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Monday, October 31, 2005


This is the stupidity spewed today in Mainstream:

nellyandlynn: We should stick up for our Superior no matter who it is..they Won the Election, they deserve the Respect, just like at your job, If a Person gets Promoted to Supervisor, You Best deal with that

nellyandlynn: What the Problem here is ...We Adults, sit and Show disrespect for our Country..this needs to stop

nellyandlynn: well you know what Claus? what you are doing and saying to others is NOOOOOOOO different than the Whites that Had Slaves back in the day, and Badmouthed the Blacks...You are sad

What the fuck does that last part even mean? Criticizing our leaders is the same as white racism against slaves? What kind of drugs do you have to be taking for that to be meaningful? Would it make more sense if you used a 1/2 inch drillbit to core your head several times? I guarantee you this pair of conjoined twins sharing half a dessicated brain were pointing at the TV during the Clinton impeachment and dribbling out their slurred condemnations: "Bloshhhhhhobbbbs are bbbbbbbaaaad. 'Sssss nah da zzzzzex, 'ssss da bbbbberjjjjjjureeeeee!"

Goddamn, fuckwits, learn a lesson from one of the few good Republican presidents, Teddy Roosevelt: "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president.. is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonous to the American public."

Now that's a real leader. Not like the running dogs in this White House heading for "pound me in the ass" Federal Prison.


