay_156: Ive defeated you soundly can go home now
DrMcgoo: jay no u didnt....and u talking about ur history u dont even know about it
jay_156: no, once again really slowly mcgoo....bombing is invasion
DrMcgoo: jay clinton never invade iraq loll
jay_156: bombing is the large scale onset of something harmful. if you dont like it...argue with the dictionary
DrMcgoo: it slowly....clinton never invaded iraq
jay_156: lets go over the definition one more time and you tell me what part of it the bombing didnt take care of
jay_156: did the bombings create the onset of injury or harm mcgoo?
DrMcgoo: bombing dont mean invasion jayyyyyyyyyyy
DrMcgoo: are u nuts?
jay_156: answer the question mcgoo
jay_156: did the bombing create the onset of injury or harm?
jay_156: did the bombing create an intrusion in the lives of the Iraqis?
jay_156: yes or no?
DrMcgoo: jay learn ur shit b4 talking about it
jjay_156: mcgoo...Im reading to you from the dictionary
jay_156: and you havent answered my questions
DrMcgoo: ur dictionary dont mean squad
jay_156: oh...the dictionary doesnt matter...but your opinion does?
jay_156: lol've been beaten like a drum
DrMcgoo: invasion is invasion jay
DrMcgoo: bombing is bombing
jay_156: and Clitnon's bombing constitutes invasion
jay_156: bombing is invasion you dumb ass lol
DrMcgoo: not of the country jay
jay_156: of course of the country
jay_156: what the fuck do you think he was bombing?
jay_156: absolutely it is
jay_156: it fits the definition of invasion....that is the argument
DrMcgoo: jay tell me when did clinton invaded iraq
jay_156: when he bombed it mcgoo
DrMcgoo: jay invasion means?????
DrMcgoo: taking over the country
jay_156: invasion means...a large scale onset of something injurous or harmful
DrMcgoo: did clinton took over the country of iraq?
jay_156: invasion doesnt mean taking over a country
DrMcgoo: u nut nut jay
LordMercifulVoo: Well, invasion does NOT mean CONQUER.
DrMcgoo: tell me how clinton invaded iraq jay
LordMercifulVoo: Invasion means INTRUSION, and that is it.
LordMercifulVoo: Invasion does NOT mean CONQUER.
LordMercifulVoo: Invasion does NOT mean CONTROL!
LordMercifulVoo: Invasion does NOT mean DICTATE.
DrMcgoo: it means getting inside the country
DrMcgoo: clinton never invade iraq u nut
DrMcgoo: jay u talking non sense
Jesus Claus: Clinton never put a boot on the ground in Iraq
jay_156: you dont have to put a boot on ground to invade
jay_156: I dont care if Voo agrees with me either...Im right here
DrMcgoo: clinton never invade iraq
jay_156: most of the room agrees with me lol
DrMcgoo: jay u dont know ur own history what a shame
jay_156: I know Clinton invaded seem not to know that or not to admit that
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
Like I said, Voo-caliber argumentation. Did you notice how jay conveniently slid by the first definition of "invasion"? He half-heartedly tried to make that "conquer" caveat disappear, but he knew enough to recognize it wasn't going to work. In fact, as jay should know, Clinton took over a no-fly zone program from Bush Sr. The bombing was intended to prevent Saddam from moving militarily against both the Kurds in the north and the Shia in the south. The bombing was in no way meant to conquer Iraq. There is simply no way that by stretching or mangling the definitions of words you'll be able to convince us that using bombing to hem Saddam in is the same thing as an invasion. And, even if you did believe that, you 'd have to admit that Clinton was merely maintaining the "invasion" started by Bush Sr.
Guys, let's get real here. Let's lay all the cards out on the table. The only reason jay is fudging around with the definition of "invasion" is that he wants you to believe that the massive, festering blunder that Dubya got us into is no different than what Clinton did. Do I detect the warbling cry of the Yellow-Striped Chickenhawk? "CLINTONDIDDITOO! CLINTONDIDDITTOO!" Come on jay, you're trying to convince us that a shot glass filled with tap water is the same as the fucking Atlantic Ocean. Nice try. Go sell that shit over at Voo U. We 're not buying it.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
From across the Pond....Later this year we will finally pay off the loan of $21 billion America advanced us in 1941 so that we could continue to fight the Germans. The last tranche will be £45 m. Yes, America enabled us to survive as a nation....but one would ask, would we have made America pay through the nose as they did us? High interest, relinquish rights to radar, antibiotics, jet planes and nuclear research? Many of the ships America sold us were only fit for the scrap heap. Franklin had no love for our British Empire, indeed he wanted us to sign over the West Indies....and whilst hard bargaining on the part of America would be in its national interest, now that 'we' are in Iraq, one questions, having proven our mettle as being "with" America, rather than "against" her...why we are not now asserting OUR national interests and getting a slice of the pie as regards contracts to rebuild Iraq....doesn't America owe us now?
Bobby and Voo (I prefer to collectively call them "Vooby") had one of 2way's more heated exchanges yesterday. The most memorable oratory came from LMV when he excoriated Bobby with : "You camel-fucking sister-screwing sand-eating mother-molesting anal-receptive cock-sucking yak-humping goat-groping burkha-wearing cum-lipped brown-tongued donkey-dipping uh....fecal-toothed!" Not to be outdone, the ever-amiable Bobby took the high-road and responded with: "jambalaya! ghetto! hood! blood! crips!"...whoa. It went on and on but we knew it was over when an exhausted Voo screamed "MUTHAFUCKAH!" and Bobby could only respond with "ASSHOLE!". Late-arrival, the flag-draped Veto_kid, found it necessary to bounce Bobby after learning he was a "baby-killer" and then left the crowd in tears with his ultra-maudlin defense of the sanctity of the "widdle biddy babies". Given the outside interference it would be unfair to declare a winner in this cuss-contest, though Voo certainly had the edge in variety, alliteration, and style. All-in-all an exciting night at Paltalk...proving once again that Bush MUST be impeached!