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Tuesday, October 25, 2005


There's a dictator in the world who took power in a bloody military coup. His nation is consistently ranked as one of the most egregious violators of human rights on the planet. We know that he both possesses and continues to produce monumentally dangerous weapons of mass destruction. In fact, one of his chief weapons scientists is confirmed to have sold data on producing nuclear weapons to our greatest enemies, such as North Korea and Iran. His government tolerates radical fundamentalists paying for madrassas that teach hatred for Americans and Jews. And finally, his government is believed to be harboring and refusing to apprehend the man who orchestraed the greatest terrorist act in modern history.

It sounds like all of the PalTalk hawks, none of whom are serving in Iraq, would hate a country like the one described above. saltspring (nee Sword of the Amish) just made the putrescent suggestion that anyone who opposes the invasion of Iraq in fact must love and support Saddam Hussein. Allow me to be one in a long line of people who have said to saltspring, Go Fuck Yourself.

saltspring is like most hawks, at heart a fraud, and is unable to see the Catch-22 that completely eviscerates both his pathetic argument and his tenuous claim on moral clarity. If anyone who supports an evil dictator is tainted, then saltspring is, by his own definition, a supporter of evil, for approving of a "necessary" alliance with Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan (the country in the first paragraph). If, on the other hand, saltspring mewls that it's perfectly fine to ally with a terrible man to achieve worthy goals, why then saltspring has completely undercut himself, as such a penchant for RealPolitik is exactly the reason why we should not have invaded Iraq: that it has resulted in a worsening of geopolitical conditions and could never result in improvement for Iraq or the region (now hurtling toward civil war).

Hey salty, how's the view up there on your own petard?


