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Thursday, October 20, 2005


If you want irrelevant information, specious arguments, and an ability to miss the point so immense an ostrich would be impressed, look no further than Mosesknows.

Recently, MK flounced in crowing about a new UN report that says that global violence has decreased markedly since the end of the Cold War. (Not for nothing, but the main reason seems to be UN peacekeeping, and we know what MK thinks of the UN) Anyway, MK seems to think that this is somehow relevant to our invasion of Iraq.

The wingnuts love to decry the liberal fondness for "moral relativism", a wishy washy tendency to justify something in reference to outside issues, instead of rock-ribbed conservative "moral clarity." But what does MK show us? He wants us to think that there's nothing wrong with an invasion and occupation based on lies and deception, which has killed possibly a hundred thousand Iraqis, 2000 of our soldiers, and cost 200 billion dollars, just because there's less war somewhere else? What the fuck does one thing have to do with the other? Not a goddamn thing. The same "morally clear" conservatives tell us that the torture of Iraqis in Abu Ghraib and elsewhere is no big deal, because Saddam was worse. Qua? Is that the best you can do? I've heard it said before, but I'll say it again:

Is being better than Saddam the best standard we can meet? Does not being a ruthless, murderous dictator somehow justify any atrocity? Talk about low moral standards.


This just seen from MK, as walks talks about the traitorous outing of Valerie Plame and impeachment.

"MosesKnows: if government lying was impeachable all politicians would be impeached."

If that isn't moral relativism, I'll eat my hat. And I like this hat.


