
Search Ratttler

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I wanted to link, as many other bloggers have, to Glenn Greenwald's saber point to the soft, fleshy mass that is Instapundit's hypocrisy. Basically, Glenn takes him to task for his previous insistence the Dems renounce every fringe leftist, while Ann Coulter, beloved harpy of the right, gets a pass for all of her extremist rhetoric.

And you all know that our favorite son of Social Issues, banjo boy Vic Ferrari, loves this tactic. He comes barrelling in to a room, trying desperately to pidgeonhole every liberal with the latest remarks by a political nonentity like Harry Belafonte or Ward Churchill. And, as for Ann, well, Vic is in just love with her (I forsee a murder-suicide...Vic is caressing his ladylove...runs his fingertips over an Adam's apple...). Any normal, sane person knows that Man Coulter is half-crazy, and yet her monstrous garbage is embraced by millions. It's the most bizarre double standard in modern politics, but we're through with it. Let that racist, psychotic harridan spew her venom. The next time Vic wants an apology for some obscure person's rant, do him like Cheney: Tell him to go fuck himself, then give him a shotgun blast to the face.


UPDATE: Just saw this at Digby's on this topic. Oh hell, just go there and read everything. Why are you even here? Go away! Shoo!

