
Search Ratttler

Friday, April 28, 2006


Yet again, coops_13 crosses swords with the master, and yet again he is humiliated. This is like blocking a kid with your outstretched hand while tiny fists flail impotently. Seriously, coopsy, if you crave degradation so much, there are places you can go to pay for it by the hour:

Jesus Claus: if you can't ensure that innocent people won't be killed, you can't support the Death penalty
coops_13: Jesus ...
coops_13: it's
coops_13: insure
coops_13: not ensure
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Just_April1974: lol
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: Ensure - To make sure or certain
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: STRIKE TWO!
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: I can ENSURE you fucked up again, loser!
coops_13: poor Jesus ....
Just_April1974: lol
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahaha
coops_13: usued ensure improperly in a sentence
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahaha
coops_13: course ... he only loked up the defs .... not the proper grammatical applications
Jesus Claus: Our precautions ensured our safety.
Jesus Claus: used properly
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahaha
coops_13: we love ya Jesus ...even if ya get their and There mixed up
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: coops, you fucked up again
Jesus Claus: better luck next time
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: Ensure - make certain of; "This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us";
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahahaha
coops_13: Jesus ...give it up
Jesus Claus: damn, that has to hurt
coops_13: you've been had ....lololololol
Just_April1974: lol
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha

How does he manage to step in it so completely every damn time? The guy has been on PalTalk what seems like no more than a few weeks, and yet he immediately and unerringly finds the most moronic thing to say at any given moment. If you could imbue a metal detector with that directional sense, you'd find enough gold coins to buy a fake medical degree from wherever coopsy got his...



Anonymous said...

JC! did you see stephen colbert at the dinner thingy?

just great!

Unknown said...

I did see that. He killed. I love that guy.
