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Thursday, October 27, 2005


about Jesusland. Brutie and nelly are getting bent out of shape about abortion rights:

nellyandlynn: you Abortionists...suck..You people that believe in Abortion...YOU BABY KILLERS....suck
Brutelogic: NO ONE, and I mean no one has killed more dumpster babys than the dem platform........ millions.....fact

Now, if you're a frequent reader of the blog, you'll suspect that nelly and Brute are completely off base. Seems like they think that the vaunted values of Jesusland mean that they all live sainted lives. Let's take a look at some data. From the NYT:

On teenage births, the same differences become clear. In New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts, about 5 percent of babies are born to teenage mothers, while in Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas and Wyoming, 10 percent or more of all births are to teenage mothers.

The study also found that the percentage of births to unmarried mothers was highest in the South.

Brutie can't get enough of mewling about how much better things are in Jesusland because of how Christian they are. Let's see how the dats shakes out. From a study in the Journal of Religion and Society (via the LA Times):

He found that the most religious democracies exhibited substantially higher degrees of social dysfunction than societies with larger percentages of atheists and agnostics. Of the nations studied, the U.S. — which has by far the largest percentage of people who take the Bible literally and express absolute belief in God (and the lowest percentage of atheists and agnostics) — also has by far the highest levels of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

This conclusion will come as no surprise to those who have long gnashed their teeth in frustration while listening to right-wing evangelical claims that secular liberals are weak on "values." Paul's study confirms globally what is already evident in the U.S.: When it comes to "values," if you look at facts rather than mere rhetoric, the substantially more secular blue states routinely leave the Bible Belt red states in the dust.

Murder rates? Six of the seven states with the highest 2003 homicide rates were "red" in the 2004 elections (Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina), while the deep blue Northeastern states had murder rates well below the national average. Infant mortality rates? Highest in the South and Southwest; lowest in New England. Divorce rates? Marriages break up far more in red states than in blue. Teen pregnancy rates? The same.

I don't think I need to tell you that abortion has decreased in proportion to the increases in access to birth control and prenatal care. And which part of the country opposes birth control? Oh yeah, it's those sanctimonious Jesuslanders who'd rather a girl get knocked up than have control over her own life. No wonder there are more abortions. After all, how many pious frauds do you think will stand by their principles when it's them or their daughter faced with a choice? Yeah, I thought so.


