President Bush told us all the other night in his address to the Nation that he had decided to send 20,000 more troops to IRAQ. I felt my heart sink...
I was anxious to see how we could stop him from performing this step with our Military, so I scanned the news the next morning to see the WORLD REACTION to this floundering failure. I am feeling somewhat encouraged to see the responses to this revelation by President Bush. The following is a letter to the president from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid;
This is the open letter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California sent to President Bush on Friday:
Dear Mr. President:
The start of the new Congress brings us opportunities to work together on the critical issues confronting our country. No issue is more important than finding an end to the war in Iraq. December was the deadliest month of the war in over two years, pushing U.S. fatality figures over the 3,000 mark.
The American people demonstrated in the November elections that they do not believe your current Iraq policy will lead to success and that we need a change in direction for the sake of our troops and the Iraqi people. We understand that you are completing your post-election consultations on Iraq and are preparing to make a major address on your Iraq strategy to the American people next week.
Clearly this address presents you with another opportunity to make a long overdue course correction. Despite the fact that our troops have been pushed to the breaking point and, in many cases, have already served multiple tours in Iraq, news reports suggest that you believe the solution to the civil war in Iraq is to require additional sacrifices from our troops and are therefore prepared to proceed with a substantial U.S. troop increase.
Surging forces is a strategy that you have already tried and that has already failed. Like many current and former military leaders, we believe that trying again would be a serious mistake. They, like us, believe there is no purely military solution in Iraq. There is only a political solution.
Adding more combat troops will only endanger more Americans and stretch our military to the breaking point for no strategic gain. And it would undermine our efforts to get the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future. We are well past the point of more troops for Iraq.
In a recent appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee, General John Abizaid, our top commander for Iraq and the region, said the following when asked about whether he thought more troops would contribute to our chances for success in Iraq:
"I met with every divisional commander, General Casey, the Corps commander, General Dempsey. We all talked together. And I said, in your professional opinion, if we were to bring in more American troops now, does it add considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq? And they all said no. And the reason is, because we want the Iraqis to do more. It's easy for the Iraqis to rely upon to us do this work. I believe that more American forces prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future."
Rather than deploy additional forces to Iraq, we believe the way forward is to begin the phased redeployment of our forces in the next four to six months, while shifting the principal mission of our forces there from combat to training, logistics, force protection and counter-terror. A renewed diplomatic strategy, both within the region and beyond, is also required to help the Iraqis agree to a sustainable political settlement. In short, it is time to begin to move our forces out of Iraq and make the Iraqi political leadership aware that our commitment is not open ended, that we cannot resolve their sectarian problems, and that only they can find the political resolution required to stabilize Iraq.
Our troops and the American people have already sacrificed a great deal for the future of Iraq. After nearly four years of combat, tens of thousands of U.S. casualties, and over $300 billion dollars, it is time to bring the war to a close. We, therefore, strongly encourage you to reject any plans that call for our getting our troops any deeper into Iraq. We want to do everything we can to help Iraq succeed in the future but, like many of our senior military leaders, we do not believe that adding more U.S. combat troops contributes to success.
We appreciate you taking these views into consideration.
Harry Reid, Majority Leader
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker
NOT ONLY THAT, but even MORE encouraging was the intensely, angry and defiant tone Barbara Boxer took with that manipulating, lying through her teeth, doesn't give a shit about we American people, Condi Rice the other day!! I say RIGHT ON!!!! to Barbara Boxer!! Let Condi step down and have a family of her own to send over to IRAQ, and let her pay for it herself ..instead of US TAXDOLLARS!!!
The following is a transcript of the conversation between Boxer & Rice (RIGHT ON BOXER!!!)
Transcript and Audio
Senator Barbara Boxer and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
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Published: January 11, 2007
The following is the exchange between Senator Barbara Boxer and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Iraq.
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: Thank you. Mr. Chairman, for me today marks the bipartisan end of a rubber- stamp Senate.
And I am proud to be here on behalf of the people of California.
Madame Secretary, on November 7th, the American people voted for a change in Congress, citing Iraq as the number one issue affecting their vote. And a week later, General Abizaid told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he checked with every single divisional commander on the ground in Iraq and to a person know one believed that more American troops would improve the situation because the Iraqis already rely on us too much.
And then on December 7th, the Iraq Study Group -- noting that 61 percent of the Iraqis who you say support us so much approve of attacks on U.S. troops; they approve of shooting and killing U.S. troops -- the Iraqi Study Group, in light of that, recommended that U.S. combat troops should be redeployed out of Iraq by early '08. They also called for an immediate meeting -- international meeting in the region to find a political solution to Iraq. And one line that stands out in that Iraq Study report is, quote, "Absent a political solution, all the troops in the world will not provide security."
And on January 8th, the Military Times -- and I'd ask unanimous consent to place this into the record, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, may I place this in the record, the Military Times?
SENATOR JOSEPH BIDEN: Without objection, it'll be placed in --
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: The Military Times published a poll which found that only 35 percent of military members approved of the way President Bush is handling this war, and only 38 percent thought there should be more troops.
So from where I sit, Madame Secretary, you are not listening to the American people. You are not listening to the military. You are not listening to the bipartisan voices from the Senate. You are not listening to the Iraq Study Group. Only you know who you are listening to, and you wonder why there is a dark cloud of skepticism and pessimism over this nation. I think people are right to be skeptical after listening to some of the things that have been said by your administration.
For example, October 19th '05, you came before this committee to discuss, in your words, how we assure victory in Iraq, and you said the following. In answer to Senator Feingold, "I have no doubt that as the Iraqi security forces get better -- and they are getting better and are holding territory, and they are doing the things with minimal help -- we are going to be able to bring down the level of our forces. I have no doubt" -- I want to reiterate -- "I have no doubt that that's going to happen in a reasonable time frame." You had no doubt, not a doubt. And last night, the president's announcement of an escalation is a total rebuke of your confident pronouncement.
Now, the issue is who pays the price, who pays the price? I'm not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old, and my grandchild is too young. You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, within immediate family. So who pays the price? The American military and their families, and I just want to bring us back to that fact.
Audio: Senator Boxer (mp3)
NPR has done a series of interviews with families who have lost kids. And the announcer said to one family in the Midwest, "What's changed in your life since your son's death?" The answer comes back, "Everything. You can't begin to imagine how even the little things change, how you go through the day, how you celebrate Christmas" --
Mr. Chairman, could I please --
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: "You can't begin to imagine how you celebrate any holiday or birthday. There's an absence. It's not like the person has never been there. They always were there, and now they're not. And you're looking at an empty hole. He has a Purple Heart, the flag that was on his coffin, and one of the two urns that we got back." He came back in three parts: two urns and one coffin. He's buried in three places, if you count their house. He's buried in New Jersey. He's buried in Cleveland.
That's who is going to pay the price.
And then you have the most moving thing I've ever heard on a radio station, which is a visit to a burn unit and a talk with the nurse. Devon suffered burns over 93 percent of his body, three amputations: both legs, one arm. His back was broken, internal organs exposed. As the hospital staff entered the room, they would see photographs on the wall, pictures of a healthy private standing proud in his dark-green Army dress uniform.
"It's very important," says the major, "that nurses see the patient as a person, because the majority of our patients have facial burns, and they're unrecognizable, and they're extremely disfigured."
So who pays the price? Not me. Not you. These are the people who pay the price.
So I want to ask you, since this administration has been so clear about how this has been coalition and a coalition. You've already said that we don't have anybody else escalating their presence at this time. Is that correct? (No audible reply.) That is correct.
Have you seen the recent news that the British are going to bringing home thousands of troops in the near future?
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: I have seen the stories about what the British are going to do. I'll wait for a confirmation from the British government about what they're going to do.
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: Okay. I would ask unanimous consent to place into the record the article from today that announces that that's what they're going to do, is bring home thousands of troops. And I want to point out to the American people: we are all alone. We are all alone. There's no other country standing with us in this escalation. And if you look at this coalition, the closest to us -- we've got about 130(,000), 140,000 troops. I don't have the exact number. The Brits had 7,200. They're going to be announcing they're bringing home, as I understand it, more than 3,000 of those. The next biggest coalition member is Poland, with 900, and after that Australia, with 300. No one is joining us in this surge.
Do you have an estimate of the number of casualties we expect from this surge?
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: No, Senator, I don't think there's any way to give you such an estimate.
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: Has the president -- because he said expect more sacrifice, he must know.
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: Senator, I don't think that any of us have a number that -- of expected casualties. I think that people understand that there is going to be violence for some time in Iraq and that there will be more casualties.
And let me just say, you know, I fully understand the sacrifice that the American people are making, and especially the sacrifice that our soldiers are making, men and women in uniform. I visit them. I know what they're going through. I talk to their families. I see it.
I could never -- and I can never -- do anything to replace any of those lost men and women in uniform, or the diplomats, some of whom --
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: Madame Secretary, please, I know you feel terrible about it. That's not the point. I was making the case as to who pays the price for your decisions. And the fact that this administration would move forward with this escalation with no clue as to the further price that we're going to pay militarily -- we certainly know the numbers, billions of dollars, that we can't spend here in this country. I find really appalling that there's not even enough time taken to figure out what the casualties would be. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Audio: Senator Boxer and Secretary Rice (mp3)
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: Well, Senator, I think it would be highly unlikely for the military to tell the president we expect X number of casualties because of this augmentation of the forces. And again, let me just say the president sees this as an effort to help the Iraqis with an urgent task, so that the sectarian violence in Baghdad does not outrun the political process and make it impossible to have the kind of national reconciliation that we all want to see there.
But I just want to say one thing, Senator, about the placard that you held up. I have to admit my eyesight's not what it used to be, so I couldn't actually see the date underneath, but I think it may have been '05.
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: And I think the president spoke --
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: -- about how great it was going?
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: -- and I think the -- no, I don't think I ever said it was going great, Senator. Let's --
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: (Off mike) -- that our troops would be coming home?
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: -- Senator, let's not overstate the case. I don't think I said it was going great. The point that I wanted to make --
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: Let's just put it up again.
SECRETARY OF STATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE: -- the point that I wanted to make, Senator, is that that is October '05. The president has talked repeatedly now about the changed circumstances that we faced after the Samarra bombing of February '06, because that bombing did in fact change the character of the conflict in Iraq. Before that, we were fighting al Qaeda; before that, we were fighting some insurgents, some Saddamists. But it was the purpose of Zarqawi to try and stoke sectarian violence. He wrote this letter to Zawahiri, told him he was going to do that. Zawahiri himself was even concerned that this might be a bad policy, but it turns out to have been a very smart one because in fact through the bombing of the Golden Mosque, he accelerated this sectarian violence to the point that it now has presented us with a new set of circumstances.
Condi Rice was nationally BITCHSLAPPED by Barbara Boxer.. I say; IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!
When ya want something DONE... SEND A WOMAN!!
Have a great day you blackhearted, war mongering, bloodthirsty neocunts
isa stop lying. This comment of your's was an out and out lie: "I was anxious to see how we could stop him from performing this step with our Military, so I scanned the news the next morning to see the WORLD REACTION to this floundering failure."
