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Saturday, May 06, 2006


Today we had a roast with BOOM BOOM MCGEE


Anonymous said...

Soul Feud

Bobby and Voo (I prefer to collectively call them "Vooby") had one of 2way's more heated exchanges yesterday. The most memorable oratory came from LMV when he excoriated Bobby with : "You camel-fucking sister-screwing sand-eating mother-molesting anal-receptive cock-sucking yak-humping goat-groping burkha-wearing cum-lipped brown-tongued donkey-dipping uh....fecal-toothed!" Not to be outdone, the ever-amiable Bobby took the high-road and responded with: "jambalaya! ghetto! hood! blood! crips!"...whoa. It went on and on but we knew it was over when an exhausted Voo screamed "MUTHAFUCKAH!" and Bobby could only respond with "ASSHOLE!". Late-arrival, the flag-draped Veto_kid, found it necessary to bounce Bobby after learning he was a "baby-killer" and then left the crowd in tears with his ultra-maudlin defense of the sanctity of the "widdle biddy babies". Given the outside interference it would be unfair to declare a winner in this cuss-contest, though Voo certainly had the edge in variety, alliteration, and style. All-in-all an exciting night at Paltalk...proving once again that Bush MUST be impeached!
