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Saturday, April 15, 2006


Holy shit, Voo walked in the door and bull-charged up to the mic, knocking lesser chatters aside. I think I saw a guy dive through a plate glass window. Voo reminds me of Barrett from FFVII, a burly black man with a giant Gatling Gun for a hand. He slams his feet down, sets his weight, gets his target in sight, and unloads a ton of hot lead. Lucky for me, Voo decided he didn't want to fight with me on corporal punishment. He's wrong, of course, as most studies show that even mild corporal punishment is associated with bad outcomes. The one I found most troubling was the 8 year longitudinal study that showed that corporal punishment is predictive of adolescent aggression (permissive parenting is not).

Fortunately, Voo decided to go after Conservative Atheist about his NAMBLA obsession. CA, who wouldn't know a reasonable argument if it dressed in a sailor suit so he could molest it, insists that no one should support the right of NAMBLA to have free speech. See, to CA, free speech is debatable. If he likes the speech, like if someone says black people are inferior, CA is all for it. In fact, he's the scumbag who's likely to be saying it. But if it's speech CA doesn't like, he wants to ban it. Hey, CA, go to Canada, where they have hate speech laws. You're a shitty American.

Even worse for CA is how he can square his "Children are off limits" attitude with his hypocritical support for corporal punishment. Which is it, CA? Do we leave the kids alone, or do you want to spank them? And, no, you cannot stick your hand into the diapers, CA. What the fuck is wrong with you?


