
Search Ratttler

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Promoted to the front page from comments. This was posted anonymously, but I had asked the author to join as a contributor. memory is a little obliterated right now, I can't remember who it was I asked. So, if you wrote this, and you're on Paltalk, send me a PM, ok?

Bobby and Voo (I prefer to collectively call them "Vooby") had one of 2way's more heated exchanges yesterday. The most memorable oratory came from LMV when he excoriated Bobby with : "You camel-fucking sister-screwing sand-eating mother-molesting anal-receptive cock-sucking yak-humping goat-groping burkha-wearing cum-lipped brown-tongued donkey-dipping uh....fecal-toothed!" Not to be outdone, the ever-amiable Bobby took the high-road and responded with: "jambalaya! ghetto! hood! blood! crips!"...whoa. It went on and on but we knew it was over when an exhausted Voo screamed "MUTHAFUCKAH!" and Bobby could only respond with "ASSHOLE!". Late-arrival, the flag-draped Veto_kid, found it necessary to bounce Bobby after learning he was a "baby-killer" and then left the crowd in tears with his ultra-maudlin defense of the sanctity of the "widdle biddy babies". Given the outside interference it would be unfair to declare a winner in this cuss-contest, though Voo certainly had the edge in variety, alliteration, and style. All-in-all an exciting night at Paltalk...proving once again that Bush MUST be impeached!

