
Search Ratttler

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


HopelessRomantic4u was in the room last night, using his maiden name, 1greatamerican1. We got into a little scuffle about the proper role of government in society. Allow me to paraphrase HR's argument:

"You liberals want the government to be involved in every aspect of our lives. I want the government to stay out of our business."

Terri Schiavo and abortion aside, that might be somewhat coherent. But I challenged him, saying that the social safety net helps people to get through life with less hardship. Now, let me tell you the story HR told us, in apparent support of his ideas:

"I had a friend in high school. She got pregnant twice and had two children, and ended up on welfare. Now, she was able to get into an educational program to learn a skill. She got money for child daycare, and got trained as an X-Ray tech, and now she manages a whole medical office. That is how people better themselves."

Um...HR? I hate to break it to you. You're a liberal Dem. When your friend was going to school, she likely got assistance from the government to pay tuition. Dems fund those programs, while Reps cut them. Her kids had childcare, medical coverage from Medicaid, and free lunches at school. Dems fund those programs, while Reps cut them. Do you see a pattern developing here? You claim to be libertarian/conservative, but your friend never would have accomplished what she did without federal programs that a libertarian would never support.

Face it, HR, you're one of us now. We accept you, we accept you, one of us, one of us...


