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Saturday, October 22, 2005


flalady_1 and punknailer_1 (AKA Vic's lamprey) react to the Clenis.

The wingnuts in Mainstream have managed to ooze the discussion around to how "shocked, shocked!" they are that Clinton had consensual sex with a 21 year old intern.

These same moral reprobates have no reaction to the NOW CERTAIN fact that someone in the Bush White House leaked the name of a CIA undercover operative in order to discredit her husband, resulting in the burning of her cover firm Brewster-Jennings, the deaths of untold numbers of agents and contacts, and the serious wounding of our ability to track WMDs, all for the sleazy purpose of covering up their lies and distortions told to the American people to get their invasion of Iraq.

For those playing at home, that's:

Illicit sex: Pearl-clutching and finger wagging.
Treason in a time of war: Averted glances and denials.

flalady_1 and punknailer_1 (standing in for Vic Ferrari) will be the co-recipients of the 1st Annual Rattler GREAT AMERICAN Award for Glorious Achievement in the field of Wingnuttery, (or The Ratty, for short).

The Ratty, pictured here being held by a prior recipient

For their brave and selfless efforts in ignoring serious threats to our nation, excusing and covering up for Republican crimes and corruption, and for attempts to change the subject to issues that no thinking American cares about.


