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Saturday, June 17, 2006


Brutelogic is a source of endless amusement. Today he came charging into the room like a kindergartener, clutching his newest talking point like a Rambo lunchbox. Apparently Matt Drudge, the least credible source on teh internets, pointed Brutie here, to Nancy Pelosi's statement on changing the direction of the country by electing new leadership:

"Our new direction will advance a common agenda, seek common ground, and apply common sense in the service of the common good. We know that with a new direction, we can meet our national challenges in a way that makes our nation stronger, our economy more vibrant, and our families more secure. Instead of record deficits, we will go in this new direction in a fiscally sound way. We will make America more competitive and not heap mountains of debt on future generations."

Twice as he read this on the mic, brutie said, without a hint of irony, physically sound. Oh really, buttlogic? How many pushups can your economy do? Can your economy run a 4 minute mile? Can it swim 1000 yards? Can it climb Mt. Everest? Is it physically sound?

What an idiot you are, brute. The word is fiscally. Fiscally means: Of or relating to government expenditures, revenues, and debt. or, Of or relating to finance or finances.
Physically refers to the type of exhaustion brute feels as he runs to catch the bus while bobbling the box of Krispy Kremes. Fiscally is the type of irresponsible the corrupt Republicans have been for the last 12 years. Get it straight, and someday we may restore your PalTalk debating privileges. Until then, you're cut off, Brutelogic. Now trundle along home before mommy finds out you're gone.



ononotagain said...

bloody harsh jesus claus, picking on brute for a linguistic slip. his leader says "new kew lar" after all. I think it's just proof that the dumbing down of america is proceeding beyond their wildest expectations. BUT! to the issue concerned, USA, like Australia, is divided like never before, a common good et al is just so many motherhood statements. If Pelosis kite flies have at it. I wish Australia had a new direction.

ononotagain said...

brute cuts a fine figure in the disco, dancing with archie to the tune by olivia newton john "let's get fiscal" disco lives! (can't wait for the room response, in a week or so)

Anonymous said...

The only thing worth a response is ono's new picture! Love it. I thought only claus was still in diapers!

Unknown said...

I looked up anonymous in the Thesaurus. First entry is "pussy."


Anonymous said...

I looked up Jesus Claus in the dictionary and the definition was:

hate-sus Claws: 1. chickenshit, 2. person with no ability to use rational thought, 3. One overly fascinated with the male penis, 4. One who lies, 4. Childish thought.

Unknown said...

You used 4 twice, you dipshit.

Anonymous said...

He CAN count!
