My name is Kenny a.k.a. zombiemaster. I have decided to turn the heat on myself for once and expose the real me for all to see. Why? Because, it never ceases to amaze me how dumb the shadow commenters are. For example, the post about the plans I have for the Rattler in 2007 is all the proof I need to prove that point. Not even 5 mins. later, the first jerkoff opens his big mouth in an act of stupidness. Then 17 more add to the stupidity and all I'm doing here is laughing my ass off. Do you want to know why I am laughing? Allow me the pleasure of explaining it to you all. (I know if I do this, more dumbass comments will come but I don't give a flying fuck because it shows that I can pull their strings anytime I want to!)
The one AP that gets me laughing is the jerk who seems to think he know my personal life. It thinks I'm some psycho when, in truth, I am the most normal guy you could ever meet. It also thinks that my cable was shut off due to me not paying the bill. The truth is we had an outage at the cable company, (got to love Time Warner!) and they fixed it. Unlike the deadbeats I yell at each day of my job, I pay my bills on time and in full each month. Plus, I have nearly $200 a month to spend on my movie collections. Then we have the social issues photographer, who seems to get his kicks on bashing certain people in the SI section of paltalk, I think the reason why he attacks me the most is due to the fact that I fought back. All that jackass needs to do is to say he is sorry for fucking with me and the war is over. Until then, that blog can expect many more attacks from me. The funny thing is that I don't think the writer cares, so in turn neither do I.
It also seems that too many people hate the freedom I have on this blog to do what ever the fuck I want to do. Well, it's too damn bad for you because Jesus won't be pulling the plug on me any time soon, so, just get used to it and either enjoy the posts or go the fuck away. I laugh at this because I love the thought of your complaints falling on deaf ears. I think the people who bitch the most really want to be in my position in the world due to the fact that I am happy with my life. Why shouldn't I be? I've got a loving devoted wife, a house that we are paying for, food, clothes, a few luxuries and we are in control of our lives. My wife and I decided a long time ago not to allow the sorry state of the world affect how we live day to day, because when you break it down, we've still got to get up each day and go to work, pay bills and let the glorified puppets in Washington slug it out.
A lot of people question why I even post on the Rattler. The answer to that, my brain dead friends, is that I use this blog to broadcast to the entire World Wide Web my feelings on matters of the country and the world. The AP's of the world will not shut my big mouth and they only fuel my fire. The same goes for those halfwits at ConservativeThink (there's your "how in the fuck do they claim to be republican and be smart enough to run a blog" moment).
Now, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the other fine writers on the blog for their support and love. You guys rock this house and make this the best site on blogger. I look forward to many more truthful posts and more fun with the hal- dead jackasses out there.
As always, it's been your pleasure.
Search Ratttler
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Zombie you are illiterate. You and your wife should go to work everyday, no slap on the back pal, you are supposed to. You have 200 a month for your movie collection. Wowee.
This quote is hard to understand, " Well, its too damn bad for you because Jesus will be pulling the plug on me any time soon, so, just get used to it and either enjoy the posts or go the fuck away." Do you mean Jesus Claus or The Lord Jesus? Are you sick? When is your plug being pulled? Personally I think you meant your plug would not be pulled anytime soon but you are too fucking stupid to translate your thoughts into comprehensive English. For that alone I now know why you hate people who went to college.
Save some of this month's movie allotment and get a remedial English book. In short you can post whatever you want on the inernet, we all know this, if no one can understand them you are just wasting time and space. None of that is news to me. Your a waste of space poster child. Smile big for the camera you giant bonehead.
LMFAO Anon, Zombiemasterbater@ really IS to illiterate to understand what you are saying.
I am really starting to think this retard is a "minor". Between his name, hobby, spelling, and ideas....he CAN'T be over 13 !!!! Assclause maybe you should start checking ID....
Thank God this quote made it in time for 2006. I am personally nominating this for quote of the year 2006:
"Then we got the social issues photographer who seems to get his kicks on bashing certain people in the SI section of paltalk, I think the reason why he attacks me the most is due to the fact that I fought back. All that jackass needs to do is to say he is sorry for fucking with me and the war is over."
zombie maybe you haven't noticed, but you're LOSING that war ... LMAOOOOOO You don't make demands when you're getting your ass kicked.
Oh and one more thing zombie. Since more and more of your personal life makes it in each post, why not just tell us your wife's name, your address, and phone number.
