
Search Ratttler

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Have you ever came across one of those people that just have to debate with no clue what so ever about the issue being debated? Perhaps you have had that so wondrous experience of someone lacking intelligence to debate you so they try to twist your words just a bit?

I know we should feel pity for these people, but damn it they are like gnats annoying as hell. Imagine you are sitting in pt room enjoying the flow of conversation and bam here comes a chatter that likes to spin more than Faux News.

If you have never had the pleasure of experiencing this, grab yourself a seat and enjoy.

Mystic Sea Maiden: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday announced $139 million in grants to help make real President Bush's push for electronic health records for most Americans within a decade (Nov 2004)

SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: if they committ crimes..hell yea
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: to monitor a sex offender.. who gives a shit
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: they shouldnt committ crimes then
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: they should implant sex offenders...

Diogenic: We've been trying to "mark" some people, mostly crooks, for centuries. Then we started marking regular folks, with birth certificates, drivers liscences, fingerprints etc. This is merely a continuation.

SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: i havebt committed no crimes

Mystic Sea Maiden: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday announced $139 million in grants to help make real President Bush's push for electronic health records for most Americans within a decade. (where does this mention sex offenders?)


Mystic Sea Maiden: that was in 04 Sweet that is everyone not just criminals

emomz: sweet they will give it to you crime or no crime

SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: i say better safe then sorry.
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: if they do nothing then you would still whine.
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: lmao if the Dems came up with it..they would think they were geniuses

digitalvoice_1: give the govt an inch and they will take 5 miles

Mystic Sea Maiden: I am not talking about any party

nel_i: believe me if they ever chip criminals it will be a TEST FOR U ALL LATER ON!!!!

SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: they dont give a sh** about you
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: its true mystic
SWEETVANILLAMAMMI: u havent left yet?

I’m still trying to figure out when electronic health records only applied to criminals. Did I miss something or maybe she is just auditioning for Faux News.


Anonymous said...

I was in a social issues room which S Link is the admin.During my short visit in the room the screen names SWEETVANILLAMAMMI and MsNikki with numbers after it came in.SWEETVANILLAMAMMI proceeds to stick her nose between myself and the person I was addressing.Calling me a whore and insulting me.When I got the mic in return and gave SWEETVANILLAMAMMI a little of her own shit back to her, MSNIKKI dots me in turn having her boyfriend S_LINK90 ban my name from the room.Now this bitch nikki sat there in the room letting her friend insult people then turns on the mic to me saying "IM NOT HAVING INSULTS IN THE ROOM" AFTER SWEETVANILLAMAMMI CALLED ME A WHORE.Apparently this nikki swellhead has no business being a judge at a rooster fight must less a hat in a room on paltalk!Paltalk is well known for it's tyranny and this SWEETVANILLAMAMMI is about the most ignorant waste of mic time ive ever heard!

I was in a social issues room which S Link is the admin.During my short visit in the room the screen names SWEETVANILLAMAMMI and MsNikki with numbers after it came in.SWEETVANILLAMAMMI proceeds to stick her nose between myself and the person I was addressing.Calling me a whore and insulting me.When I got the mic in return and gave SWEETVANILLAMAMMI a little of her own shit back to her, MSNIKKI dots me in turn having her boyfriend S_LINK90 ban my name from the room.Now this bitch nikki sat there in the room letting her friend insult people then turns on the mic to me saying "IM NOT HAVING INSULTS IN THE ROOM" AFTER SWEETVANILLAMAMMI CALLED ME A WHORE.Apparently this nikki swellhead has no business being a judge at a rooster fight must less a hat in a room on paltalk!Paltalk is well known for it's tyranny and this SWEETVANILLAMAMMI is about the most ignorant waste of mic time ive ever heard!