You did nothing of the sort. You sat your fat ass on Paltalk jammering away like the dumb bitch you are. This entire post (with the exception of your lie) was stolen from another blog. You're a thief AND a liar. Do everyone a favor and just give the link so I won't have to expose you.
Oh and btw ....
Quote of the Month...
isabellah-1: He's not MY President!!
WaitingForGodot: isa you voted for him. TWICE
You never hear about what warriors we have. The entire coalition is an awesome force that is to be respected. All the gun battles you see on television and the majority of coalition deaths are due to roadside bombs. That's the only effective weapon the enemy has because they can't fight them head on. But you'll never hear that respect out of isabellah. She's part of the problem, not the solution.
I forgot to add one thing reguarding isa's high fiving of Barbra boxer "bitch slapping" Condi Rice.
High Five to the Senator from NC for bitch slapping Nancy Pelosi. Let the record note that Nancy could care less for tuna fishermen.
He shit on her pointy little head
listen to the neonuts grasping to straws is funny as hell.When will they admit it, the game is over and we will be declaring a major victory very soon. It's going to fun watching the new seanate and congress bitch slap Bush around as he deserves.
'You never hear about what warriors we have. The entire coalition is an awesome force that is to be respected.'.... well.. so amusing... since this anony blogger feels competent to speak for the ENTIRE coalition, I feel quite comfortable speaking on behalf of small section thereof. I cant speak for the Poles.. ( who can?? ) and I can only speak in general for the Brits, but Anony has the Australian contingent totally arse about. Their job is to most definitely be NOT awesome in any way whatsoever. They are a TOKEN force, and as such are by parliamentary decree to be unawesomely at the back of the pack. Under no circumstances is an Australian soldier to be anywhere within 100klms of any American troops due to their badly trained and badly led outcomes. Because of this decree no AU soldier has so far been KIA. However, 2 did manage to do it to themselves. So the story goes. Boys will be boys. For some years now, the AU contingent has most unawesomely guarded the Japanese engineers ( contractors)while they repair the Baghdad railway system. Any student of history would appreciate this irony, I am sure, even Anony. For , of course, the last time AU soldiers and Japanese railway builders were together it was a whole different story.. the Au building the Burma/Siam ( Thai) railway and the Japanese guarding them. One Au soldier died for every sleeper, and you can tell that things have improved as so far, no Japanese engineer has managed to escape the Hen-like guardianship of the AU contingent and got him/herself offed. As for the Brits, the Guardian and the London Times reported in a 2006 summary in this new year that more Brits had been killed by American troops than the 'enemy ' could even imagine. I am not sure if Awe is the current response/description/label from Anony in this context.... try pissed off.
Jay, you stupid bastard, send your kids or grandkids! We are refusing to send our kids to Iraq! You fucking no good mother fucking traitor. Go live in Iraq, that is your new country! You make me sick you scumbag! How dare you support these bastards, you are not American, you are not even a man. You are a pussy. This battle is about America and the bastards trying to ruin it economically and militarily. Wake the fuck up you stupid fuck! You cannot be that fucking stupid! I swear to everything thing in the heavens...I hate you, and I wish so much sadness on your home and family. I hate all of you traitors to America. Just leave, go to Iraq. Get a civilan job in Iraq, just fucking leave. You make me so sick!
One more thing Jay you fucktard...it IS a time for diplomacy. That is what is wrong with you nuts, you think your war games will solve this problem. It won't. Another thing ASSCLOWN. If we wanted to end terrorism, we would not be selling arms at such a rapid speed to South America and other countries that make Bush's pioneers richer. Even Venezuela ya dumb fuck!
WEAPONS SALES TO LATIN AMERICA: Hundreds of Millions and Counting
In addition to aid programs such as FMF and IMET, the United States sells military hardware through arms sales programs such as Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Direct Commercial Sales (DCS). The top 15 recipients of arms sales in Latin America took delivery of more than $3.5 billion in military hardware and weaponry between 2000 and 2003 (the last year for which full data is available).
Brazil topped the list with almost $720 million in arms from the United States. The top five U.S. arms sales recipients Brazil plus Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina-accounted for two thirds of all U.S. weapons sold in the region.
I can't BELIEVE these angry leftyz. "I'm so mad!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!! It's always Marsha Marsha Marsha!!!"
And also notice how the last lefty has Bush dealing arms. It's going to be interesting in a couple of years when Bush leaves office. Will these angry dumbass leftyz say he sold his arms dealing business to the incoming President? Remember you also say he owns the world's oil supply, so will he throw that in the deal too?
ROFLLLLLL You dumbasses
For those seeking proof that isabellah flat out STOLE this post, check the middle of her post where it says: "Audio: Senator Boxer and Secretary Rice (mp3)"
There's no audio link because isabellah forgot to remove that section of text when copy and pasting from the original blog. The dumb bitch can't even STEAL something without fucking up. ROFLLLLLLLLL
There ... Now you've officially been bitch slapped isabellah
Most of what Boxer said was fine. Her attempt at further emotionalizing the issue and trying to eiher instill guilt or score political points was childish. While it may not have been the most common statement in the Congress (the argument is quite old and has little merit so far as answering the more pertinent issues of viability and necessity, with the latter being the formost, when it comes to the matter of war), it's been said for years, and effects me little. It's an argument best suited for the playground.
Oh, and the media is making oo much of this. Booxer was making an emotional argument, but it's not terribly offensive. There are worse things said by both sides. As for Boxer herse4lf. I don't know her. I don't have anything personal against her. But, I must admit, the emotive premise of near to no legitimacy based on personal risk is not intellectually respectable. Her earlier arguments, or parts for the one, were, that wasn't.
for the anonymous that thinks i stole this from a blog?.. think again
this was in the national news.. posted by CNN & NYTIMES
at these two links;
My dyslexia is rearing its ugly head again. Oh well. I type, I get overconfident in what I type, I send, and you see my myriad misspellings.
Isnt it ironic that the democrat liberals complain about soldiers being there, yet they are the same ones who want to create a draft to FORCE men and women to go. Again, they are all hypocrits.
Anything Isabellah has to say has no merit in my mind because shes a filthy woman who gets her jollies from online relationships with men who are probably just as married as she is. Basically, her ideas and comments are overshadowed by her reputation.
Ever notice how the demo/liberal asses can only repeat the rhetoric of "send your kids", or "I dont see YOU in Iraq", among others? Ever notice how they dont have any of their own ideas about how to handle Iraq? How about you nasty militant bastards start coming up with some solutions instead of all this backbiting? AT LEAST the reps have the guts to suggest ideas.
Democrats and liberals are cowards.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two out of three Americans oppose President Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq, a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Friday indicates
WASHINGTON -- Seventy percent of Americans oppose sending more troops to Iraq, according to a new poll that provides a devastatingly blunt response to President Bush's plan to bolster military forces there.
The Nation -- "The first thing we have to gauge is the reaction of the American people tonight and tomorrow," Senator Jack Reed (news, bio, voting record), the Democrats' point person on the war in Iraq, said yesterday
The reaction of the American people towards the war remains unchanged. They opposed it before Bush's speech and they still oppose it after. Seventy percent of Americans now disagree with deploying more troops, according to an AP-Ipsos poll released this morning.
and so on and so on.. etc etc... the AMERICAN people say NO MORE!!
read it and weep motherfuckers
It was a sickening display to watch. Senator Boxer disagrees with Secretary Rice, but chose not to base her disagreement on matters of policy, philosophy, or to find fault in Secretary Rice's education or professional qualifications. Rather, Secretary Rice's personal decisions and lifestyle choices (she is unmarried and has no children) were cited as the reasons why Senator Boxer disagrees with Secretary Rice. I would say it was a sad day for women in general, but just like Boxer, isabellah will do anything to promote her cause.
That's one more step DOWN for women in America.
Read THAT and weep isabellah
Eff you are a flip flopping pussy suck ass!
What did I flip flop on?
THE BUSH EFFECT: U.S. Military Involvement in Latin America Rises Development and Humanitarian Aid Fall
An Arms Trade Resource Center Fact Sheet
by Frida Berrigan and Jonathan Wingo, World Policy Institute
November 4, 2005 (PDF)
While President George W. Bush is in Latin America to push his controversial free trade agenda, there is another type of trade to be concerned about. U.S. military aid, training and arms sales to the region have all increased sharply since the beginning of the war on terrorism and threaten to exacerbate conflict, empty national coffers and sidetrack development programs.
Through the Foreign Military Financing program, military aid has drastically increased during the Bush administration. In 2000, U.S. military aid to Latin America was $3.4 million, a tiny share of worldwide FMF spending of $4.7 billion. By 2006, overall spending on Foreign Military Financing actually decreased to $4.5 billion, after peaking at $6 billion in 2003. But military aid to Latin America increased to over 34 times its year 2000 levels, to $122 million.
After the Summit of the Americas in Argentina, President Bush will visit Brazil and Panama. Argentina is the third largest recipient of military aid in Latin America, with a total of $6.3 million between 2000 and 2006. Panama, where the United States long controlled the canal area, is also a major recipient of military aid, with a total of $5 million for the same period. Argentina’s population is ten times that of Panama, making the near parity in their military aid levels striking.
But, when looking at military aid to the region, it is most noteworthy that El Salvador tops the list of recipients, with almost $23 million in FMF since 2002. This relatively large amount of military aid can be explained at least in part by looking at Salvadoran support for the war on terrorism. El Salvador is one of the Bush administration’s few remaining allies with troops in Iraq, and six Salvadoran Special Forces soldiers have been awarded the Bronze Star.
The administration has also sought to draw a parallel between El Salvador’s transition to democracy and Iraq’s rocky progress toward that goal. While in San Salvador last year, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld praised the country’s progress, saying “when one looks at this country and recognizes the fierce struggle that existed here 20 years ago and the success they’ve had despite the fact that there was a war raging during the elections, it just proves that the sweep of human history is for freedom.” He added, “We’ve seen it in [El Salvador], we’ve seen it in Afghanistan and I believe we’ll see it in Iraq.” [1]
El Salvador, which emerged from a U.S.-backed civil war in 1992, is also the second largest recipient on military training though IMET, and it is 11th on the list of arms sales recipients, purchasing a total of $46.8 million in weaponry between 2000 and 2003. During the civil war, in which 75,000 people were killed over 12 years, Washington contributed $1.5 million a day in military and economic aid to support the dictatorship’s fight against guerillas. [2]
In fiscal year 2000, the United States distributed almost $50 million in military training funding through International Military Education and Training (IMET), with $9.8 million or 18% allocated to the Western Hemisphere. This funding trained 2,684 soldiers from Latin American countries.
Fast forward six years and into the midst of the war on terrorism; overall IMET funding worldwide has increased 75% to $86.7 million. Funding for military training in Latin America has increased at a proportional rate, to $13.6 million for 2006. This will fund training for 3,221 Latin American soldiers in everything from counterintelligence to helicopter repair.