"The one AP that gets me laughing is the jerk who seems to think he know my personal life. It thinks I'm some psycho when in truth, I am the most normal guy you could ever meet."
Hate to break the news to you, but it isn't just one person who thinks you're psycho. A "normal" guy wouldn't care enough to become so wrapped up in what strangers on the internet think, to write the idiocy you do. What's considered the accepted norm (if you can understand the concept) certainly isn't writing silly crap like this or conducting a one-sided online "war". WE all know why the SIP creates posts about you (and others), and you're too dense to have figured it out, even though enough people have explained it to you. BTW, in case you hadn't noticed, there are at least 2 contributors to that blog. It was the Social Issues Paparazzi that made a laughingstock out of you the last time. Apparently, the 'enemy' has you flanked, and the AP who said you got your ass kicked is 100% correct - in fact, it's been one of the worst online ass kickings we've seen, but it was beautiful. You really need to explain to everyone though why the SIP should apologize for you making a fool of yourself.
Something else you haven't figured out, so I'll help you along, is that it isn't the AP's 'complaining' about your posts. Why would we complain when you're providing us with priceless entertainment? The people who ARE complaining are the people who USED to take the Rattler seriously - your fellow liberals, meathead. You're nothing but an EMBARRASSMENT to the ones intelligent enough to understand what's going on here. JC is USING you for numbers, and therefore, HE is embarrassing them too, and they've become disgusted with The Rattler. Isabellah is also an embarrassment, but JC is way too wrapped up in his own ego and the numbers game to give a rat's ass, therefore, you're allowed to continue because the number of comments strokes his pathetic ego. It's unfortunate for you that you can't see that people actually feel sorry for you and that you make such a jackass of yourself that we can't help pointng it out, which makes us bullies, I suppose. Actually, we are bullies. You're weaker mentally and emotionally, and we should be ashamed of making fun of you, but on the other hand, WE don't claim to be your friend - JC DOES!
"...I use this blog to broadcast to the entire World Wide Web my feelings on matters of the country and the world."
More delusions of grandeur. The only thing you've broadcast lately is your enormous immaturity, self-centeredness, unhappiness despite your protestations otherwise, and lack of education. Your audience, BTW does not include the entire WWW.
As for Conservative Think, whether you're liberal or conservative, it has this blog so outclassed it's ridiculous. Granted, it doesn't post mindless personal ramblings from delusional, immature, self-centered illiterates on a daily basis; and, it doesn't receive the number of comments this blog does, because there isn't anything to poke fun at over there. It's a political blog that, oddly enough, seems to be concerned with... politics and current events - OMG! Its contributors apparently don't have the time to sit online and post drivel endlessly, but when they do, it's usually something actually worth reading.
As for this being the "best site on blogger", you're only kidding yourself. There are some excellent political, as well as non-political sites on blogger, that are brilliantly structured, professional in appearance and well written. This, my hairy-brained friend, ain't one of them. The Rattler is in a league of its own - we just haven't figured out which bush league that is. It appears that JC is trying to compete on multi-levels - political and gossip and failing miserably at both.
Last, your closing note to jay did nothing but underscore a low mentality and severely retarded emotional personality. It's quite plain that this is all personal to you, which means you have no true perspective. Everyone's loving it too, but none more than JC. Thank you, Kenny. (Oh, boy - a grown man who calls himself "Kenny"?) PLEASE CONTINUE TO POST, but do your poor wife a favor - STFU and stop bragging about a whole $200 to blow. To most of us, that's mere pocket change, FFS. Okay, I've finished my coffee - time for a refill.
Damn, "Kenny"! Fucked again! By the way, have you copyrighted Kenny too? I bet you have. Guess we better call you Kenny© now!
Hey zombie where is isabellah? Have you noticed that isabellah tried to rescue vacreep in HIS post? Why isn't she helping YOU? For that matter, why isn't vacreep OR JC helping you? Looks like no one's got your back anymore. I think their hoping you'll just go away and stop making this blog look bad. But then again ... isabellah is doing her fair share of that too.
Kenny ??????????????? ROFLMFAO Now, there's a mommy complex. Not Ken, Kenny....Kenny, come now, wifey has the spagetti'os ready. You can sit in the big chair Kenny and watch Dracula...your fav..Kenny hunny. Let me get you some Ovaltine..KENNY!
