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Saturday, April 15, 2006


Mahatma Gandhi once said “fear has its use, but cowardice has none.” Brutelogic (the boy-Brutie) would disagree.

Brutelogic is speechless when asked why he isn’t in Iraq fighting to defend America from an enemy he sermonizes will destroy the United States and enslave the American people in some kind of Islamic abyss. In fact, even when individuals who have served or are serving in the military call the boy-Brutie to task for being grossly negligent in performing his duty to defend the nation in times of danger – particularly in light of the fact that he is a staunch supporter of the war (regardless of how Bush and his propaganda brigade justify it) and believes that climbing American and Iraqi casualties are clearly warranted – he responds by attacking and attempting to demonize the patriotism and the honor of the individuals asking the questions: In other words, boy-Brutie, in Bushite fashion, attempts to deflect attention away from his spinelessness and attack those whose patriotism, honor and integrity are beyond reproach: How Rovesque!

It’s clear to me that the boy-Brutie is convinced he is far too important to sacrifice anything to the same Lords of War he heaps sanctimonious unction upon every day in PT. Boy-Brutie, from one side of his pie-hole pays a most mendacious homage to our brave GIs who have the élan to at least live by their principles, and out of the opposite side of his maw, while giddy with braggadocio, he pontificates about his great success in achieving the American dream and how great a day it is to triumph in the land of opportunity and how he is able to literally wallow in wealth because of George Bush’s grandiose economic and foreign policies. Boy-Brutie is telling us that other people should sacrifice all so that he can enjoy the good life. Boy-Brutie is telling us that other people should die so that he should live large. What the boy-Brutie doesn’t want you to know is how he believes his life is far too valuable to waste on endeavors such as war to save the nation. What the boy-Brutie doesn’t want you to notice is his belief that GIs are like the proverbial uneducated ditch digger deserving of his station in life; someone has to do the dirty work. So long as boy-Brutie stands no chance of getting shrapnel in his precious little gums, all is well. Boy-Brutie's patriotism is conditional; his love of country has its limits.

The boy-Brutie tactlessly disrespects the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of Americans who fight the war he believes is fundamental to the very survival of America – sacrifice he is too unwilling and too fearful to make. Boy-Brutie doesn’t want to talk about how Bush’s war has denied, indeed ended, the American dream for thousands of American GIs and civilians. Brutie wants you to believe he is a great patriotic American because he talks tough – about matters he has no inkling of – subjects like the pluck and prowess of our GIs, military strategy and tactics, and military law. What this bulwark of moral weakness doesn’t want you to notice is that he shamelessly chooses to give/sacrifice zero, zilch, nada, nothing for America. The boy-Brutie thinks marginalizing the lives of millions – that others should forfeit – to his benefit - is what the American dream is all about.

That being said, some questions remain: Why won’t the boy-Brutie enlist in a branch of the military and go defend the nation he claims to love? Why won’t the boy-Brutie back up his tough talk with action like many other Americans have done? We here at the Rattler appeal to boy-Brutie’s sense of obligation to country – a country he tells us in PT every day is under siege and near extinction at the hands of a relentless enemy – go defend your country boy-Brutie! Boy-Brutie knows the US Army is literally begging for troops, he knows Iraq has become the legacy of the President he worships and he admits the country is in peril – why does he sit indolently by watching his army, his president, and his country struggle to fend off such a ferocious enemy?

There is but one character flaw that can explain boy-Brutie’s despicable behavior: Cowardice. Boy-Brutie – you are, indeed, a great coward: How hypocritical and how reprehensible for you to wish death and destruction to so many lives for your personal gain! All that can be said of such brazen cowardice is that if it had a foul odor test, the boy-Brutie would stink to high-heaven.