Colombia tops the list for IMET, with $9.3 million in military training aid since 2000, an increase of almost 90% over six years. But other countries have received larger percentage increases over the same period. IMET funding to El Salvador and Nicaragua increased more than 200%, and their neighbor Panama received a 400% increase between 2000 and 2006.
At the same time that military aid and training are on the rise, U.S. economic aid to the region is dropping-- the 2006 foreign aid request foresees a sharp drop especially in development assistance, child survival and health programs. In 2002, in the United States budgeted $225 million for U.S. Agency for International Development programs in Latin America, including funds for child survival and health programs, disaster and agricultural assistance. The request for 2006 totals $125 million for the region- a decrease of more than 40%.
WEAPONS SALES TO LATIN AMERICA: Hundreds of Millions and Counting
In addition to aid programs such as FMF and IMET, the United States sells military hardware through arms sales programs such as Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Direct Commercial Sales (DCS). The top 15 recipients of arms sales in Latin America took delivery of more than $3.5 billion in military hardware and weaponry between 2000 and 2003 (the last year for which full data is available).
Brazil topped the list with almost $720 million in arms from the United States. The top five U.S. arms sales recipients Brazil plus Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina-accounted for two thirds of all U.S. weapons sold in the region.
As a large and relatively wealthy country, Brazil can sustain a regular expenditure of over $100 million a year. Other countries maintain a more cyclical approach to armament. Instead of a steady increase or decrease in sales, countries go through phases to expand their military, thus boosting sales, and then spend a few years maintaining and servicing the existing equipment, causing a drop in sales. A clear example of this is Guyana, which in 2003 remarkably increased their arms expenditure over 5,000% from the previous three years, and Argentina, which spent 800% more in 2001 than in the two years that followed.
Foreign Military Sales are conducted between the requesting government and the Pentagon. This process is usually reserved for larger orders and “package deals” that include delivery, training, spare parts, maintenance and even a warrantee on equipment, in addition to the military hardware. Most of the weaponry sold through FMS either comes from the Pentagon’s stockpile, or from supplies of military hardware restricted from market sale. Direct Commercial Sales, however, are conducted between the requesting government and the weapons manufacturing firms. As a rule, these transactions take less time because they are not subject to the same level of Congressional intervention or Pentagon red tape. But, sales are drawn from a more limited inventory because of the above-mentioned market sale restriction. FMS and DCS are both subject to review from the State Department.
In addition to military aid through Foreign Military Financing and International Military Education and Training, Latin American police and security forces are receiving billions in “counter-narcotics” aid.
In 2000, countries in Latin America received $1.19 billion in International Narcotics Control funding, with most of that-- $894 million -- going to Colombia under the beginning of President Clinton’s Plan Colombia. INC funding for Latin America (not including additional supplementals to Colombia) totaled $169 million between 2001 and 2005, and the State Department has requested $51 million for 2006.
The Andean Counter Drug Initiative is a separate program that includes considerable military and police aid. It is the umbrella under which “Plan Colombia” is supported and its stated goals are countering drug proliferation and stimulating economic development in the Andean region. Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela all receive some funding, but the lion’s share continues to go to Colombia.
U.S. counternarcotics funds go mainly to drug interdiction; programs to train and support national police and military forces; provision of communications and intelligence systems; support for the maintenance and operations aerial eradication aircraft; and improvement of infrastructure related to counternarcotics activities. Beginning in 2001 with $154 million in aid, the program has so far totaled more than $2.9 billion.
U.S. Southern Command is the hub of the military’s presence in Latin America. Now based in Miami and headed by General Brantz Craddock, SOUTHCOM operates on a budget of $800 million a year and considers 19 countries in Central and South America and 13 in the Caribbean as its area of concern.
The Command’s size and budget, especially given the current military preoccupation with the Middle East, speaks to the United States’ enduring influence in the Western Hemisphere-- Washington’s backyard. The Southern Command is staffed by 1,470 people-- more than are tasked with the region by the Departments of State, Commerce, Treasury and Agriculture and the Joint Chiefs office and the Office of the Secretary of Defense combined.
UNGOVERNED SPACES: Al Qaeda in Latin America?
According to its public documents, Southern Command is interested in improving “effective sovereignty” in Latin America’s “ungoverned spaces” like the “Triborder Area” between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, where national governments have little power, smuggling is rampant, and U.S. military experts allege that fundraising for Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah is taking place. Former SOUTHCOM head James Hill states that “branches of Middle East terrorist organizations conduct support activities in the Southern Command area of responsibility.” [3]
According to San Diego Union Tribune contributor Andres Oppenheimer, other “ungoverned spaces” include the “Tabatinga-Leticia corridor on the Brazil-Colombia border, the Lago Agrio area on Ecuador’s border with Colombia and the Darien jungle in Panama” where “Colombian drug traffickers, narco-terrorists and arms dealers roam about freely, and often control large territories.” [4]
But, many Latin America and security experts say that the terrorist threat there is overstated. Adam Isaacson, an analyst with the well-regarded Center on International Policy, says that with the exception of Colombia, “terrorists are rather scarce in Latin America, and terrorists who threaten U.S. citizens on U.S. soil are scarcer still…To portray terrorism as a region-wide threat, from the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego, seems like a tough sell.” The lack of a significant threat has done little to cool the rhetoric. Isaacson notes that “the word ‘terrorism’ appears as a justification for military aid in 16 of the Western Hemisphere country narratives in the State Department’s 2005 Congressional Presentation document for foreign aid programs.” [5]
RADICAL POPULISM: Latin America Tilting Left?
While fanning concerns about the growing role of Islamic fundamentalists in Latin America and keeping a wary eye on “ungoverned spaces,” what seems to concern Washington most is the leftward tilt of many Latin American countries.
In its 2004 Posture Statement, SOUTHCOM noted that “radical populism” is a major threat to stability in the region. At a briefing before the House Armed Services Committee in April 2004, then- SOUTHCOM Commander James Hill said that “terrorists throughout Latin America bomb, murder, kidnap, traffic drugs, transfer arms, launder money, smuggle humans.” [6]
He elaborated that there are both “traditional terrorists,” like the criminal gangs in Central America and paramilitary and guerilla groups in Colombia; and “emerging terrorists” like the “radical populists” who tap into “deep seated frustrations of the failure of democratic reforms to deliver expected results.” Radical populists apparently include Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, a former leader in the Bolivian coca growers’ union who now heads that country’s main opposition party. [7]
In March, CIA Director Porter Goss testified before the House Armed Services Committee that the U.S. should paying greater attention to threats “in our own back yard.” He noted that presidential elections will be held in eight South American and Central American countries in 2006 and warned that “destabilization or a backslide away from democratic principles...would not be helpful to our interests and would be probably threatening to our security in the long run.” [8] As Tom Barry, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus, said, “Latin America is a continent that is drifting to the left, maybe out of U.S. control.” To many in Washington, that seems to be at least as scary as a robust terrorist network in their backyard. [9]
ON THE GROUND IN LATIN AMERICA: The U.S. Military in Paraguay and Elsewhere
U.S. military bases, forward operating locations and radar stations like the ones listed on page five try to keep a low profile, but they are not as elusive as on-again, off-again military “training missions,” like those taking place in Paraguay this summer.
The United States military and the Armed Forces of Paraguay are conducting joint operations at a Paraguayan military base, including one that involves U.S. soldiers providing counterterrorism training to 65 Paraguayan air force officers.
While U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, have denied Washington’s interest in a permanent military base in Paraguay, the location of the exercises raise suspicions. The military base is 200 miles from the Bolivian border and almost as close to the country’s natural gas reserves and fresh water aquifers. It is also close enough to Brazil to be threatening. In late July, the Brazilian army launched military maneuvers along its border with Paraguay, parallel to the arrival of U.S. troops in Paraguay. According to InterPress Service, the United States has conducted 46 military operations in Paraguay since 2002. [10]
In addition to strengthening the militaries of Latin America through aid, training and equipment, the United States continues to stake out a claim on the use of Latin American territory for its own foreign policy objectives. Some of these bases are well-known (and in the case of the U.S. base at Guantanamo, notorious), while others- in Honduras, El Salvador, Ecuador and Caribbean islands- are open secrets.
What follows is a list of what we know about the United States’ “military footprint” in the region (drawn largely from the work of the Center for International Policy).
The term Forward Operating Location is used to describe U.S. arrangements with foreign nations for temporary access of military bases. But in some cases, “temporary” can mean decades, not months.
U.S. Military Aid and Arms Transfers Since September 11
Perhaps no single policy is more at odds with President Bush’s pledge to "end tyranny in our world" than the United States’ role as the world’s leading arms exporting nation. Although arms sales are often justified on the basis of their purported benefits, from securing access to overseas military facilities to rewarding coalition allies in conflicts such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, these alleged benefits often come at a high price. All too often, U.S. arms transfers end up fueling conflict, arming human rights abusers, or falling into the hands of U.S. adversaries. As in the case of recent decisions to provide new F-16 fighter planes to Pakistan, while pledging comparable high-tech military hardware to its rival India, U.S. arms sometimes go to both sides in long brewing conflicts, ratcheting up tensions and giving both sides better firepower with which to threaten each other. Far from serving as a force for security and stability, U.S. weapons sales frequently serve to empower unstable, undemocratic regimes to the detriment of U.S. and global security.
Among the key findings of this report are the following:
In 2003, the last year for which full information is available, the United States transferred weaponry to 18 of the 25 countries involved in active conflicts. From Angola, Chad and Ethiopia, to Colombia, Pakistan and the Philippines, transfers through the two largest U.S. arms sales programs (Foreign Military Sales and Commercial Sales) to these conflict nations totaled nearly $1 billion in 2003, with the vast bulk of the dollar volume going to Israel ($845.6 million).
In 2003, more than half of the top 25 recipients of U.S. arms transfers in the developing world (13 of 25) were defined as undemocratic by the U.S. State Department’s Human Rights Report: in the sense that "citizens do not have the right to change their own government" or that right was seriously abridged. These 13 nations received over $2.7 billion in U.S. arms transfers under the Foreign Military Sales and Commercial Sales programs in 2003, with the top recipients including Saudi Arabia ($1.1 billion), Egypt ($1.0 billion), Kuwait ($153 million), the United Arab Emirates ($110 million) and Uzbekistan ($33 million).
When countries designated by the State Department’s Human Rights Report to have poor human rights records or serious patterns of abuse are factored in, 20 of the top 25 U.S. arms clients in the developing world in 2003-- a full 80%-- were either undemocratic regimes or governments with records of major human rights abuses.
The largest U.S. military aid program, Foreign Military Financing (FMF), increased by 68% between 2001 and 2003, from $3.5 billion to nearly $6 billion. These years coincided with the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and the run-up to the U.S. intervention in Iraq. The biggest increases in dollar terms went to countries that were directly or indirectly engaged as U.S. allies in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, including Jordan ($525 million increase from 2001 to 2003), Afghanistan ($191 million increase), Pakistan ($224 million increase) and Bahrain ($90 million increase). The Philippines, where the United States stepped up joint operations against a local terrorist group with alleged links to al-Qaeda, also received a substantial increase of FMF funding ($47 million) from 2001 to 2003. Military aid totals have leveled off slightly since their FY 2003 peak, coming in at a requested $4.5 billion for 2006. This is still a full $1 billion more than 2001 levels. The number of countries receiving FMF assistance nearly doubled from FY 2001 to FY 2006-- from 48 to 71.
