
Search Ratttler

Friday, May 26, 2006


Hiding behind a new nic to snipe at people is so childish as to be bloody annoying! Who is this character, Bluesy Mood? I have my suspicions but there are so very many fools and idiots use paltalk it's a hard call. any suggestions?

Bluesy Mood: we are bringing those fucking arab bastards into the 21st century. time for them to get civilized
Bluesy Mood: too bad those fucking liberals can't understand facts
Bluesy Mood: America, love it or leave it
ononotagain: who the fuck are you bluesy?
Bluesy Mood: I'm not a fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: ononotagain why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
ononotagain: bluesy, you are just dripping with charm aren't you. Cowardly of you do be like this with a new nic
Bluesy Mood: bad ronald why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: christocracy why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: zepp999 why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: sougias1 why don't you just fuck off you fucking bastard
Bluesy Mood: I am your king
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: I repeat ::: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab
Bluesy Mood: frank why don't you just fuck off you fucking arab

*** Bluesy Mood has left the group ***



Q Jordon said...

I was just looking at the picture of the moneky. I could not help but notice how the monkey's ass looks like G.W Bush's face.

How poetic to have a monkey's bunghole with a chimp bastard's face plastered to it.

Intell Design -- my ass.

