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Sunday, February 19, 2006


Glenn Greenwald, posting on Crooks & Liars, looks at the massive discrepancies between what Dubya says in speeches and reality. Mainly on issues of war and terrorism, the media largely accepts that when Bush gives a major speech, (which they rush to televise in full) large portions of what he says bear no relationship to actual events or conditions.

That being so, you'd expect some pointed questions, such as, "Mr. President, why do you continue to characterize events in Iraq as moving toward peace and freedom, when the current political situation is empowering Islamic fundamentalists allied with Iran?" "Mr. President, why do you continue to call this conflict a "war", when officials like the AG insist before Congress that we are not, in fact, at war?" etc.

Oh wait, I forgot. The Chimperor does not deign to answer real questions from the press, and the WH press corp courtesans are too concerned about angering Karl Rove and being put in the corner like naughty kindergarteners to do their jobs.



ononotagain said...
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ononotagain said...

great points! Like Cyndy Sheehan said. Mr Bush, define this 'NOBLE CAUSE'