The greatest danger emanating U.S. arms transfers and military aid programs is not in the numbers, but in the potential impacts on the image, credibility and security of the United States. Arming repressive regimes in all corners of the globe while simultaneously proclaiming a campaign for democracy and against tyranny undermines the credibility of the United States in international forums and makes it harder to hold other nations to high standards of conduct on human rights and other key issues. Arming undemocratic governments all too often helps to enhance their power, frequently fueling conflict or enabling human rights abuses in the process. These blows to the reputation of the United States are in turn impediments to winning the "war of ideas" in the Muslim world and beyond, a critical element in drying up financial and political support for terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda. Last but not least, in all too many cases, U.S. arms and military technology can end up in the hands of U.S. adversaries, as happened in the 1980s in Iraq and Panama, as well as with the right-wing fundamentalist "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan, many of whom are now supporters of al-Qaeda.
At a minimum, the time has come to impose greater scrutiny on U.S. arms transfers and military aid programs. The facile assumption that they are simply another tool in the foreign policy toolbox, to be used to win friends and intimidate adversaries as needed, must be challenged in this new era in U.S. security policy. A good starting point would be to find a way to reinforce and implement the underlying assumptions of U.S. arms export law, which calls for arming nations only for purposes of self-defense, and avoiding arms sales to nations that engage in patterns of systematic human rights abuses, either via new legislation or Executive Branch policy initiatives. Equally important, the automatic assumption that arms transfers are the preferred "barter" for access to military facilities or other security "goods" sought from other nations should be seriously re-considered. Economic aid, political support and other forms of support and engagement should be explored as alternatives whenever possible.
New Data Shows How Contractors Are Cashing In On War On Terror
Can Boeing Bounce Back from Setback on Comanche?
New York, NY, February 24th -- As a global network of citizen's groups rallies today to protest war profiteering by major contractors like Boeing, Halliburton, and Bechtel, the New York-based World Policy Institute is releasing a new analysis that documents a rapid increase in Pentagon contracts flowing to these firms. "The Bush administration's militarized approach to fighting terrorism is money in the bank for companies like Lockheed Martin and Halliburton," notes Michelle Ciarrocca, a Senior Research Associate at the Institute.
Key findings of the Institute's analysis (available at www.worldpolicy.org/projects/reprots) are as follows:
* Total Pentagon prime contract awards topped $209 billion in FY 2003, the first time ever that annual contracts to private firms had exceeded the $200 billion mark.
* The biggest winner in percentage term was Halliburton, whose contracts jumped from less than $500 million in FY 2002 to $3.9 billion in FY 2003, an increase of 680%. Halliburton's increases are largely due to contracts for providing support to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and rebuilding Iraq's oil infrastructure.
* Other big gainers were also heavily involved in Iraqi rebuilding. The Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) saw its Pentagon awards triple, From roughly $800 million in FY 2002 to $2.5 billion in FY 2003, based largely on its acquisition of Dyncorps, a private military services company with contracts for everything from reforming the Iraqi justice system to guarding Afghan president Hamid Karzai to fighting narco-guerillas in Colombia. Science Applications International Corporation, another major player in Iraq which also has extensive work on intelligence and missile defense issues, saw its contracts increase from $2.1 billion in FY 2002 to $2.6 billion in FY 2003, a 24% increase.
* While companies tied to the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq showed the fastest growth in Pentagon awards, the "Big Three" weapons contractors -- Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman -- continued to dominate in terms of sheer volume of Pentagon business. The Big Three as a group combined for over $50 billion in Pentagon prime contract awards in FY 2003, accounting for nearly one out of every four dollars the Department of Defense doled out for everything from missiles to MREs (Meals-Ready-to-Eat). Lockheed Martin experienced the greatest absolute increase in Pentagon spending, going from $17 billion in contracts in FY 2002 to $21.9 billion in FY 2003, a 29% increase. To put this in perspective, Lockheed Martin's increase between 2002 and 2003 was larger than Halliburton's entire amount of Pentagon prime contract awards. Boeing, which has been dogged by ethical scandals surrounding its space launch, missile defense, and aerial refueling tanker leasing programs, showed the smallest net increase of the "Big Three," going from $16.6 billion in Pentagon prime contracts in FY 2002 to $17.3 billion in FY 2003, and increase of 4%. By contrast, Northrop Grumman's awards jumped from $8.7 billion in FY 2002 to $11.1 billion in FY 2003, a hefty 27% increase.
"By any standard, $209 billion in taxpayer money going to private companies is a lot of money," said Frida Berrigan, Deputy Director of the Institute's Arms Trade Resource Center. "Are we getting our money's worth? And is anybody -- in the Pentagon, the White House, or on Capitol Hill -- keeping a close eye on these military mega-firms to make sure they are delivering quality goods and services for the billions we are paying them?"
A Scalpel, Not a Sledgehammer: Setting Stricter Standards of Accountability
Whether one looks at Halliburton, which is reeling from accusations of fraud in its operations in Iraq; or Boeing, which just this week lost a major contract for the Comanche helicopter on the heels of having another major deal for aerial refueling tankers put on hold in a "revolving door" hiring scandal; the question arises as to whether the Pentagon has become so dependent on some of these big firms that they are "too big to discipline."
Halliburton isn't just the company that provides meals and does the laundry in Iraq. It is the worldwide logistics provider for the U.S. Army, operating in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Turkey, and all points of the globe. Boeing isn't just an airframe manufacturer -- it is also a lead contractor on missile defense, and the systems integrator on the Army's Future Combat System (FCS), an information-based, next-generation "battlefield of the future." Calls to debar these companies from future contracts run smack up against the fact that the Pentagon -- and our forces in the field -- have grown dependent on them for critical goods and services. "What we need is a 'policy audit' of the relationship between the Pentagon and private contractors like Boeing and Halliburton," argues William D. Hartung, a Senior Research Fellow at the World Policy Institute and the author of How Much Are You Making on the War, Daddy? -- A Quick and Dirty Guide to War Profiteering in the Bush Administration (Nation Books/Avalon Group, 2004). "A good place to start would be by taking up the call by Taxpayers for Common Sense to create a new Truman Commission with the power to investigate and thwart war profiteering."
Will Iraq's Oil Blessing Become a Curse?
The Iraqi government is considering a new oil law that could give private oil companies greater control over its vast reserves. In light of rampant violence and shaky democratic institutions, many fear the law is being pushed through hastily by special interests behind closed doors.
Oil. The world economy's thick elixir yields politics as murky and combustible as the crude itself. And no wonder. It brings together some awkward bedfellows: It's where multinationals meet villagers, where executives meet environmentalists, where vast wealth meets deep poverty, where East meets West.
Iraq's al Dora refinery blazes after being hit by a mortar last week.
Oil, of course, can be politically explosive at the best of times, let alone the worst. So, when the country with the third largest oil reserves in the world debates the future of its endowment during a time of civil war, people sit up and take notice.
The Iraqi government is working on a new hydrocarbons law that will set the course for the country's oil sector and determine where its vast revenues will flow. The consequences for such a law in such a state are huge. Not only could it determine the future shape of the Iraqi federation -- as regional governments battle with Baghdad's central authority over rights to the riches -- but it could put much of Iraqi oil into the hands of foreign oil companies.
Political differences could still derail the legislative process. The Kurdish and Shia populations want to control their oil-rich territories without Baghdad's help. Meanwhile Sunni Arabs located in the oil-poor center of the country want the federal government to guarantee they're not excluded from the profits.
That hasn't stopped the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), though. The KRG has already signed agreements of its own with oil companies. But Baghdad has declared the contracts invalid, and the new draft law states that Iraq's oil exploration, production and transport would be handled by the central government in Baghdad, according to excerpts of the draft published by Dow Jones Newswires.
Controversial contracts
Nevertheless, the draft law lays the ground work for private oil companies to take large stakes in Iraq's oil. The new law would allow the controversial partnerships known as 'production sharing agreements' (PSA). Oil companies favor PSAs, because they limit the risk of cost overruns while giving greater potential for profit. PSAs tend to be massive legal agreements, designed to replace a weak or missing legal framework -- which is helpful for a country like Iraq that lacks the laws needed to attract investment.
It's also dangerous. It means governments are legally committing themselves to oil deals that they've negotiated from a position of weakness. And, the contracts typically span decades. Companies argue they need long-term legal security to justify huge investments in risky countries; the current draft recommends 15 to 20 years.
Nevertheless, Iraq carries little exploratory risk -- OPEC estimates Iraq sits atop some 115 billion barrels of reserves and only a small fraction of its oil fields are in use. By signing oil deals with Iraq, oil companies could account for those reserves in their books without setting foot in the country -- that alone is enough to boost the company's stock. And, by negotiating deals while Iraq is unstable, companies could lock in a risk premium that may be much lower five or ten years from now.
Without drastic improvements in the security situation, companies are unlikely to begin operations anytime soon. "The legislation is not a golden bullet," one industry source told SPIEGEL ONLINE. Western oil companies are happy to receive Iraqi officials in their European headquarters, but are not keen to return the visit. Firms from China, Russia and India, however, are less intimidated by Iraq's precarious security situation and actively court Baghdad on its home turf.
Russia, after all, knows first hand what's at stake. They negotiated PSAs after the fall of communism, but the terms turned out to be so disadvantageous that they've taken to nationalizing the projects in question. Not unlike Iraq today, Russia then had weak governance and needed the money.
That's why some fear Iraq is setting its course too hastily and in too much secrecy. Greg Muttitt of social and environmental NGO Platform London told SPIEGEL ONLINE: "I was recently at a meeting of Iraqi MPs (members of parliament) and asked them how many of them had seen the law. Out of twenty, only one MP had seen it."
Last week, the Iraqi Labor Union Leadership suggested the same. "The Iraqi people refuse to allow the future of their oil to be decided behind closed doors," their statement reads. "(T)he occupier seeks and wishes to secure themselves energy resources at a time when the Iraqi people are seeking to determine their own future while still under conditions of occupation."
Many worry instability would only get worse if the public feels cheated by the government and multinationals -- the Iraqi constitution says the oil belongs to the Iraqi people. The Labor Union Leadership warned: "We strongly reject the privatization of our oil wealth, as well as production sharing agreements, and there is no room for discussing the matter. This is the demand of the Iraqi street, and the privatization of oil is a red line that may not be crossed."
Peter Eigen, chairman of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, a body that aims to bring improved governance in resource-rich countries, told SPIEGEL ONLINE that an open debate is crucial. "Civil society and private sector should play a role in this," he said. "If this doesn't happen, it will just be another country where the blessing of petroleum has been turned into a curse."
Why so fast?
