
Search Ratttler

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


You know, sometimes I feel genuinely sorry for Vic. Life has to be tough living in one of the poorest states in the country. Without a high school diploma. When your truck breaks down, your dog runs away and you're left beating your wife. Or is it that his wife ran away and now he's left screwing his dog...

Now, we all know that the Republican Party is collapsing from internal rot. We haven't seen so many investigations and indictments since Reagan was in office. So it's no surprise that a fool like Vic, whose only concern is that his side be winning, is in psychological disarray. He has invested so much of himself in his side being right about everything that, when reality comes crashing down like a flood after a hurricane, his fragile mind begins to peel away like onion layers.

Now he's acting the clown, and as his voice gets louder, and his already squeaky voice strains into the higher registers, he makes no mention of the incipient indictments in the TraitorGate investigation. Nor does he bother to defend either DeLay or Frist on the facts. All he can do is play the fool, puff on his harmonica, and cackle like a loon.

Next time you want to roll with the big kids, stay in the room after you speak, you fucking wuss.


