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Sunday, October 30, 2005


Will the weaselly behavior of wingnuts ever end?

RichardCranial: George W. Bush is laying a claim to be the President who did the best job creating jobs for blacks. Currently, black unemployment is 9.4%, which is significantly lower than the 10% it averaged in the Clinton years
RichardCranial: The current rate is also much lower than the average black unemployment rate over the past 30 years, which is 12.4%.

So, Dick wants us to think that black unemplotment is better now under Bush than it was under Clinton. Notice, though, that Dick's quote uses the term "average" in order to be intentionally misleading. If we look at trends, a radically different picture emerges. I had a hard time posting this graph and chart, so go now to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics site.

Look at the graph. You can see that African American unemployment started out in 1992 at 13.5%. The graph dips to 7.0% in April of 2000 and stays around 8% before it begins a trek upward in Bush's reign. Can you see the weaselling? An average of black unemployment during the Clinton years would indeed be around 10%. But the downward trend is obvious. The only reason why Bush's average isn't as high is that he hasn't managed to get black unemployment back up to 13% yet. But give him time, he still has 3 years to go.

RichardCranial, you are a weasel, and you are BUSTED!