Oil is central to Iraq's reconstruction and economic recovery, and the U.S. government is urging Iraq to develop the sector quickly. The recent Iraq Study Group report recommended the US help Iraq "prepare a draft oil law" to hasten investment. The report estimates Iraq could raise oil production from 2 million to 3 or 3.5 million barrels per day over the next three to five years.
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Critics say the US is leaning on the IMF and World Bank to push Iraq into signing oil contracts fast, so western firms can secure the oil before Chinese, Indian and Russian firms do. An IMF official told SPIEGEL ONLINE that "passage of a hydrocarbon law is not a condition for financial support from the IMF." Nevertheless, Iraqi authorities found it necessary to promise the IMF a draft petroleum law by the end of this year -- this in the same letter that says "we will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that the program remains on track."
The IMF sets the conditions for Iraq's debt relief from the so-called Paris Club countries. Eighty percent of that debt has been wiped clean, and the final 20 percent depends on certain economic reforms. With the final reduction, Iraq's debt would come to 33 percent of its GDP -- but if the reforms are not made, debt would climb to 57 percent of GDP, according to an IMF report.
Criticisms have also been levelled against the World Bank, where former US deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz is in charge. Wolfowitz has been accused of pushing a US agenda after opening a World Bank office in Baghdad.
Most agree that Iraq should develop its oil -- the question is how and how fast. Apart from the law's content, Eigen stresses the drafting process must be transparent for any law to succeed: "Everything that is done behind closed doors will probably have to be renegotiated later."
The reasons above are the reasons why most people hate you people that support Bush and his cronies. You sold out and for that you should pay! You are a terrorist and need to be eliminated also!
You bastards need to just fuck off and accept George Bush as your personal lord and saviour. Once you accept this, take to his philosophies and leadership, the USA will be a much better place!
Building a Safer World One Christian At A Time! That is the motto of Lord Bush!
Here is documented evidence that Bush is indeed our Lord:
So all you anonymous cowards that do not like our military build up, that is too bad. Our Lord says it is the right thing to do, and I will follow him. I will sacrifice my children to Lord Bush, they are now his when they come of age to fight in Iraq. I do not mind. It eases my heart to know that Bush cares enough to even offer his own children up for slaughtering in Iraq. That is truly touching in my eyes. The blood of lambs for my Lord. Amen!
Father Mike says it best when he writes:
Bush Bicycle Spill
Would you have been prepared for his resurrection?
On May 22, 2004, our Lord and Savior suffered possible life threatening injuries when a mysterious force caused him to fall from his mountain bike.
If the evil doers had succeeded this time in removing the messiah from this world of the living, would you have been ready for his resurrection? During those three days you should not fear the despair and darkness. Dick and Lynne Cheney would pick up the fallen sword and continue the fight against those that threaten our faith and beliefs. During these, what could be our darkest hours, would you be ready to follow behind them? Could you be counted on to preach the word to your Democratic neighbors and save their souls before those heathens give in to the dark side?
The Christian army of the chosen one would face many trials over those seventy-two hours. Non-believers, pro-choice forces and legions of evil-doers believing George Bush was dead would rise up with their own perverted agendas. The Cheneys, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and the other apostles are prepared to fight for the word, but they cannot do it alone.
Would we be able to count on you as the world was thrown into chaos? These are the questions you as a good Christian need to ask yourself each and every day. Granted, this time our savior only suffered minor abrasions and scratches, but what about the next time?
We need your help. Even the smallest cash donation makes a difference to making a better world for when the day comes that George Bush does rise from the dead and leads us all to the Promised Land. Make your payment with Paypal® It's fast, free and secure.
I have seen the light and I am saved!!!!!
Thout has saved me from the reigns of the Demolefty beast and lifted me up into the arms of thy saviour. Strike down thy libbys and they shalt wander thy earth for a thousand years.
Thout has given me hope once again!!!
You all have gone mad.
I have found George W. Bush to be not only my god and savior, but a person that gives great blowjobs.
After six years in office, and the man is still having problems with spitting out what he means. Or, perhaps, he does not know how to get rid of jism jaw.
Sure Jay! Checking the flight schedules now, you are on buddy boy!
More proof that the USA cares nothing about peace or freedom! So wake the fuck up! Same games they have play throughtout this century.
Iran Gets Army Gear in Pentagon Sale
WASHINGTON (Jan. 16) - The U.S. military has sold forbidden equipment at least a half-dozen times to middlemen for countries -- including Iran and China -- who exploited security flaws in the Defense Department's surplus auctions. The sales include fighter jet parts and missile components.
In one case, federal investigators said, the contraband made it to Iran, a country President Bush branded part of an "axis of evil."
In that instance, a Pakistani arms broker convicted of exporting U.S. missile parts to Iran resumed business after his release from prison. He purchased Chinook helicopter engine parts for Iran from a U.S. company that had bought them in a Pentagon surplus sale. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, speaking on condition of anonymity, say those parts made it to Iran.
The surplus sales can operate like a supermarket for arms dealers.
"Right Item, Right Time, Right Place, Right Price, Every Time. Best Value Solutions for America's Warfighters," the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service says on its Web site, calling itself "the place to obtain original U.S. Government surplus property."
Federal investigators are increasingly anxious that Iran is within easy reach of a top priority on its shopping list: parts for the precious fleet of F-14 "Tomcat" fighter jets the United States let Iran buy in the 1970s when it was an ally.
In one case, convicted middlemen for Iran bought Tomcat parts from the Defense Department's surplus division. Customs agents confiscated them and returned them to the Pentagon, which sold them again -- customs evidence tags still attached -- to another buyer, a suspected broker for Iran.
That incident appalled even an expert on weaknesses in Pentagon surplus security controls.
"That would be evidence of a significant breakdown, in my view, in controls and processes," said Greg Kutz, the Government Accountability Office's head of special investigations. "It shouldn't happen the first time, let alone the second time."
A Defense Department official, Fred Baillie, said his agency followed procedures.
"The fact that those individuals chose to violate the law and the fact that the customs people caught them really indicates that the process is working," said Baillie, the Defense Logistics Agency's executive director of distribution. "Customs is supposed to check all exports to make sure that all the appropriate certifications and licenses had been granted."
The Pentagon recently retired its Tomcats and is shipping tens of thousands of spare parts to its surplus office -- the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service -- where they could be sold in public auctions. Iran is the only other country flying F-14s.
"It stands to reason Iran will be even more aggressive in seeking F-14 parts," said Stephen Bogni, head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's arms export investigations. Iran can only produce about 15 percent of the parts itself, he said.
Sensitive military surplus items are supposed to be demilitarized or "de-milled" -- rendered useless for military purposes -- or, if auctioned, sold only to buyers who promise to obey U.S. arms embargoes, export controls and other laws.
The GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, found it alarmingly easy to acquire sensitive surplus. Last year, its agents bought $1.1 million worth -- including rocket launchers, body armor and surveillance antennas -- by driving onto a base and posing as defense contractors.
"They helped us load our van," Kutz said. Investigators used a fake identity to access a surplus Web site operated by a Pentagon contractor and bought still more, including a dozen microcircuits used on F-14 fighters.
The undercover buyers received phone calls from the Defense Department asking why they had no Social Security number or credit history, but they deflected the questions by presenting a phony utility bill and claiming to be an identity theft victim.
The Pentagon's public surplus sales took in $57 million in fiscal 2005. The agency also moves extra supplies around within the government and gives surplus military gear such as weapons, armored personnel carriers and aircraft to state and local law enforcement.
Investigators have found the Pentagon's inventory and sales controls rife with errors. They say the sales are closely watched by friends and foes of the United States.
Among cases in which U.S. military technology made its way from surplus auctions to brokers for Iran, China and others:
-- Items seized in December 2000 at a Bakersfield, Calif., warehouse that belonged to Multicore, described by U.S. prosecutors as a front company for Iran. Among the weaponry it acquired were fighter jet and missile components, including F-14 parts from Pentagon surplus sales, customs agents said. The surplus purchases were returned after two Multicore officers were sentenced to prison for weapons export violations. London-based Multicore is now out of business, but customs continues to investigate whether U.S. companies sold military equipment to it illegally.
In 2005, customs agents came upon the same surplus F-14 parts with the evidence labels still attached while investigating a different company suspected of serving as an Iranian front. They seized the items again. They declined to provide details because the investigation is ongoing.
-- Arif Ali Durrani, a Pakistani, was convicted last year in California in the illegal export of weapons components to the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Belgium in 2004 and 2005 and sentenced to just over 12 years in prison. Customs investigators say the items included Chinook helicopter engine parts for Iran that he bought from a U.S. company that acquired them from a Pentagon surplus sale, and that those parts made it to Iran via Malaysia. Durrani is appealing his conviction.
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An accomplice, former Naval intelligence officer George Budenz, pleaded guilty and was sentenced in July to a year in prison. Durrani's prison term is his second; he was convicted in 1987 of illegally exporting U.S. missile parts to Iran.
-- State Metal Industries, a Camden, N.J., company convicted in June of violating export laws over a shipment of AIM-7 Sparrow missile guidance parts it bought from Pentagon surplus in 2003 and sold to an entity partly owned by the Chinese government. The company pleaded guilty to an export violation, was fined $250,000 and placed on probation for three years. Customs and Border Protection inspectors seized the parts -- nearly 200 pieces of the guidance system for the Sparrow missile system -- while inspecting cargo at a New Jersey port.
"Our mistake was selling it for export," said William Robertson, State Metal's attorney. He said the company knew the material was going to China but didn't know the Chinese government partially owned the buyer.
-- In October, Ronald Wiseman, a longtime Pentagon surplus employee in the Middle East, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months in prison for stealing surplus military Humvees and selling them to a customer in Saudi Arabia from 1999 to 2002. An accomplice, fellow surplus employee Gayden Woodson, will be sentenced this month.
The Humvees were equipped for combat zones and some weren't recovered, Assistant U.S. Attorney Laura Ingersoll said.
-- A California company, All Ports, shipped hundreds of containers of U.S. military technology to China between 1994 and 1999, much of it acquired in Pentagon surplus sales, court documents show. Customs agents discovered the sales in May 1999 when All Ports tried to ship to China components for guided missiles, bombs, the B-1 bomber and underwater mines. The company and its owners were convicted in 2000; an appeals court upheld the conviction in 2002.
Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., called the cases "a huge breakdown, an absolute, huge breakdown."
"The military should not sell or give away any sensitive military equipment. If we no longer need it, it needs to be destroyed -- totally destroyed," said Shays, until this month the chairman of a House panel on national security. "The Department of Defense should not be supplying sensitive military equipment to our adversaries, our enemies, terrorists."
It's no secret to defense experts that valuable technology can be found amid surplus scrap.
On a visit to a Defense Department surplus site about five years ago, defense consultant Randall Sweeney literally stumbled upon some items that clearly shouldn't have been up for sale.
"I was walking through a pile of supposedly de-milled electrical items and found a heat-seeking missile warhead intact," Sweeney said, declining to identify the surplus location for security reasons. "I carried it over and showed them. I said, 'This shouldn't be in here.'"
