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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


You may have heard in the burblings of the brackish pit of right wing blogs that the Queen of the slimepit, Michelle Malkin, has really crossed the line from partisan wingnut harpy to conscienceless psychotic.

A group of protestors put out a press release for the media, and mistakenly appended their home contact info. Normally, contact information is not publicized, as it is included as a courtesy for ease of, obviously, contact. So, Malkin, with complete disregard for the lives or safety of these young people or their families, publishes their home contact info prominently on her blog. That's right, she made their home information public for any wandering psycho to find. And find it they did. The knuckle-draagging denizens of the wingnut bog bombarded these young people with death threats and disgusting filth. Even after Malkin was told of these threats, she refused to remove the information.

Now, I know that for most people, this kind of behavior is simply unthinkable. The idea of making peoples' home numbers available, so that some crazy person might actually hurt them or their children, it just sickens me. Wingnuts have lost the capacity to empathize with their opponents, and their behavior is quite literally antisocial or sociopathic in nature. Even knowing that her behavior would cause harm, Malkin not only chooses to move ahead, she tries to justify her disgusting actions.

Now, let's see if our resident PT wingnuts also fail this test of basic human decency:

MrArchieBunker: Michelle Malkin
Jesus Claus: that cunt is psychotic
Jesus Claus: Malkin is a piece of shit
Jesus Claus: she posted the phone numbers of opponents
MrArchieBunker: Did you send her hate mail too Claus??
Jesus Claus: and left them up even when they were getting death threats
Jesus Claus: Arch, she's crazy
Jesus Claus: sorry, but that is beyond the pale
Jesus Claus: you do not post contact info from PRs
Jesus Claus: that shit is not done
MrArchieBunker: Sorry Claus, it was public info
Jesus Claus: i am sorry, but if you stick up for her, you're out of your mind
Jesus Claus: it was most definitely NOT public info
Jesus Claus: you're out of your mind, aRch
MrArchieBunker: Sure it was, I found it easliy
Jesus Claus: arch, you are just a piece of garbage
RichardCranial: jc it was part of their press release
Jesus Claus: cpontact info is a normal part of PRs
MrArchieBunker: Be nice now Claus, no need for name calling
Jesus Claus: you do not publish contact info
Jesus Claus: honestly, you make me sick
Jesus Claus: that is really just beyond sick
MrArchieBunker: Why the name calling Claus??
Jesus Claus: the idea of keeping someone's home number posted when you know they've gotten death threats
Jesus Claus: it's just maniacal
Jesus Claus: but typically conservative
Jesus Claus: no sense of shame at all
Jesus Claus: no real morality to speak of
Jesus Claus: if this was your family getting death threats, you wouldn't be laughing
MrArchieBunker: Relax Claus, really
Jesus Claus: if it was your family getting threats, I would be outraged, personally
Jesus Claus: this is just beyond the pale
Jesus Claus: Malkin has lost any credibility
Jesus Claus: and she had virtually none to begin with
RichardCranial: then the student should not of put it on their press release jc
Jesus Claus: what with having her husband write her blog for her
Jesus Claus: ok, RC, try to focus here
RichardCranial: and how do you know that jc?
Jesus Claus: a decent human being does not publish other people's home info
RichardCranial: the student put it on the press release jc
Jesus Claus: and a decent human being certainly doesn't leave the info up after being asked to take it down
MrArchieBunker: Oh grow up Claus
Jesus Claus: and after knowing it has led to death threats
Jesus Claus: Arch, give out your home phone number
Jesus Claus: right now
RichardCranial: now tell me how you know her husband writes her blog?
Jesus Claus: tell us what your home number is
MrArchieBunker: 867-5309
Jesus Claus: exactly
Jesus Claus: because it is and should be off limits
Jesus Claus: but you don't get that
RichardCranial: then why did the student put it on the press release?
MrArchieBunker: You are sooooooo predictable Claus
Jesus Claus: your moral compass is completely messed up
Jesus Claus: this is about personal ethics
Jesus Claus: the fact that you think it is acceptable for her to publicize their info after they got threats tells me everything I need to know about you
Jesus Claus: you have no morals
Jesus Claus: you have screwed up ethics
MrArchieBunker: I dont know that they got death threats
Jesus Claus: it's sickening
Jesus Claus: what?
Jesus Claus: Arch, have you been to LGF, or Lucianne, or RedState?
MrArchieBunker: Pinko's prolly sent in the death threats themselves, I know how their agit prop works
Jesus Claus: right wing commentors are crazy
Jesus Claus: you're disgusting, Arch
Jesus Claus: fucking sick

There you go. MrArchieBunker and RichardCranial. Proving for what must be the thousandth time that they are completely lacking in conscience and simple human decency. I think they are able to rationalize this gross violation of ethical behavior by imagining that the "Angry Left" would do the same. I'm sorry, fellas, but that kind of situational ethics doesn't let you off the hook.

This isn't a joke, people could really be hurt by this. I wouldn't want that on my conscience, but then again, I actually have one.



Anonymous said...

So, what does that show? That you guys are as pathetic as she is? LOL Some things never change!

ononotagain said...

I hear alarm bells ringing about where this blogging phenomenom may take us. Is populism going to overtake democracy or law and order. I only hope nobody sees fit to harm Malkin. Scary story.
