
Search Ratttler

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Well, I've crawled out from under my computer, clutching my Wrench of Justice and smeared with grease, and I have somehow managed to get PalTalk working again. No thanks, I might add, to the PalTalk Help room attendants. I told them exactly what I needed to fix the problem, but they wouldn't hook me up. I swear, if I paid for this stupid program I might have a legitimate reason to be angry. Not that having no good reason to be mad has ever stopped me from complaining before.

I think they upgrade PT specifically and solely to piss me off. So, anyway, it's still a wonderful Fitzmas season. The PT wingnuts are nowhere to be found, and I've been tilting up every rock in the swamp looking. There must be a meeting in some damp, musty basement where the nutters are working out how this is all Clinton's fault.

I just noticed that Malo5 is talking about how much he likes man-sperm in his throat. I'll let you know what develops...