Sweeney, president of Defense and Aerospace International in West Palm Beach, Fla., sees human error as a big problem. Surplus items are numbered, and an error of a single digit can make sensitive technology improperly available and knowledgeable buyers could easily spot a valuable item, he said. "I'm not the only sophisticated eye in the world," he said.
Baillie said the Pentagon is working to tighten security. Steps include setting up property centers to better identify surplus parts and employing people skilled at spotting sensitive items. If there is uncertainty about whether an item is safe, he said, it is destroyed.
Of the 76,000 parts for the F-14, 60 percent are "general hardware" such as nuts and bolts and can be sold to the public without restriction, Baillie said. About 10,000 are unique to Tomcats and will be destroyed, he said.
An additional 23,000 parts are valuable for military and commercial use and are being studied to see whether it's safe to sell them, Baillie said.
Asked why the Pentagon would sell any F-14 parts, given their value to Iran, Baillie said: "Our first priority truly is national security, and we take that very seriously. However, we have to balance that with our other requirement to be good stewards of the taxpayers' money."
Kutz, the government investigator, said surplus F-14 parts shouldn't be sold. He believes Iran already has Tomcat parts from Pentagon surplus sales: "The key now is, going forward, to shut that down and not let it happen again."
OK Jay, checked the flight schedules. There is a flight from Chicago to Ft. Meyers on January 23. The flight number is 4921. I shall arrive at high noon, lmao. Seriously, it arrives at 12:15. I will be holding a sign that reads:
PMSL Jay you are such a dumbass! This is classic! You neonuts are just too damn funny.
yeah jay hopefully you will get a motel room ready for your chicago lover man.hehehehehehehehe he is going to show you his vagina. perhaps you can help him with his little problem
Wowowowowow Is Jay finally gonna stop screwin his sister and get a real date? WTFG Jay! Those florida folks are so wacky!
I'm positive Jay can take him. All Leftyz are pussies. So unless Jay is permanently paralyzed, it's a no brainer. (but even if he is paralyzed he can still make the lefty cry)
HAHAHAHAHHA I made the wiki site put up a disclaimer ... BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The POWER of ME !!!!!!!
I WON!!!!!!
LordMerciful Got arrested!!!!!
Hey dumbass! Voo lives in Chicago, duh!
It was Voo
About Time ..What took so long for someone to open up.....
Jesus H Christ....your all going fuckin nuts! The rattler has copy- pasted NOVELS now for threads. This comment section is da,mn near a novel...way to fuckin long to read if your like me. Work, have a life, etc. Come in rarely and see this entire page upon page of dribble. If there is anything of importance in this, no one will know. It's too fuckin long to read! Then you want people to go to some other new blog for MORE? This is enough already!
Anonymous said...
Go get some blog etiquette retard!
Anonymous said...
isa stop lying. This comment of your's was an out and out lie: "I was anxious to see how we could stop him from performing this step with our Military, so I scanned the news the next morning to see the WORLD REACTION to this floundering failure."
You did nothing of the sort. You sat your fat ass on Paltalk jammering away like the dumb bitch you are. This entire post (with the exception of your lie) was stolen from another blog. You're a thief AND a liar. Do everyone a favor and just give the link so I won't have to expose you.
4:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh and btw ....
Quote of the Month...
isabellah-1: He's not MY President!!
WaitingForGodot: isa you voted for him. TWICE
4:45 PM
Jay156 said...
I always find it disgusting to listen to single minded libs accuse Conservatives of being blood thirsty. What really amazes me is that adults could be as totally ignorant as Isabellah and yet manage to remember to breathe. Stopping terrorism has nothing to do with being blood thirsty. This has everything to do with making sure our kids, their kids, and their grandkids have a country to be able to criticize freely like you do. Why must you insist on shitting on that? There is a time for diplomacy and then there is a time to stop talking and use force. The conservatives in this country that you think are nothing but evil have families and they love them like there is no tomorrow. How dare you reduce that to something sinister.
4:56 PM
Anonymous said...
You never hear about what warriors we have. The entire coalition is an awesome force that is to be respected. All the gun battles you see on television and the majority of coalition deaths are due to roadside bombs. That's the only effective weapon the enemy has because they can't fight them head on. But you'll never hear that respect out of isabellah. She's part of the problem, not the solution.
7:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I forgot to add one thing reguarding isa's high fiving of Barbra boxer "bitch slapping" Condi Rice.
High Five to the Senator from NC for bitch slapping Nancy Pelosi. Let the record note that Nancy could care less for tuna fishermen.
He shit on her pointy little head
7:38 PM
zombiemaster said...
listen to the neonuts grasping to straws is funny as hell.When will they admit it, the game is over and we will be declaring a major victory very soon. It's going to fun watching the new seanate and congress bitch slap Bush around as he deserves.
9:27 PM
Jay156 said...
You dumb mother fucker....The battle isn't against other Americans! It should be against the likes of Iran, the insurgency in Iraq, Hugo Chavez, The government of Somolia, etc....I hope for the sake of this country that you dumb fucks get over your petty little hissy fit you've had because you couldn't win an election for over a decade and actually do something to protect this country. Ass Clown.
1:27 AM
Paraguayan military base, including one that involves U.S. soldiers providing counterterrorism training to 65 Paraguayan air force officers.
While U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, have denied Washington’s interest in a permanent military base in Paraguay, the location of the exercises raise suspicions. The military base is 200 miles from the Bolivian border and almost as close to the country’s natural gas reserves and fresh water aquifers. It is also close enough to Brazil to be threatening. In late July, the Brazilian army launched military maneuvers along its border with Paraguay, parallel to the arrival of U.S. troops in Paraguay. According to InterPress Service, the United States has conducted 46 military operations in Paraguay since 2002. [10]
In addition to strengthening the militaries of Latin America through aid, training and equipment, the United States continues to stake out a claim on the use of Latin American territory for its own foreign policy objectives. Some of these bases are well-known (and in the case of the U.S. base at Guantanamo, notorious), while others- in Honduras, El Salvador, Ecuador and Caribbean islands- are open secrets.
What follows is a list of what we know about the United States’ “military footprint” in the region (drawn largely from the work of the Center for International Policy).
The term Forward Operating Location is used to describe U.S. arrangements with foreign nations for temporary access of military bases. But in some cases, “temporary” can mean decades, not months.
2:51 PM
Anonymous said...
U.S. Military Aid and Arms Transfers Since September 11
Perhaps no single policy is more at odds with President Bush’s pledge to "end tyranny in our world" than the United States’ role as the world’s leading arms exporting nation. Although arms sales are often justified on the basis of their purported benefits, from securing access to overseas military facilities to rewarding coalition allies in conflicts such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, these alleged benefits often come at a high price. All too often, U.S. arms transfers end up fueling conflict, arming human rights abusers, or falling into the hands of U.S. adversaries. As in the case of recent decisions to provide new F-16 fighter planes to Pakistan, while pledging comparable high-tech military hardware to its rival India, U.S. arms sometimes go to both sides in long brewing conflicts, ratcheting up tensions and giving both sides better firepower with which to threaten each other. Far from serving as a force for security and stability, U.S. weapons sales frequently serve to empower unstable, undemocratic regimes to the detriment of U.S. and global security.
Among the key findings of this report are the following:
In 2003, the last year for which full information is available, the United States transferred weaponry to 18 of the 25 countries involved in active conflicts. From Angola, Chad and Ethiopia, to Colombia, Pakistan and the Philippines, transfers through the two largest U.S. arms sales programs (Foreign Military Sales and Commercial Sales) to these conflict nations totaled nearly $1 billion in 2003, with the vast bulk of the dollar volume going to Israel ($845.6 million).
In 2003, more than half of the top 25 recipients of U.S. arms transfers in the developing world (13 of 25) were defined as undemocratic by the U.S. State Department’s Human Rights Report: in the sense that "citizens do not have the right to change their own government" or that right was seriously abridged. These 13 nations received over $2.7 billion in U.S. arms transfers under the Foreign Military Sales and Commercial Sales programs in 2003, with the top recipients including Saudi Arabia ($1.1 billion), Egypt ($1.0 billion), Kuwait ($153 million), the United Arab Emirates ($110 million) and Uzbekistan ($33 million).
When countries designated by the State Department’s Human Rights Report to have poor human rights records or serious patterns of abuse are factored in, 20 of the top 25 U.S. arms clients in the developing world in 2003-- a full 80%-- were either undemocratic regimes or governments with records of major human rights abuses.
The largest U.S. military aid program, Foreign Military Financing (FMF), increased by 68% between 2001 and 2003, from $3.5 billion to nearly $6 billion. These years coincided with the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and the run-up to the U.S. intervention in Iraq. The biggest increases in dollar terms went to countries that were directly or indirectly engaged as U.S. allies in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, including Jordan ($525 million increase from 2001 to 2003), Afghanistan ($191 million increase), Pakistan ($224 million increase) and Bahrain ($90 million increase). The Philippines, where the United States stepped up joint operations against a local terrorist group with alleged links to al-Qaeda, also received a substantial increase of FMF funding ($47 million) from 2001 to 2003. Military aid totals have leveled off slightly since their FY 2003 peak, coming in at a requested $4.5 billion for 2006. This is still a full $1 billion more than 2001 levels. The number of countries receiving FMF assistance nearly doubled from FY 2001 to FY 2006-- from 48 to 71.
The greatest danger emanating U.S. arms transfers and military aid programs is not in the numbers, but in the potential impacts on the image, credibility and security of the United States. Arming repressive regimes in all corners of the globe while simultaneously proclaiming a campaign for democracy and against tyranny undermines the credibility of the United States in international forums and makes it harder to hold other nations to high standards of conduct on human rights and other key issues. Arming undemocratic governments all too often helps to enhance their power, frequently fueling conflict or enabling human rights abuses in the process. These blows to the reputation of the United States are in turn impediments to winning the "war of ideas" in the Muslim world and beyond, a critical element in drying up financial and political support for terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda. Last but not least, in all too many cases, U.S. arms and military technology can end up in the hands of U.S. adversaries, as happened in the 1980s
of having another major deal for aerial refueling tankers put on hold in a "revolving door" hiring scandal; the question arises as to whether the Pentagon has become so dependent on some of these big firms that they are "too big to discipline."
Halliburton isn't just the company that provides meals and does the laundry in Iraq. It is the worldwide logistics provider for the U.S. Army, operating in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Turkey, and all points of the globe. Boeing isn't just an airframe manufacturer -- it is also a lead contractor on missile defense, and the systems integrator on the Army's Future Combat System (FCS), an information-based, next-generation "battlefield of the future." Calls to debar these companies from future contracts run smack up against the fact that the Pentagon -- and our forces in the field -- have grown dependent on them for critical goods and services. "What we need is a 'policy audit' of the relationship between the Pentagon and private contractors like Boeing and Halliburton," argues William D. Hartung, a Senior Research Fellow at the World Policy Institute and the author of How Much Are You Making on the War, Daddy? -- A Quick and Dirty Guide to War Profiteering in the Bush Administration (Nation Books/Avalon Group, 2004). "A good place to start would be by taking up the call by Taxpayers for Common Sense to create a new Truman Commission with the power to investigate and thwart war profiteering."
3:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Will Iraq's Oil Blessing Become a Curse?
The Iraqi government is considering a new oil law that could give private oil companies greater control over its vast reserves. In light of rampant violence and shaky democratic institutions, many fear the law is being pushed through hastily by special interests behind closed doors.
Oil. The world economy's thick elixir yields politics as murky and combustible as the crude itself. And no wonder. It brings together some awkward bedfellows: It's where multinationals meet villagers, where executives meet environmentalists, where vast wealth meets deep poverty, where East meets West.
Iraq's al Dora refinery blazes after being hit by a mortar last week.
Oil, of course, can be politically explosive at the best of times, let alone the worst. So, when the country with the third largest oil reserves in the world debates the future of its endowment during a time of civil war, people sit up and take notice.
The Iraqi government is working on a new hydrocarbons law that will set the course for the country's oil sector and determine where its vast revenues will flow. The consequences for such a law in such a state are huge. Not only could it determine the future shape of the Iraqi federation -- as regional governments battle with Baghdad's central authority over rights to the riches -- but it could put much of Iraqi oil into the hands of foreign oil companies.
Political differences could still derail the legislative process. The Kurdish and Shia populations want to control their oil-rich territories without Baghdad's help. Meanwhile Sunni Arabs located in the oil-poor center of the country want the federal government to guarantee they're not excluded from the profits.
That hasn't stopped the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), though. The KRG has already signed agreements of its own with oil companies. But Baghdad has declared the contracts invalid, and the new draft law states that Iraq's oil exploration, production and transport would be handled by the central government in Baghdad, according to excerpts of the draft published by Dow Jones Newswires.
Controversial contracts
Nevertheless, the draft law lays the ground work for private oil companies to take large stakes in Iraq's oil. The new law would allow the controversial partnerships known as 'production sharing agreements' (PSA). Oil companies favor PSAs, because they limit the risk of cost overruns while giving greater potential for profit. PSAs tend to be massive legal agreements, designed to replace a weak or missing legal framework -- which is helpful for a country like Iraq that lacks the laws needed to attract investment.
It's also dangerous. It means governments are legally committing themselves to oil deals that they've negotiated from a position of weakness. And, the contracts typically span decades. Companies argue they need long-term legal security to justify huge investments in risky countries; the current draft recommends 15 to 20 years.
Nevertheless, Iraq carries little exploratory risk -- OPEC estimates Iraq sits atop some 115 billion barrels of reserves and only a small fraction of its oil fields are in use. By signing oil deals with Iraq, oil companies could account for those reserves in their books without setting foot in the country -- that alone is enough to boost the company's stock. And, by negotiating deals while Iraq is unstable, companies could lock in a risk premium that may be much lower five or ten years from now.
Without drastic improvements in the security situation, companies are unlikely to begin operations anytime soon. "The legislation is not a golden bullet," one industry source told SPIEGEL ONLINE. Western oil companies are happy to receive Iraqi officials in their European headquarters, but are not keen to return the visit. Firms from China, Russia and India, however, are less intimidated by Iraq's precarious security situation and actively court Baghdad on its home turf.
Russia, after all, knows first hand what's at stake. They negotiated PSAs after the fall of communism, but the terms turned out to be so disadvantageous that they've taken to nationalizing the projects in question. Not unlike Iraq today, Russia then had weak governance and needed the money.
That's why some fear Iraq is setting its course too hastily and in too much secrecy. Greg Muttitt of social and environmental NGO Platform London told SPIEGEL ONLINE: "I was recently at a meeting of Iraqi MPs (members of parliament) and asked them how many of them had seen the law. Out of twenty, only one MP had seen it."
Last week, the Iraqi Labor Union Leadership suggested the same. "The Iraqi people refuse to allow the future of their oil to be decided behind closed doors," their statement reads. "(T)he occupier seeks and wishes to secure themselves energy resources at a time when the Iraqi people are seeking to determine their own future while still under conditions of occupation."
Many worry instability would only get worse if the public feels cheated by the government and multinationals -- the Iraqi constitution says the oil belongs to the Iraqi people. The Labor Union Leadership warned: "We strongly reject the privatization of our oil wealth, as well as production sharing agreements, and there is no room for discussing the matter. This is the demand of the Iraqi street, and the privatization of oil is a red line that may not be crossed."
Peter Eigen, chairman of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, a body that aims to bring improved governance in resource-rich countries, told SPIEGEL ONLINE that an open debate is crucial. "Civil society and private sector should play a role in this," he said. "If this doesn't happen, it will just be another country where the blessing of petroleum has been turned into a curse."
Why so fast?
Oil is central to Iraq's reconstruction and economic recovery, and the U.S. government is urging Iraq to develop the sector quickly. The recent Iraq Study Group report recommended the US help Iraq "prepare a draft oil law" to hasten investment. The report estimates Iraq could raise oil production from 2 million to 3 or 3.5 million barrels per day over the next three to five years.
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Critics say the US is leaning on the IMF and World Bank to push Iraq into signing oil contracts fast, so western firms can secure the oil before Chinese, Indian and Russian firms do. An IMF official told SPIEGEL ONLINE that "passage of a hydrocarbon law is not a condition for financial support from the IMF." Nevertheless, Iraqi authorities found it necessary to promise the IMF a draft petroleum law by the end of this year -- this in the same letter that says "we will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that the program remains on track."
The IMF sets the conditions for Iraq's debt relief from the so-called Paris Club countries. Eighty percent of that debt has been wiped clean, and the final 20 percent depends on certain economic reforms. With the final reduction, Iraq's debt would come to 33 percent of its GDP -- but if the reforms are not made, debt would climb to 57 percent of GDP, according to an IMF report.
Criticisms have also been levelled against the World Bank, where former US deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz is in charge. Wolfowitz has been accused of pushing a US agenda after opening a World Bank office in Baghdad.
Most agree that Iraq should develop its oil -- the question is how and how fast. Apart from the law's content, Eigen stresses the drafting process must be transparent for any law to succeed: "Everything that is done behind closed doors will probably have to be renegotiated later."
3:02 PM
Anonymous said...
The reasons above are the reasons why most people hate you people that support Bush and his cronies. You sold out and for that you should pay! You are a terrorist and need to be eliminated also!
3:03 PM
Anonymous said...
3:14 PM
Anonymous said...
You bastards need to just fuck off and accept George Bush as your personal lord and saviour. Once you accept this, take to his philosophies and leadership, the USA will be a much better place!
Building a Safer World One Christian At A Time! That is the motto of Lord Bush!
Here is documented evidence that Bush is indeed our Lord:
pepp said...
'You never hear about what warriors we have. The entire coalition is an awesome force that is to be respected.'.... well.. so amusing... since this anony blogger feels competent to speak for the ENTIRE coalition, I feel quite comfortable speaking on behalf of small section thereof. I cant speak for the Poles.. ( who can?? ) and I can only speak in general for the Brits, but Anony has the Australian contingent totally arse about. Their job is to most definitely be NOT awesome in any way whatsoever. They are a TOKEN force, and as such are by parliamentary decree to be unawesomely at the back of the pack. Under no circumstances is an Australian soldier to be anywhere within 100klms of any American troops due to their badly trained and badly led outcomes. Because of this decree no AU soldier has so far been KIA. However, 2 did manage to do it to themselves. So the story goes. Boys will be boys. For some years now, the AU contingent has most unawesomely guarded the Japanese engineers ( contractors)while they repair the Baghdad railway system. Any student of history would appreciate this irony, I am sure, even Anony. For , of course, the last time AU soldiers and Japanese railway builders were together it was a whole different story.. the Au building the Burma/Siam ( Thai) railway and the Japanese guarding them. One Au soldier died for every sleeper, and you can tell that things have improved as so far, no Japanese engineer has managed to escape the Hen-like guardianship of the AU contingent and got him/herself offed. As for the Brits, the Guardian and the London Times reported in a 2006 summary in this new year that more Brits had been killed by American troops than the 'enemy ' could even imagine. I am not sure if Awe is the current response/description/label from Anony in this context.... try pissed off.
1:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jay, you stupid bastard, send your kids or grandkids! We are refusing to send our kids to Iraq! You fucking no good mother fucking traitor. Go live in Iraq, that is your new country! You make me sick you scumbag! How dare you support these bastards, you are not American, you are not even a man. You are a pussy. This battle is about America and the bastards trying to ruin it economically and militarily. Wake the fuck up you stupid fuck! You cannot be that fucking stupid! I swear to everything thing in the heavens...I hate you, and I wish so much sadness on your home and family. I hate all of you traitors to America. Just leave, go to Iraq. Get a civilan job in Iraq, just fucking leave. You make me so sick!
3:21 AM
Anonymous said...
3:24 AM
Anonymous said...
One more thing Jay you fucktard...it IS a time for diplomacy. That is what is wrong with you nuts, you think your war games will solve this problem. It won't. Another thing ASSCLOWN. If we wanted to end terrorism, we would not be selling arms at such a rapid speed to South America and other countries that make Bush's pioneers richer. Even Venezuela ya dumb fuck!
WEAPONS SALES TO LATIN AMERICA: Hundreds of Millions and Counting
In addition to aid programs such as FMF and IMET, the United States sells military hardware through arms sales programs such as Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Direct Commercial Sales (DCS). The top 15 recipients of arms sales in Latin America took delivery of more than $3.5 billion in military hardware and weaponry between 2000 and 2003 (the last year for which full data is available).
Brazil topped the list with almost $720 million in arms from the United States. The top five U.S. arms sales recipients Brazil plus Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina-accounted for two thirds of all U.S. weapons sold in the region.
3:38 AM
Anonymous said...
I can't BELIEVE these angry leftyz. "I'm so mad!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!! It's always Marsha Marsha Marsha!!!"
And also notice how the last lefty has Bush dealing arms. It's going to be interesting in a couple of years when Bush leaves office. Will these angry dumbass leftyz say he sold his arms dealing business to the incoming President? Remember you also say he owns the world's oil supply, so will he throw that in the deal too?
ROFLLLLLL You dumbasses
8:07 AM
Anonymous said...
For those seeking proof that isabellah flat out STOLE this post, check the middle of her post where it says: "Audio: Senator Boxer and Secretary Rice (mp3)"
There's no audio link because isabellah forgot to remove that section of text when copy and pasting from the original blog. The dumb bitch can't even STEAL something without fucking up. ROFLLLLLLLLL
There ... Now you've officially been bitch slapped isabellah
11:04 AM
Eff25 said...
Most of what Boxer said was fine. Her attempt at further emotionalizing the issue and trying to eiher instill guilt or score political points was childish. While it may not have been the most common statement in the Congress (the argument is quite old and has little merit so far as answering the more pertinent issues of viability and necessity, with the latter being the formost, when it comes to the matter of war), it's been said for years, and effects me little. It's an argument best suited for the playground.
11:29 AM
Eff25 said...