If your a real good boy, Kenny....we will raise your allowance to $12.10 an hour! lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Hey asshole, if your going to quote me, at least use the whole quote and don't leave out words.
"Well, it's too damn bad for you because Jesus won't be pulling the plug on me any time soon, so, just get used to it and either enjoy the posts or go the fuck away" is the correct quote.
If your going to misquote me then I suggest you shut the fuck up and go play ragdolls with your sister.
Hey zombiemasterBATER...your a fucking liar....Anon had it right...YOU DID type....
" Well, its too damn bad for you because Jesus will be pulling the plug on me any time soon, so, just get used to it and either enjoy the posts or go the fuck away."
We all read it. We were trying to figure out if ASS-Clause will or will not "pull your fucking plug". Now that your illiterate dumbass has been snagged again, as it is every day. You since corrected it and tried to come back now. TO LATE for you to look like you have any smarts at all, "Kenny". WE ALL know what a dumb fuck you are, you do it daily! Just like creepy, added his link "in color" AFTER his ass got snagged. Your all the same here. Stupid, illiterate, attention whores. Like Michele and Muse...taking their balls and going home until Ass-Clause bows down to them! hahahaha
"As for Conservative Think, whether you're liberal or conservative, it has this blog so outclassed it's ridiculous. Granted, it doesn't post mindless personal ramblings from delusional, immature, self-centered illiterates on a daily basis;"
Uh sorry but anything Atilla says fits this bill.
Zombie you stupid lying motherfucker that was a cut and paste I posted a direct quote word for word. Your a moron. You couldn't type a proper thought because you don't have any. You went back and adjusted your post, I have seen you do it many times before. We make fun of your illteracy and then you go and adjust it and call us liars. You been caught liar, I stand pat, your an illiterate moron.
I read it also. Masterbater we all know what an illiterate fuck you are. You can't slip that by anyone. Maybe you should consider typing your post on word...if you can afford that program..I know you have movies to buy...and RUN THE FUCKING SPELL CHECK...then you can copy- paste it here. Otherwise we all know your an eigth grade graduate and it sticks out like a sore thumb, every time you post a single sentence. Maybe Assclause needs to get an editor.....that's what happen ass-clause when you hang with derelicts...or should I say delinquents?
It is Kenny's lucky day. Bill Gates gave him a gift. Word is free
He can compose word documents without payng for Word like the rest of us. No excuses now Kenny
hahahaha How nice of you anon. See Kenny, people are thinking about you. Helping you out. You can save your 200.00 a month for movies and STILL get Word with some spell check. Thank-you anon...for helping all of us out! (wink)
Wow look at all the "contributors", that don't contribute here anymore...bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh JC take a hint, your losing ground fast here........
ononotagain .........( not lately)
zipperdedoodah...... (nope)
LiberalFury......... (nope)
Ducky............... (nope)
GBLP................ (nope)
IsabellaSays........ (God help is the FIRST problem)
zombiemaster ........( Second problem )
vacreeper2003........( getting close to being the third problem )
Just_April1974.......(not as of late)
Facetious Muse.......(recently left)
''Crikey'the Correspondent..(nope)
Livid ...............(nope)
Vox..................(not any more as of last week)
The Saint............(nope)
Do you see a pattern Ass-claus? See who is left that's posting???? Besides you, do you see the problem??? Not so much Creepy, yet he is the only one left??? Your only two contributors are so stupid, they have ran off your good contributors? They post shite, anons kick their ass, and on and on it goes. Do you think your "readers" have gone by the way side as well as your writers? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh think about it Ass-clause, all for a cyber-fuck huh? Masterbater, I have no clue why, your "relative" maybe??? lollllllllllllllllllllllllll
"Anonymous said...
"As for Conservative Think, whether you're liberal or conservative, it has this blog so outclassed it's ridiculous. Granted, it doesn't post mindless personal ramblings from delusional, immature, self-centered illiterates on a daily basis;"
Uh sorry but anything Atilla says fits this bill."
Aw, Gollumbellah, how cute! Posting anonymously? AGAIN? You're so green with AE (Attila Envy), you look like Kermit, the giant, overstuffed, bigass, hog jowled FROG.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not Gumbella and I can't stand Atilla that lisping, pompous whore. She was never well liked from the beginning. Where the hell have you been?
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