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Monday, February 20, 2006


Digby over at Hullabaloo is, as usual, dead-bang perfect in discussing Kevin Drum's review of Bruce Bartlett's new book. Bartlett's Imposter is all aout how Bush is a fake conservative. And Digby is absolutely right when he says that, for these people, conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed by leaders.

This despite the fact that, not only do conservatives rarely govern by conservative principles ,(unless one of those principles is ruthless aggression and torrential lying) but in fact most Americans do not endorse conservative ideals in opinion polls. People much prefer environmental protection to coddling business interests, they approve of universal healthcare, and, rather than approving of Bush's irresponsible tax cuts for the wealthy, most people believe that the rich are not paying their fair share (this belief also has the benefit of actually being true).

So, I would love to hear from any conservative how irresponsible tax cuts, explosive government spending, and disastrous foreign conflicts is in any way conservative.