Oh, and the media is making oo much of this. Booxer was making an emotional argument, but it's not terribly offensive. There are worse things said by both sides. As for Boxer herse4lf. I don't know her. I don't have anything personal against her. But, I must admit, the emotive premise of near to no legitimacy based on personal risk is not intellectually respectable. Her earlier arguments,
Anonymous said...
isa stop lying. This comment of your's was an out and out lie: "I was anxious to see how we could stop him from performing this step with our Military, so I scanned the news the next morning to see the WORLD REACTION to this floundering failure."
You did nothing of the sort. You sat your fat ass on Paltalk jammering away like the dumb bitch you are. This entire post (with the exception of your lie) was stolen from another blog. You're a thief AND a liar. Do everyone a favor and just give the link so I won't have to expose you.
4:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh and btw ....
Quote of the Month...
isabellah-1: He's not MY President!!
WaitingForGodot: isa you voted for him. TWICE
4:45 PM
Jay156 said...
I always find it disgusting to listen to single minded libs accuse Conservatives of being blood thirsty. What really amazes me is that adults could be as totally ignorant as Isabellah and yet manage to remember to breathe. Stopping terrorism has nothing to do with being blood thirsty. This has everything to do with making sure our kids, their kids, and their grandkids have a country to be able to criticize freely like you do. Why must you insist on shitting on that? There is a time for diplomacy and then there is a time to stop talking and use force. The conservatives in this country that you think are nothing but evil have families and they love them like there is no tomorrow. How dare you reduce that to something sinister.
4:56 PM
Anonymous said...
You never hear about what warriors we have. The entire coalition is an awesome force that is to be respected. All the gun battles you see on television and the majority of coalition deaths are due to roadside bombs. That's the only effective weapon the enemy has because they can't fight them head on. But you'll never hear that respect out of isabellah. She's part of the problem, not the solution.
7:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I forgot to add one thing reguarding isa's high fiving of Barbra boxer "bitch slapping" Condi Rice.
High Five to the Senator from NC for bitch slapping Nancy Pelosi. Let the record note that Nancy could care less for tuna fishermen.
He shit on her pointy little head
7:38 PM
zombiemaster said...
listen to the neonuts grasping to straws is funny as hell.When will they admit it, the game is over and we will be declaring a major victory very soon. It's going to fun watching the new seanate and congress bitch slap Bush around as he deserves.
9:27 PM
Jay156 said...
You dumb mother fucker....The battle isn't against other Americans! It should be against the likes of Iran, the insurgency in Iraq, Hugo Chavez, The government of Somolia, etc....I hope for the sake of this country that you dumb fucks get over your petty little hissy fit you've had because you couldn't win an election for over a decade and actually do something to protect this country. Ass Clown.
1:27 AM
pepp said...
'You never hear about what warriors we have. The entire coalition is an awesome force that is to be respected.'.... well.. so amusing... since this anony blogger feels competent to speak for the ENTIRE coalition, I feel quite comfortable speaking on behalf of small section thereof. I cant speak for the Poles.. ( who can?? ) and I can only speak in general for the Brits, but Anony has the Australian contingent totally arse about. Their job is to most definitely be NOT awesome in any way whatsoever. They are a TOKEN force, and as such are by parliamentary decree to be unawesomely at the back of the pack. Under no circumstances is an Australian soldier to be anywhere within 100klms of any American troops due to their badly trained and badly led outcomes. Because of this decree no AU soldier has so far been KIA. However, 2 did manage to do it to themselves. So the story goes. Boys will be boys. For some years now, the AU contingent has most unawesomely guarded the Japanese engineers ( contractors)while they repair the Baghdad railway system. Any student of history would appreciate this irony, I am sure, even Anony. For , of course, the last time AU soldiers and Japanese railway builders were together it was a whole different story.. the Au building the Burma/Siam ( Thai) railway and the Japanese guarding them. One Au soldier died for every sleeper, and you can tell that things have improved as so far, no Japanese engineer has managed to escape the Hen-like guardianship of the AU contingent and got him/herself offed. As for the Brits, the Guardian and the London Times reported in a 2006 summary in this new year that more Brits had been killed by American troops than the 'enemy ' could even imagine. I am not sure if Awe is the current response/description/label from Anony in this context.... try pissed off.
1:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Jay, you stupid bastard, send your kids or grandkids! We are refusing to send our kids to Iraq! You fucking no good mother fucking traitor. Go live in Iraq, that is your new country! You make me sick you scumbag! How dare you support these bastards, you are not American, you are not even a man. You are a pussy. This battle is about America and the bastards trying to ruin it economically and militarily. Wake the fuck up you stupid fuck! You cannot be that fucking stupid! I swear to everything thing in the heavens...I hate you, and I wish so much sadness on your home and family. I hate all of you traitors to America. Just leave, go to Iraq. Get a civilan job in Iraq, just fucking leave. You make me so sick!
3:21 AM
Anonymous said...
3:24 AM
Anonymous said...
One more thing Jay you fucktard...it IS a time for diplomacy. That is what is wrong with you nuts, you think your war games will solve this problem. It won't. Another thing ASSCLOWN. If we wanted to end terrorism, we would not be selling arms at such a rapid speed to South America and other countries that make Bush's pioneers richer. Even Venezuela ya dumb fuck!
WEAPONS SALES TO LATIN AMERICA: Hundreds of Millions and Counting
In addition to aid programs such as FMF and IMET, the United States sells military hardware through arms sales programs such as Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Direct Commercial Sales (DCS). The top 15 recipients of arms sales in Latin America took delivery of more than $3.5 billion in military hardware and weaponry between 2000 and 2003 (the last year for which full data is available).
Brazil topped the list with almost $720 million in arms from the United States. The top five U.S. arms sales recipients Brazil plus Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina-accounted for two thirds of all U.S. weapons sold in the region.
3:38 AM
Anonymous said...
I can't BELIEVE these angry leftyz. "I'm so mad!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!! It's always Marsha Marsha Marsha!!!"
And also notice how the last lefty has Bush dealing arms. It's going to be interesting in a couple of years when Bush leaves office. Will these angry dumbass leftyz say he sold his arms dealing business to the incoming President? Remember you also say he owns the world's oil supply, so will he throw that in the deal too?
ROFLLLLLL You dumbasses
8:07 AM
Anonymous said...
For those seeking proof that isabellah flat out STOLE this post, check the middle of her post where it says: "Audio: Senator Boxer and Secretary Rice (mp3)"
There's no audio link because isabellah forgot to remove that section of text when copy and pasting from the original blog. The dumb bitch can't even STEAL something without fucking up. ROFLLLLLLLLL
There ... Now you've officially been bitch slapped isabellah
11:04 AM
Eff25 said...
Most of what Boxer said was fine. Her attempt at further emotionalizing the issue and trying to eiher instill guilt or score political points was childish. While it may not have been the most common statement in the Congress (the argument is quite old and has little merit so far as answering the more pertinent issues of viability and necessity, with the latter being the formost, when it comes to the matter of war), it's been said for years, and effects me little. It's
Anonymous said...
For those seeking proof that isabellah flat out STOLE this post, check the middle of her post where it says: "Audio: Senator Boxer and Secretary Rice (mp3)"
There's no audio link because isabellah forgot to remove that section of text when copy and pasting from the original blog. The dumb bitch can't even STEAL something without fucking up. ROFLLLLLLLLL
There ... Now you've officially been bitch slapped isabellah
Anonymous said...
For those seeking proof that isabellah flat out STOLE this post, check the middle of her post where it says: "Audio: Senator Boxer and Secretary Rice (mp3)"
There's no audio link because isabellah forgot to remove that section of text when copy and pasting from the original blog. The dumb bitch can't even STEAL something without fucking up. ROFLLLLLLLLL
There ... Now you've officially been bitch slapped isabellah
Anonymous said...
For those seeking proof that isabellah flat out STOLE this post, check the middle of her post where it says: "Audio: Senator Boxer and Secretary Rice (mp3)"
There's no audio link because isabellah forgot to remove that section of text when copy and pasting from the original blog. The dumb bitch can't even STEAL something without fucking up. ROFLLLLLLLLL
There ... Now you've officially been bitch slapped isabellah
Another great example of lab monkeys gone bad. lol. Just too damn easy I tell ya!
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Justice will be severed? Why would you slice a section of justice off?
He's going to the Pally Police ..... RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!! RUN!!!!!
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh Zombie, don't pretend it wasn't you who created the copy cat name!!!
One bit of advice Kenny....
Spell Check.... use it.
6:50 PM
Anonymous said...
You were going to establish yourself as someone with a "voice to cuase change."????? Really? You've already done that, Kenny©. You 'cuase' lots of us to change our underwear every time you post! Don't you know what PMSL means?
7:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Kenny I'm going to be honest here. Every post you've come out with has at least 10 misspelled words. I have no choice now but to assume your nicname itself is yet another misspelled word. I'll try to guess.
7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How do I use this free spell check?:
Visit the Orangoo Free Spell Check page. Copy and past the text you want to check into the text box and click the check spelling link. Any misspelled words are highlighted. Just click on a misspelled word and you get a list of suggested spellings and a box to type your own correction if none of them are what you are looking for.
10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Aw, c'mon, youse guys! Give'm a break here. He spelled severed right. Him just dunno what dat means!
10:06 AM
Eff25 said...
A faker? Sorry to hear that someone has to resort to that to challenge someone else. not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last.
To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever impersonated me. I don't think they would. Should I be so compelling. :p
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
Eff25 said...
eff, what in God's name are YOU on about? Are you on hallucinagens or what?
10:32 AM
What are you, resorting to random attacks? That's sad. At least your insults could make sense.
11:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Kenny you are a clown, no one takes you seriously and the only chnage you cna make is for a nickel. Change your underpants and give your family a break. You are so funny. You are arse gravy and then some.
1:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Zombiemasterbater@ why don't you just get your "friends" to handle it? You have threatened that many times? Oh yeah, I forgot...that's YOUR fantasy, there's no friends. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7:30 PM
Come on over and view the Lab Monkeys. We have quite a collection!!! We are also in need of good writers, since we rip off other writers articles. We need free thinkers who will contribute to the blogisphere. Please do come over and view our lab monkey collection and comment on our stolen articles. The Rattler can't do this, but we sure can!
Muse, I am sorry that we are such a waste of your precious time. We don't mean to stalk you and make inhumane comments about your family. It probably stems from the fact that we had such horrible upbringings. Or perhaps from voting for George Bush twice. It has caused us to act out of sorts and unstable. I wish you the best Muse and hopefully my fellow anonymous posters will be kind and remember their own frailities.
Peace be with you Madam!
anonymouseposter....why are you sucking mucus's ass here? This is slutabellah's post. OR are you trying to get up her arse now too? Well, you surly will fit, it's big enough. She has had 75% of paltalk AND the entire trailer park. 69% of the CB club. But I am sure there is room left for you! bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
btw...I forgot to say...
I know this, cause I am her pimp. For every one, I get to have her twice. I am obsessed with Isa. The more I make people hate her, the more I can have her all to myself. so, anonyoumousposter, dont be suckin up to my women, I will kick yo ass! Muse will be all mine too!
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