
Search Ratttler

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Pope Casey IV, a once mighty man of paltalk has fallen into the depths of stupidness. Once, I used to admire him for his bold, unchanging views and regular beat downs of the Neocon Scum that brings filth to our great nation and clouds up the rooms in the Social Issues section in paltalk. Now, you guys are wondering how this has happened. I was invited to a private room and he was on the mic tearing up some fine americans who are questioning both parties' commitment to the people, and like a rabid bovine he races on the mic to deliever such a personal attack on them that even I had to blush. Not content to stand by, I got on the mic next to set Mr. Casey straight and defend the fine people in there. So how does he respond, he puts me on ignore because I had the nerve to question his blind eye to the democratic party, and how it is just as corrupt as the Neocon party. Basically, Casey got on and told me to go smoke a joint (like i need his permission) and get back on track at the same time he tells everyone that he is putting me on his ignore list for bashing HIS party. How Vic Ferrari of you, Casey.

One thing I noticed on pal world is everyone's fear of being proven wrong when the facts are laid out in front of them. No one gives a shit nowadays that our whole governmental system is tainted due to the fact that this very system has instilled in us this false fear of terrorism and allowed many leaders and multi-billion dollar companies the right to rape us hardworking men and woman of money, programs, rights and other ideals that we are in fact allowed to have in the Bill of Rights. No one but a select few are crying out for justice. So, in turn I decided to tear off the gag and express myself and not use the playbook given me by people like Casey.

On another note, it seems the SLINK 90 is running scared from me. When I go into rooms he is in, he and virginia 1776 (another neocon who gladly opens her legs to the pat robertson/fox news group) hightail out of it real quick. Go figure.

A SHAMELESS PLUG: For all you pro wrestling fans out there, I am currently co-hosting a talk show with a friend of mine called "THE OLD SCHOOL POINT OF VIEW" I invite you guys to come listen to it as, like I do in social issues, I now bring the truth without fear to the world of pro wrestling. The site can be found here: . Feel free to drop us a line or sign our guestbook with comments and questions about the show or wrestling in general.

As always it has been your pleasure.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Kenny. You finally figured out Casey is an ill-tempered goon who is incapable of hold any serious type of discussion with adults. The fact that you came to this conclusion gives me hope. Perhaps in another couple of years it will dawn on you that the struggle against jihadists is a righteous one. Thanks, MrArchieBunker

ononotagain said...

so that's where you've been, zombiemaster, playing with grown men in underpants, hot, sweaty bodies pressing together. Glad to see you have a hobby, hurry back to paltalk when your done.

zombiemaster said...
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zombiemaster said...

I can see I am steeping on toes around here and I am liking the feeling of it.

Anonymous said...


You pull no weight around the halls of Paltalk, actually not even enough to step on toes, but I do love it when Casey gets trashed. Frankly, I love it when you are trashed as well!

Anonymous said...

Could you do a little trashing of Claus too? bwaahha haaa haaaa

Anonymous said...

storm in a teacup. . away little boys away. .

S_LINK90 said...

"On another note, it seems the SLINK 90 is running scared from me. "
FACT IS ,, that you left me a pm on paltalk and you were not on after your left it.
another fact is ,,i have not seen you in the 2 way room.
another fact is,i dont run from anyone on paltalk you little cunt.
im on every night,,since your not,, seem your the runner pussy boy.

Anonymous said...

SLINK90, HOw in the hell, would YOU know what a 'cunt' is?!

stop pretending and admit those 'feelings' you have about other men.

why do you tortur yourself so much? So you like men, NO big deal, just be open about it.

Anonymous said...

Boys, Boys, Boys! Stop playing with each other's penises and grow up!
