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Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Just had a fun encounter on the mic with saltspring. Now, I explained to shitspring that the current situation in Iraq is significantly worse than he tries to portray. First, the Kurds in the north, who were largely autonomous under the no-fly zone, have told the press that they have infiltrated the Iraqi army, and fully intend to take over large portions of northern Iraq and probably declare independence. I'm sure the rest of Iraq, not to mention Turkey, will have no problem with that whatsoever. Nope, no problem at all...

Then shitspring wants to convince us that the Iraqi army is growing stronger and more independent day by day. Of course, the reality is that the number of Iraqi army battalions capable of operating on their own has been dropping, not increasing. That doesn't sound like an improvement to me.

I had to laugh when shitspring claimed that by deposing Saddam Hussein we had defeated an ally of Bin Laden and Al Qaida. What? Not only did the secular authoritarian Saddam hate the Islamic fundamentalist Bin Laden, but the feeling was in fact quite mutual. I know people like shitspring are desperately hoping that this ill-advised invasion will lead to a liberal, western-friendly democracy, but all indications are that Shiite fundamentalist wackos like Moqtada Al Sadr are gaining popular support.

Now, what can shitspring say in response to what is well known about Iraq? Well, he cites a recent poll that shows that among Kurds and the Shia, the outlook is optimistic. Now, I ask you, what do the Kurds or Shia have to be depressed about? The Kurds will likely be independent, and the Shia will soon be in charge of the government, owing to their vastly superior numbers, and will be able to exact revenge on their Sunni oppressors as soon as we leave them alone to do so. I'd imagine that the Sunni insurgents aren't quite so sanguine about their future. shitspring tried to convince us that the insurgents were being beaten and would soon give up, but he couldn't offer any support for that. It's sort of like when Dick Cheney said back in May of 2005 that the insurgency was, " the last throes." Sorry, shitspring, I didn't believe him, and I don't believe you.

So, how can shitspring salvage his pitifully wrecked argument? Well, he just changes the subject, that's how. Can he do that? I guess he thinks he can. Instead of trying to defend himself on Iraq, shitspring is forced to whine about Afghanistan. Now, I never said anything about Afghanistan, and in fact, I support what we did there (Hell, I'd have liked it more if our dimbulb president had actually gotten Bin Laden like he promised, instead of improperly changing the focus to Iraq). So now this harlequin shitspring is waxing poetic about how much we've improved the lives of Afghan women, and isn't JC such a bastard because he doesnt' about..sniff...those poor Afghan girls...sniff sniff...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.

That's right, if you can't win on the facts, just accuse your opponent of being in league with the terrorist insurgents. That's all shitspring ultimately has. When we explain to him that Iraq was a mistake based on the president's lies, all he and his ilk can do is smear us. Look, jerkoff, we were right from the beginning, and you were wrong. When we are ultimately forced by logistics and manpower to leave Iraq, the Islamic fundamentalist government that takes over will be more of a threat to the United States than Saddam ever was. Thanks a lot, shitspring.

Ok, back up the Waahmbulance and get this guy out of here. You took a load of birdshot in the face, shitspring, and you lost this round so badly, you'll need a few days in intensive care.


